May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

131 Chapter 131 : Won’t take no for an answer

Elric smiled at the beautiful red haired woman who was sitting across from him in a carriage heading back to Meria. Even though she hadn’t spoken to him at all the entire journey he was more than happy that she was with him once again, and not with Gareth. For now this was good enough for Elric, her love for him would blossom yet again soon enough.

“It’s rather cold today,” the silver haired king spoke, “and you didn’t carry a cloak. Why don’t you sit next to me and I can keep you warm.”

Melissa turned to look at Elric, she couldn’t believe this man even had the audacity to flirt with her after everything he had done. Was he some king of sociopath?!

“Thank you but I’m alright,” she replied and turned back to look out the window.

“It’s been a long journey..” Elric slowly started reaching for her hand. “You must be stressed and sore from sitting so long, why don’t you come and lean on-”

Melissa pulled her hand away and glared at the prince, “I said I’m fine!”

Elric sighed and retracted his bandaged hand. “Well if my dear wife doesn’t wish for me to take care of her, she couldn’t at least help me rub some ointment on the wounds on my back. I’m afraid I can’t reach them.”

Mel lifted her beautiful blue eyes towards the man who had retrieved a bottle of ointment from his satchel and was waving it in front of her. She wanted nothing more than to tell him to go jump off a bridge but she knew he wouldn’t stop with his advances until she conceded. She grabbed the bottle from him and pursed her lips in irritation. “Where are your wounds?”

Elric smiled widely and proceeded to slowly taking off his shirt with much difficulty. He had been badly cut and bruised when he had gone toe to toe with Gareth, that Melissa almost felt sorry for him.

..... josei

Seeing that he was struggling, she moved to his side and helped him to carefully unbutton and peal his shirt off. When it was off, Elric attempted to embrace her but she instinctively pushed Elric away making him hit his back against the hard carriage walls and wincing in pain.

“I’m sorry!” Melissa apologized and helped him sit up.

The lycan prince smiled sheepishly at her, “wow Lissa, what happened to all the love?”

The beautiful redhead let the prince go and glared at him, “how dare you even mention love to me?” Melissa spat, “Elric you lied to me about everything! You even had the nerve to ask someone to pretend to be Gareth, how could you? And you want to sit here and talk to me about love? Ha.. don’t make me laugh.”

Elric sighed, “I know my love for you is a bit selfish..”

“A bit?!”

“Okay it’s VERY selfish,” the silver haired king corrected himself, “but it’s true and it runs deeper than anything. I may have stringed a few lies together to secure my spot in your heart but that was all because I wanted you to be with me and to make you happy.”

“That’s called selfishness Elric,” Melissa responded curtly, “take a vocabulary lesson.”

King Elric relented and leaned back on his seat, he could see that it wasn’t possible to convince Melissa right now that his intentions were pure but he knew in due time she would warm up to him again. He was patient enough to wait.

“could you at least help with my wounds?” He asked with a pitiful look on his face.

Melissa threw her gaze at the man and rolled her eyes.

[you’re insufferable]

She grabbed the ointment and moved back to sit beside him. “If you try anything funny I’ll dig my nails into your wounds.”


Aiden was sitting in his chambers doing what he usually did when he had a bit of time alone, admiring an old picture of Estel. Gods he missed her so much, and not a day passed without him thinking of her beautiful smile and breathtaking features.

The rogue nosferatu prince had passed the point of madness after losing Estel. He had endured every phase of loss imaginable to a point where he regained his sanity all over again. He’d experienced anger, hatred, self pity, self blame, vengeance, regret, acceptance and went back to anger, starting the cycle all over again.

He had lost track of how many days had passed since his beautiful Estel was taken away from him. Was it even days? Months? Years maybe? He had no idea and at this point he frankly didn’t care. All that mattered is that now he knew that his beloved was alive out there somewhere, all he needed was enough power to be able to reach her, all he needed was his sister.

A hundred or so years ago, Aiden could remember spending most of his time floating in a state of lucidity. After drinking the blood of the human who had aided In Estel’s kidnapping, he remembered experiencing an overwhelming amount of power flowing through his veins, so much so that he felt he could wipe out the entire central continent and every human in it, but the elven king Aragon had used a spell on him that put him in an unconscious state and suppressed his magic.

Even though in this state, Aiden was fully aware of everything that happened around him. He remembered how his mother cried by his side every night, and once in a while his father too. He remembered his father in law Aragon, visiting and speaking to him about Estel every single day. After a little while his father in law stopped showing up, it was highly unusual of him so Aiden concluded that he must have passed away and it broke his heart.

He could remember that after a while they left Ervelon for some reason and this put Aiden into a panic. Ervelon was the only place he would be able to find any trace of his Estel so he didn’t want to leave.

As the nosferatu caravan moved, Aiden was in a constant battle against the suppression magic that was used on him, and by some sort of miracle he managed to break the spell. The entourage was in a mess trying to subdue him and it hurt Aiden to have to leave his people behind but he had to find Estel. Because what was a life without his blood half, nothing.

He managed to wade off all the nosferatu who tried to pin him down and escaped, but sadly the nosferatu prince was unable to return to Ervelon, instead he settled in a hidden place until he could figure out a way to find his sister and retrieve his beautiful Estel.

The door of Aiden’s chambers swung open and Theodora walked in in an outfit that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her silk sheer gown clearly showed every curve, every nook and every inch of her body.

“Aiden, I made dinner aren’t you going to join me?”

“Thank you Theodora but I’m not quite hungry right now..”

The woman frowned and folded her arms, Aiden didn’t even look in her direction to notice what she was wearing, and she looked incredibly gorgeous too. She walked seductively to where he was sitting and forced herself onto his lap. “Aiden, I said I made dinner.”

Theodora was a nosferatu woman who Aiden had met when he was aimlessly moving around trying to find a place to settle. She had run away from home and was about to be violated by some thugs when Aiden ripped them limb from limb.

Aiden wasn’t sure it if was the gore that drew her in but she had become obsessed with him ever since. She against his wishes vowed loyalty to him and pledged to abide to his every wishes. She even went as far as feeding on human blood so she could be just like him. Her love and obsession for him run very deep.

Regardless of all this, her blind obedience, her obsession and her constant attempts to get Aiden to bed. The man had never touched her, he tolerated her, mostly out of pity but his heart already belonged to another. But Theodora wasn’t the kind of woman to take no for an answer.

The blue eyed man sighed and looked up at the half naked woman on his lap, “thank you for dinner Theodora, I’d love to eat it.”

The woman smiled happily and wrapped her arms around Aiden, pressing his face into her exposed breasts. “I made your favorite, you’re going to love it I promise.” She excitedly slipped off his lap and pulled him towards the dining area. She sat him down on a chair and opened the multitude of trays that were laid out in front of him.

“Shall I feed you?..”

“I don’t think that will be necessary-”

Before Aiden could finish his sentence the beautiful curvy woman shoved a spoonful of stew into his mouth and smiled tauntingly at him. “You know I won’t take no for an answer Aiden.”

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