May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

129 Chapter 129 : Ripped apart

Melissa peeped out of the bedroom window and could hear the cries of war coming from a distance accompanied by the sounds of clashing swords.

[No.. Gary...]

She looked around the room in a panic trying to find anything that she could use to escape, but what? If she didn’t hand herself over to Elric things would turn ugly and the people she cared about would be hurt. Her blue eyes landed in the bed and she had an idea. Melissa rushed to it and began peeling off the sheets from the bed, she tied the beddings together, secured one end to one leg of the bed and threw the other end out the window.

Melissa looked down the window and drew in a deep breath, it was quiet a long way down but she had no other choice. The princess climbed on the window and began to descend slowly, grabbing on to the sheets for her life.

Suddenly she heard the sound of something ripping, her eyes darted upwards and she saw the sheet parting in two.

“No... no... no!”

The sheet ripped completely and Melissa began falling, luckily she grabbed onto a protruding brick and winced. The impact burned her fingers and she had scrapes and bruises on her arms and legs.

“Damn it..” Melissa curse as she felt her fingers slipping, she knew that if she fell she would be terribly injured, if only she could fly. Wait!

“Come on..” Melissa groaned as she tried to conjure her wings, “come on please..”



Vivian and Maria were walking down the hallway to Melissa’s room to check on how she was doing. When they had left her there earlier, she was a bit uneasy so they figured they should see how she was fairing and assure her that everything was going to be okay.

“Princess!” Maria called out as she unlocked and opened the door to her chambers, “how are we doing up here?... princess?.. princess Melissa!”

The two women’s hearts stopped when they saw the sheets tied up and leading to the open window. The princess wouldn’t, would she?? They ran to the window and frantically pulled the sheets back in only to find that they had been ripped. Both the women’s faces turned white as a dark thought crossed their minds, had the princess fallen?!

They peeked down at the rocks below in dread but couldn’t see any trace of the princess. Suddenly, a figure zipped passed them from below, their eyes circled when they saw Melissa gliding towards the battlefield carried by a pair of scarlet wings.

“She can fly?? Fuck!” Vivian cursed.

“Well don’t just stand there, go and get her before she gets hurt!” Maria chided the dark haired nosferatu.

Vivian conjured her large purple wings and dived out the window in pursuit of her cousin, how did she not know that Melissa had gotten her wings? And scarlet ones at that. Gods she needed to stop her before she got herself hurt.


The battle between Elric and Gareth was intense and bloody. Both men had already lost many soldiers in a very short period of time, and the terrain around them was covered in blood, severed limbs and bloody weapons.

At the center of all the gore, Gareth and Elric were in a heated battle. Gareth formed thin sharp blades of solid air with his magic and hurled them towards the massive silver wolf who was charging at him. Elric was able to agilely dodge most of the blades of air except one that grazed deeply into his arm, he stopped mid stride for a few seconds before ferociously lunging at Gareth, sending both of them tumbling to the ground.

Both the men were bloodied and bruised after having caused each other many injuries, but none was willing to back down. The elven prince was pinned down and using his sword which was lodged between the silver wolf’s massive sharp teeth to stop it from reaching his throat and possibly mauling his head off his shoulders.

“I will never let you have her..” Gareth spoke in strained breaths, “you’ll have to pry her out of my cold dead hands.” Gareth used his leg to kick the wolf away from him.

The elven prince then groggily got to his feet and winced in pain, he covered the bloody patch on his shirt where Elric had clawed at him earlier and took a deep breath. With the other hand he tightened his grip on his sword and moved steadily towards Elric who had transformed back to his human form.

The silver haired prince took deep heavy breaths as he tried to sit upright, Gareth had kicked him right where an arrow had plunged itself into him earlier and the pain was becoming unbearable. His honey brown eyes looked up at the elf who was standing over him, hair tasseled and face bloodied. “Well what are you waiting for?!” Elric roared, “do it! Kill me! Because as long as I live in this world I will not stop pursuing my wife, so you might as well kill me because you will never know peace, EVER-”

Gareth pointed his sword at Elric’s throat and gnashed his teeth in irritation, “shut up,” he spoke in a strained voice before coughing up a bit of blood. “It’s over Elric, I’ll let you live if you you stay the hell away from me and Melissa.”

Elric flashed a fanged smiled before coughing up some blood as well, “over my dead body,” he rasped.

“So be it...” the elven prince swung his blade to the side, “Goodbye Elric.”

Iches before the blade sliced off the silver haired lycan’s head, Gareth heard a familiar voice calling out to him.



Melissa landed between the two men and flared out her wings to separate them. “Stop it Gareth you can’t kill him!” She pleaded. josei

The elven prince felt a bit hurt, why was she protecting this mad man? Did she still have feelings for him?

“If you kill him Gareth we’ll all suffer, have you forgotten about the curse?!”

Oh that’s right, if any one of them died they would all meet the same fate and end up being reborn again. It seemed both Elric and Gareth has been so caught up in their rage that they had completely forgotten that killing each other was not even an option.

“Fuck!” Gareth yelled and tossed his sword to the ground. He felt frustrated, he would have ended this crazy bastard right here and now but because of this damn curse he couldn’t even do that. Suddenly all the pain and exhaustion hit the prince and his vision became blurred.

Melissa saw Gareth’s body sway to the side and rushed to his side, she caught him, lay him down on her lap and covered him with her wings. His purple eyes looked up at her and smile painted his face, “you look like an angel..”

“sssh..” she shushed him, “you’re hurt, save your strength.”

The display of affection between Gareth and his wife made something within Elric snap, he got to his feet and picked up the sword that the elven prince had dropped, and walked towards them. “No.. no no no NO!! You’re mine Melissa, you’re MY wife!” Tears began flowing down his cheeks as he lifted the sword and placed it on his throat. “If I can’t have you, no one can. I’m going to slice my throat and end us all!”

“Elric wait I choose you!” Melissa screamed. The lycan prince looked at her, she was stretching her hand out to him and tears filled her beautiful blue eyes. “I choose you so please don’t do it, don’t kill yourself!”

“Don’t toy with me Lissa! I’m not messing around!”

“I’m not!” Melissa pleaded, “I’ll go with you, I’ll go back to Meria with you so please put down the sword.”

Elric glared at the beautiful woman doubtfully, “prove it, prove to me that you mean what you say. Come to me.”

Melissa looked down at Gareth who had a pleading look on his face, “Mel please, don’t leave me me..” he held her hand tightly, “you promised you would never leave me.”

“I’m so sorry..” she whispered as her tears dropped in his cheeks. She leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead, “I’m doing this for us. I love you, and I always will.”

“Melissa..” Elric called out.

The red head nosferatu helped the eleven prince off her lap and as she stood up he grabbed her hand, “Mel.. I’ll go completely mad without you. I’m begging you, stay with me.”

Melissa’s tears streamed out of her eyes and she dared not look at his face knowing she would break down. She pulled her hand away, stood up and walked with her head down towards Elric.

Vivian who had just reached the battlefield saw the princess walking towards Elric and felt her heart sink, was she giving herself up? No she couldn’t! “Melissa!”

Elric held out his hand and Melissa hesitantly took it. The silver haired lycan grinned possessively as he pulled the woman closer to him, “I missed you.”

Melissa’s heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest, she turned back to look at Gareth who too looked like his soul had completely abandoned his body. She felt like turning back and running to him but Elric’s hold on her tightened and he whispered something that made her think twice about returning to Gareth.

The woman looked into the honey brown eyes that she now hated, “how dare you drag my family into this?”

He smiled lovingly and planted a kiss on her cheek, “we should go, I’m sure they’re all waiting for us back home my beautiful wife.”

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