May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

145 Chapter 145 : Mother

Gareth sat down next to the fire that Ozias had lit and proceeded to eating his meat and bread. The caravan had been on the road for three days and were expecting to reach Lenora in a day or two, depending on how fast they would ride. Night had fallen and a number of fires had been lit to accommodate everyone who sat in small groups. Winter was closing in quick and the nights had become longer.

“So Ivan I’ve been meaning to ask,” Beric asked the dark haired man who was sitting next to him and lovingly stroking a small framed painting of his wife. “I recall you telling us things weren’t going so good with Elena last you spoke of her, but now you seem almost in love.” Beric poked the fire in front of him with a stick and blushed lightly, “I don’t mean to pry, I mean your business is your own but it’s just a little shocking is all.”

“In love?” Zander spoke with a chuckle, “you honestly think Mr. ‘I’ll bang anything in a skirt’ is capable of falling in love? I bet she just used some new sex move on him that he can’t get enough of.”

Ivan tucked away the picture in his coat and gave Zander a condescending smile, “I know you are aware that my cock is the desire of many women Zander unlike yours, and yes I took pride in sharing it...”

Zander swallowed his meat and frowned at Ivan

“But recently I have felt the need to only share this immaculate appendage of mine whole heartedly with only one woman,” Ivan continued, “I honestly don’t know why. When I think of my dear sweet wife my heart flatters. When she’s happy I’ve found myself happy, and when she’s sad I find myself unable to sleep. And she becomes sad if she knows I’m sleeping with other women.”

Prince Gareth chuckled at Ivan’s attempt to explain what he was feeling. He swallowed his last peice of meat and put the plate down before helping him out, “what Ivan is trying to say is that he has fallen in love with Elena.”

“But what changed your mind?” Beric enquired, this was a strange side of Ivan that none of them had ever thought they would ever see.

“Well honestly all I needed to do was hear her out,” Ivan replied, “she said things that made me see everything in a different light you know.”


“Does that mean your life of sleeping around is over?” Odran asked the man. This was a very shocking transition.

“Oh heavens no,” Ivan responded as he took a bite of his meat, “I’ll just make sure my wife never finds out so she can never be sad, also I will not put my heart into sleeping with other women like I did before, because my heart only belongs to Elena.”

All the men face palmed. Of course Ivan would still be Ivan, the playboy persona was a core part of him that no one could ever change, not even a woman he loved.

“Well I’m happy for you,” Roland commented, “our time in this world is short, what matters is that you find someone who makes that limited time worth while.”

That’s right, finding someone who made living worth while was what gave life meaning. It’s why Gareth had spent countless lifetimes in pursue of Melissa, because in all honesty she was the only thing that made his life worth living, and now that she was going to give him a child, that role only magnified.

Prince Gareth gazed at the flames of the fire, muting out the chattering of his men. Melissa, he missed her so much. And all this talk of love and relationships only made his heart yern for her more. Unconsciously he brought his hand to the faint bite marks on his neck and whispered the words, “I miss you...” josei

Zander glanced at the prince and noticed his sad expression and the mark on his neck. His hand immediately shot to his own mark and immediately understood the prince’s obsession. This mark, ever since Vivian had given it to him he had the strong urge to be by her side every waking second that it was almost maddening. Was it some sort of bond? When Vivian had bitten him during their love making he thought it was just her nosferatu urges or something, and to be honest he was ashamed to admit that he had enjoyed it quite a bit.

Zander poured a cup of ale and handed it over to the pouting prince with a smile, “have some your grace,” he spoke comfortingly, “it will help.”

Gareth gave the blonde elf a thankful nod and reached for the cup, and as he took it he noticed the mark on Zander’s neck as well. The prince chuckled and sipped the ale, “be strong Zander, it’s not going to be easy.”

“Trust me i am well aware of that,” Zander responded with a smirk.

They clicked cups and downed their ale.


The royal carriage halted. One of the gaurds rushed towards it, opened the door, bowed and stepped aside to let the silver haired king pass. Elric then reached his hand out to Melissa who hesitantly took it and walked out of the carriage as well.

There were two lines of gaurds and soldiers stretching from the carriage all the way to the entrance of the palace. “Welcome home my love,” Elric spoke and Melissa felt those uncomfortable chills again.

As they turned to walk towards the palace entrance, the men all saluted in unison and it startled Melissa a bit. King Elric tightened his grip on her hand and with a smile, Melissa heard his voice in her head

*Don’t worry my queen, you will get used to this soon enough*

As they approached the large palace doors, Melissa’s eyes rounded and her heart skipped several beats when she caught sight of the men who were standing there.

“William.. Bahram.. Alexander... Jonathan..”

Elric released Melissa’s hand and she ran towards her brothers. The men embraced their little sister in a group bear hug.

“I missed you so much...” Melissa muttered.

She looked up at the men and was shocked at how much they had changed in such a short time, especially the twins. She had so many questions for them but she fingered they would have to wait.

“Mother and father are inside,” William spoke, “they’ll be so happy to see you again.”

Melissa turned to Elric and he gave her an approving smile. She turned back towards the large doorway and walked into the palace followed by her brothers.

When Melissa laid eyes on Emma and John Morrell she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. She felt like she hadn’t seen them in forever. For a moment Melissa forgot she was a princess or queen and ran to her parents, embracing them in a tight hug.

Emma couldn’t help her tears as well, she had missed her beautiful daughter so much.

“Mother, father, how are you? Are you okay?” Melissa inquired wondering if they had been mistreated in any way while being held hostage here.

“We’re fine sweet heart,” Emma responded as she wiped the tears from her daughter’s face. “We are just glad you’re okay.”

“It’s good to see you again princess,” John Morrell spoke. He wasn’t a man who showed emotion, but it was very evident that in that moment he felt great relief and happiness.

Melissa giggled happily at her parents when suddenly someone who was standing behind them caught her eye. An extremely beautiful woman who looked about thirty, with long wavy red hair that fell down her back all the way to her waistline, and vivid blue eyes, was looking at Melissa intently. The palms of her hands were clasped together and her eyes were misty, yet a quivering smile tugged her beautiful red lips.

Melissa took two steps towards the woman and then halted in her tracks. Her skin erupted in goosebumps as her eyes raked over the woman, Melissa felt like she was looking in a mirror.

“Hello Melissa,” the woman said in a soft cracking voice as streams of tears flowed down her cheeks. Marceline was too overwhelmed with emotion, she couldn’t believe that after all this time she was finally looking at her daughter. Goodness she was so beautiful, so elegant, and just by looking at her Marceline could tell she was very powerful, maybe even more than her.

“Who are you?” Melissa questioned the woman even though in a way she felt she already knew the answer to that.

“Your father will be so happy to know how you’ve grown Melissa,” the woman spoke as she tried desperately to stop her tears from flowing. “I have waited for many years just to get a glimpse of you..” more tears ran down her cheeks and Marceline chided herself for being so emotional. This was not the first impression she wanted to make when she first met her daughter, “I’m sorry,” she apologized, “I can’t seem to control my own feelings.”

Marceline froze when Melissa rushed towards her and hugged her. She had not expected her to do that, in fact she had expected her to hate her for all the things she had been through, and for not being there when she needed her.

“So finally after so long,” Melissa spoke, “I get to meet you..” she looked up at the woman’s misty blue eyes and smiled, “mother.”

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