May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

122 Chapter 122 : Rogue

“Where are they?!!” Aiden yelled in fury.

The knight took a step back out of utter fear, he had never seen the prince this menacing before, Aiden was know as a quiet and composed man but right now he looked like a demon from hell. His black wings were spread wide, his eyes a vivid scarlet red and his nails and fangs in full display.

“Your grace I’m sorry,” the knight stammered, “when I got here the princess was no where in sight, we killed all the humans we found but couldn’t find princess Estel.”

“Where are the handmaidens?!

“They’re outside my prince but they’re still in shock, give them time to-”

Aiden shoved the knight aside and zipped passed him, down the hallway towards the women who were outside. The women all quivered in fear when the prince towered over them.

“Where is she?” Aiden questioned them in the calmest voice he could conjure, but the venom in every word was very evident.

The women held their breath and looked up at him in fear.

“I asked you a question! Where the hell is my wife?!”


The head midwife who was with Estel when the castle was raided slowly walked up to Aiden with her head bowing low. “I’m so sorry my prince, I tried to protect her I really did, but a human hit me from behind and rendered me unconscious.”

Aiden grabbed the woman’s shoulders earning a terrified Yelp from her. “What happened?! What did they do to her?!”

“The last thing I remember is seeing the princess try to fight back,” the handmaiden squealed, “I blacked out shortly after.”

Aiden stumbled backwards and grabbed his hair, his heart was thudding hard against his chest, the ground was spinning, his blood was boiling and he could hear a ringing in his ears. He hated this, he hated not knowing where Estel was, was she safe? Was his baby safe?

His breathing became raged and he could feel his vision becoming blur, was he losing consciousness or was running mad? No, he was very conscious in this moment, so it was most likely that he was on the verge of snapping.

“My prince?..”

“Your grace are you okay?...”

“Your grace?..”

Aiden’s already massive black wings grew in size and when he flapped them, the pressure sent everyone who was standing around him flying. In a split second the prince was up in the air, gliding over the skies of Ervelon and desperately trying to locate Estel.

Kaiser Stefan, Aragon, Dvalin and a few other soldiers who were on their way to the palace saw Aiden fly briskly above them and immediately feared the worst.

“Oh no..” Stefan sighed

“What?!” Aragon asked in a panic, “what’s going on?! Where is my daughter?!”

“I don’t know,” the Kaiser responded as he flared his own massive black wings, “but judging from the look on Aiden’s face, I don’t think there’s any good news awaiting us ahead, we should follow him.”

Stefan turned to the soldiers and ordered them to follow his son, they all flapped their wings and followed Stefan in the direction Aiden was heading. Edron, who was still in his wolf form, instructed his lycan soldiers to follow suit.

Aragon kicked his horse and dashed forward, Dvalin and their soldiers following closely behind.

Aiden’s eyes were frantically searching the thick forest below hoping he would spot the humans who had most likely taken Estel. If they had killed her, he would have already found her body. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of his beautiful Estel dead, he quickly dismissed the thought and continued his frantic search.

As he moved, he saw a large wolf below him matching his speed, that was alpha Edron, but what was he trying to say? The wolf howled and sprint to the right, was he telling Aiden to follow him?

Edron had a strong sense of smell, when he had began trailing the nosferatu prince, he had picked up the smell of humans, he deduced that they must have kidnapped Estel and Aiden was trying to track them down. He rushed towards Aiden and signaled him to follow, luckily the young prince was as sharp as his dad and understood his signal.

As Aiden followed Edron from above, he heard a loud scream and the sound of trees falling not too far from where they were. That voice... “Estel!”

Aiden straightened his wings backwards and glided towards where the sound was coming from, oh thank the gods his Estel was still alive. When he landed, his throat went dry. In front of him was his beautiful wife-to-be with her left hand stretched out towards five humans, two of which had been crushed by a tree that she had uprooted with her magic. The bottom half of her clothes was completely drenched in blood and she was holding a bundle of white bloody sheets in her right hand.

The elven princess closed her open palm and another large tree was uprooted and crushed one of the humans in front of her. Aiden noticed one man sneaking up on Estel from behind with a dagger, he zipped through the air towards him and plunged his long hard as bone nails into his throat, pinning him against a tree.

The sudden noise made Estel turn, her eyes went wide when she saw Aiden pulling his nails from the man’s throat and letting him fall to the ground.

“Addie..” he gasped in relief. Tears filled her eyes as she started walking towards him.

“Kitty, oh thank the gods,” Aiden was about to move when the little bundle in Estel’s arm moved and started crying. Gods! “Is that..?”

“It’s our son Addie,” Estel wrapped her arms around the baby and started running towards the prince who also broke into a ran. He couldn’t wait to hold her and his son in his arms and never let them go.

But mere inches before their hands touched, a dark portal opened in between them and a pair of arms grabbed Estel and pulled her in.

“Nooo!! Estel!!”

“Aiden help!!”

The nosferatu prince dived towards the portal but it closed instantly, leaving him to land on the ground with a loud thud. Aiden quickly got back on his feet and ran back to the spot where the portal had been. The prince began digging the spot desperately, “Estel! Estel!!” But it was hopeless, she was already gone, and so was his son.

Aiden balled up his fists and release a blood chilling scream, he had never felt so hopeless before, why didn’t he stay with her, why did he have to leave her today of all days.”

The nosferatu prince rose to his feet and turned to look at the two remaining humans, his murderous glare burrowing right into their souls. One of the men reached for his sword but before he could even touch it, he saw his hand drop to the ground followed by a steam of his blood. Seconds later another hand joined it, then a leg, then another, and then his head.

The other human who had frozen in place as his friend was being mutilated broke into a run, there was no way he was going to stand up to a monster like that. Suddenly the human hit into a hard surface that sent him falling backwards, he groaned and looked up only to see Aiden glaring down at him, his face and clothes covered in the blood of his comrade.

Seeing the hopeless situation, the man got on his knees and pleaded for his life, “please spare me, I’ll tell you everything you want to know!”

At a speed of light, Aiden grabbed the man by the throat and hoisted him into the air, “who took her?! And where did they go?”

“It’s Kazan the wizard,” the human choked, “when we didn’t find the kings in the town we picked the next best thing.”

Aiden’s grip on the man’s throat tightened, “where is he taking her?!”

“I don’t know..” the man spoke, his vision was blurry and he knew he was about to lose consciousness soon. “If I knew I’d take you there myself but I don’t. Please have mercy.”

“Mercy?” Aiden chuckled menacingly, “you don’t even know the meaning of the word, now i will suck you dry and leave you to the wild animals like the dirt you are.

When Edron arrived at the scene he saw Aiden dropping the human’s body to the ground, the body was pale and white and drained of all blood. The alpha reverted to him human form and walked cautiously towards Aiden who had his back towards him, josei

“Aiden..? Hey buddy are you okay?”

A strong invisible force emitted from Aiden’s body and sent Edron flying into the trees behind. It was in that moment that Stefan, Aragon, Dvalin and the rest of the men arrived. Stefan watched in horror as his son turned around to face them and noticed a small black horn had sprouted from his forehead, one of his wings turned a deep red while the other remained black. His eyes also changed, one maintained it’s blue color while the was as red as blood.

“Gods...” Stefan rasped, “Aiden, no..”

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