May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

149 Chapter 149 : I’m still your husband

Gareth and his men where led into the large gold palace that was situated at the heart of the dwarve citadel. They thought they had already seen it all, but upon entering the palace they had their jaws to the floor once again. The palace furniture, floors, walls and even windows were all forged from precious metals and stones.

~Maybe that’s why Julia is so materialistic~ Gareth thought to himself as they walked through the halls of the palace.

The walked into a large room that looked like a library, but instead of the shelves being filled with books and parchments, they were filled with weapons. Axes, daggers, clubs and many other weapons forged from various types of metels were displayed beautifully in the room.

At the center of the large weapon library stood a long black marble table with matching chairs that Dvalin walked to and took a seat.

“Well come on then elf,” the gruff king spoke, “we don’t have all day now do we?!”

The men made their way to the table and sat down. “Thank you for having us and hearing me out king Dvalin,” Gareth spoke.

“My daughter was pulled into this, so it’s not like I have much for a choice now do I,” Dvalin responded as he gestured the women who had come in to serve ale for his guests. The king took his own cup, which was as big as his head, and gulped down its contents in three gulps. He burped, wiped his mouth and looked up at Gareth, “so tell me, what is this plan of yours?”

“As you know Elric has a huge army backing him up, so going against him as I am, with only a few men, would be suicidal,” Gareth explained. “And that’s where you come in, we need the numbers.”

Dvalin chuckled before allowing a maid to pour him another cup of ale. “You do realize Elric’s army is so massive that even if I give you all my men we would still be short?”


“Not if we incorporate the Gavarian army as well,” Gareth responded.

“Gavarian army?” Dvalin was about to gulp his ale but instead settled his cup back down on the table. “You have connections with Gavaria boy? What makes you think they’ll want to help you?”

“I may not look it king Dvalin, but before assuming my title as Gareth the crowned prince of Ervelon,” the dark haired handsome prince explained, “I was known as prince Adam, crowned prince of Gavaria.”

Dvalin grinned from ear to ear. This young elf was much smarter than he had anticipated. Seems he already had this whole thing figured out.

“So what do you say king Dvalin?” Gareth asked the man, “will you help me help you. Both of us stand to benefit here.”

Dvalin gulped down the ale the same way he had downed the first one and smiled at the elven prince. “I like you boy,” the king spoke, “so I will help you.” He then rose his empty cup in the air for a toast, “to our alliance!”

Gareth and his men all rose their cups and toasted to that.


Melissa walked into her chambers and halted near the entrance. This was her and Elric’s marital chambers, she clasped the skirt of her dress as her blue eyes raked over the large room. Every part of the room held cringe worthy memories for her, that bed where Elric had deflowered her, that balcony where they had made love, that corner where he had kissed and that chair where he had pleased her many times. They were all once intimate memories, but now they felt incredibly awkward to her.

Melissa jumped when she heard the door behind her swing open. She turned around and her face stood only mere inches from king Elric’s chest. She attempted to move back but the silver haired man wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

“Where are you running off to beautiful?” His voice rasped in an all too familiar tone that made Melissa shudder.

“I was just- ”

“We need to get you cleaned up in preparation for your coronation queen Melissa,” Elric muttered. He placed his index finger under her chin and tiled her head up so his honey brown eyes could look into her blue orbs. He could smell the hint of fear on her and it hurt him in a way, what did she think he was going to do to her? He would never hurt her or force her to do anything, he adored the very group she walked on.

“Shall I help you prepare for your bath my wife?” He asked the beautiful red head.

“S- sure,” she spoke in a low tone, afraid of what he’d do if she refused.

“Melissa..” josei


“I won’t force myself on you,” Elric spoke calmly and tried to musk the disappointment and hurt in his luscious voice. “From the day we met I told you I wouldn’t touch you unless you asked..” he moved his hands to her back and untied the ribbon that held her dress up, “that hasn’t changed.”

Melissa caught her dress before it fell and revealed her chest, and gasped, “but you’re-”

“I’m only helping you prepare for your bath,” Elric spoke as he gently gripped her arms and lowered them to her sides. The dress fell to the floor leaving the woman in her short sheer white chemise. “I won’t make love to you if you’re not willing to let me. But I’m still your husband. It is my duty to tend to you.”

Traditionally once a maiden was married, it was indeed the husband’s duty to tend to her. In this case, all the things her maids would help her with such as bathing, dressing up and preparing for bed were now her husband’s duties. And it went both ways, the wife was now responsible for her husband’s grooming as well. So basically Elric was supposed to bathe her and vise versa.

But in all honesty king Elric could have let the maids tend to Melissa, the reason he wanted to do it himself was because he was trying to reignite that flame of desire for her that he could feel slowly dying. He needed to want her again, otherwise what would have been the point to all of this.

“Aren’t you going to help me undress?” Elric asked the embarrassed woman tauntingly.

Melissa averted his gaze and gulped. She yelped when he took her hands in his and placed them on his chest, over his buttons.

“Go on wife,” he encouraged her, “we will be late for the event.”

Melissa began to unbutton the man’s shirt cautiously, trying hard not to make contact with his his bare skin. When his shirt was off she looked up at him and he gestured her to remove his pants as well. Melissa felt light headed as she unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to his ankles, she didn’t even dare look at him, everything about this felt incredibly wrong.

Elric grabbed the neckline of the redhead’s chemise with his now sharpened nail and tore it all the way down and let it drop to the floor next to her dress.

“You need to stop ripping my clothes!” Melissa pouted as she covered her naked breasts with her arms.

A chuckle escaped Elric’s lips and without warming he scooped the woman into his arms. “I’ll get you more clothes than you could ever need,” he spoke as he walked towards their bathing area in the adjacent room. “I’m king now, and after tonight you’ll be my queen. I will give you anything your heart desires.”

He moved into the hot waters of the sunken tub and placed Melissa on his lap. “For now lets wash up for the ball, we don’t want to keep everyone waiting.”


Vivian gasped in pleasure as Zander suckled longingly on her right breast while kneading her left gently. She grabbed his shoulder with one hand and with the other raked through his perfectly silky blonde hair.

He relinquished her nipple and moved his hand to her buttocks and groped them. Vivian stifled a moan as his manhood twitched within her. She had never made love to a man before especially not like this. She always thought that during coitus a man should be the one on top to dominate, but Zander had made her sit on him instead.

‘On my word,’ Zander whispered sinfully into her ear, ‘move up and down okay..’

Vivian nodded and chills ran down her spine as the man kneaded her soft bum.

‘Now Viv, move for me..’



“Hey Vivian!”

The dark haired nosferatu woman flattered her eyes opened and groaned. “Zander?...”

“Zander?” Maria asked her friend in a confused tone.

Vivan sat up straight and found Maria staring at her.

“I swear these elves have some kind of love potion they’ve been using on all of you,” Maria complained, “even in your dreams Vivian? Really?”

“Shut up who said I was dreaming about Zander?” Vivian responded curtly.

Maria pointed at her friend’s blouse and immediately Vivian covered her erect nipples and pouted. “This doesn’t prove anything!”

Maria rolled her eyes and leaned back on the chair of their carriage, “anyway we’re almost in Meria,” she explained, “better get yourself together we’re practically in enemy territory.”

“Yes I’m aware of that,” Vivian responded as she covered herself with her cloak, “besides, the faster we get this over with, the faster I can go back to Zander.”

“Love potion!”

“Shut up!”

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