May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

166 Chapter 166 : Return of the prince

The caravan of five hundred elf and dwarve soldiers moved at a steady pace towards Gavaria. They had finally emerged from the enchanted forest and were now moving through the outer shires of the kingdom that were littered with small huts and fields.

“I can’t remember the last I was here,” Aiden commented as he watched the small huts slowly pass by. “It looks so quiet and deserted.”

“I don’t think time has anything to do with the desertion of the outer shires,” Gareth commented as he furrowed his brows. These parts were mostly inhabited by the poorer people of the kingdom, small time farmers who lived simple lives. Their absence here might have had something to to with the new government put in place.

“What do you think happened?” Ivan muttered

“I have a hunch,” Zander replied, “it might have something to do with a silver haired power crazed lycan.”

The caravan moved slowly and cautiously until larger buildings began showing at a distance. Gareth felt a flood of nostalgia hit him. He remembered when he had first set his eyes on Melissa at the knighting ceremony, gods he couldn’t wait to see her again.

As they entered the capital of Gavaria it was evident that a lot had changed. The streets that were once filled with playing children, chatting merchants and people of all ages now seemed oddly organized. Only merchants roamed them and even they seemed tired and lifeless. The others who were moving up and down the Gavarian roads were soldiers, mostly lycans, who eyed the caravan skeptically.

Gareth kept his cool and led the caravan forward towards the royal palace, he needed to meet with his father and hopefully convince him to join in on his plan. As they moved, Gareth spotted some lycans who were speaking to a human merchant, they had their claws out and were baring them a little too close to the man’s throat.

Gareth pulled away from his men and galloped towards the soldiers.


“Your grace wait!” Zander tried to stop the dark haired prince, but he was already dismounting his horse and walking towards the three lycans.

“Let him go,” Gareth commanded. He stood a few feet away from the men, “what kind of lycans bare their claws at a defenseless man?”

“And who the bloody hell are you?” One of the lycans responded venomously while slowly closing the gap between him and Gareth. He cocked his head and noticed Gareth’s pointy ears and chuckled. “Listen elf, security and patrol is for the lycans. You stick to your department okay.”

“I won’t repeat myself a third time,” Gareth spoke firmly, “leave the man alone.”

“You have a little bit of a soft spot for these bloody humans I see,” the lycan rasped. “You want to bare his punishment on his behalf then?”

“Whatever he has done I’m sure doesn’t warrant you spilling his blood,” Gareth responded while inching closer to the lycan.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!” The lycan rose his fist about to hit Gareth in the face when a vine that Gareth had been slowly creeping up the man’s body grabbed his arm and tightened itself around his body.

When the lycan fell face flat to the ground, his two friends left the merchant and started making their way towards Gareth. One of them was about to pull out a weapon when the ground beneath him liquidated and swallowed him, leaving only his head.

The other one charged at Gareth with his claws bared but hit into what felt like a hard wall of air. The solid air pushed him back with force and rammed him against the wall behind and rendered him unconscious.

The human looked up at the eleven prince in surprise, he was an elf, why had he saved a mere human like him.

“Your grace more are coming!” Zander’s voice echoed from behind.

“Go!” Gareth commanded the man who thanked him profusely before running away. The prince turned around and noticed he was already surrounded by about twenty lycan soldiers with weapons in hand.

“You’re coming with us elf!” One of the lycans yelled, “you’re under arrest for crimes against the crown and attacking a soldier!”


King James Burchard was just from having a meeting with his newly appointed council. A while back he had decided that king Elric’s reign was oppressive and unjust, and hence decided to make plans on taking back Gavaria. He wanted his kingdom to be a free and safe town not just for the awakened but for the humans as well. He didn’t want to continue the cycle of hate anymore.

The king was walking down the hall when one of his generals rushed to his side, “your highness!.. your highness!”

King Burchard turned around and eyed the breathless man, “what is it?”

“In the town square..” the man spoke breathlessly.

“Out with it man!”

“Its the prince!” The general spoke while still trying to catch his breath, “prince Adam, he has returned!”


“Come on Clovis, that was a direct order from your king,” Jeffrey pestered his brother. “Now you have to tell us.”

“Are you afraid one of us will steal her from you?” Elric teased his brother. But unknown to him, that comment made Clovis a little upset.

“Well if you won’t tell us that’s fine,” Jeffrey commented while shrugging his shoulders, “speaking of relationships, my love life has been extremely boring over the years, so I was thinking of looking out for potential wives or mistresses. But if I’m being honest, the lycans and nosferatu women are too aggressive for me, and I don’t really like pointy ears so I can’t do elves.”

“Why don’t you find a dwarve then,” Elric innocently suggested.

“Oh my goddess that’s a great idea your majesty, no wonder you’re the king. So wise,” Jeffrey exclaimed sarcastically.

Clovis frowned not liking the direction this conversation was taking.

“Say, that dwarve woman.. what was her name again,” Jeffrey spoke while stroking his chin, “ah yes Julia. Would you mind if I made my move on her?”

“I don’t see why I’d have a problem with that,” Elric responded with a shrug, “but some people may not be too happy with you canoodling with the enemy.”

“I’m willing to take my chances,” Jeffrey responded, “I mean she is a beautiful woman after all, I wouldn’t mind hoisting that little portable petit body of hers off the floor and tossing her into my-”

Clovis lunged at Jeffrey and had him in a chokehold in mere seconds, “stay the fuck away from my Julia!” He growled. His fangs were bared and his nails had grown, even his silver hair was standing on end.

“Your Julia?” Jeffrey commented while trying not to choke.

“Clovis?..” Elric muttered in shock, “are you... are you in love with Julia?!”


The carriage halted outside a large beautiful white cottage that was situated in the lash green countryside. The three princes hopped off the carriage and walked towards the entrance where their father was waiting for them with a smile on his face.

After exchanging greetings they walked into the home where a freshly prepared meal was waiting for them. They sat down on the table eating and catching up.

“I know it’s ridiculous of me to ask but how are you fairing with running the kingdom Natha.. errm Elric,” Bradley scoffed nervously, “sorry, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this name change.”

“It’s alright father,” Elric responded, “it took a bit of time for everyone.”

“You know,” the man continued while cutting his meat, “your mother gave you that name. It’s a shame that you took up your lycan name instead.”

“I understand your sentiment father, but Elric is my actual birth name,” Elric responded.

“Of course,” the king responded. There was a hint of sadness and disappointment in his voice but he didn’t want to force his son into anything. “And the kingdom, how are you managing it?”

Jeffrey glanced at his younger brother and smirked. When Bradley Aldos was king, his reign revolved around being just and fair, all his sons knew that regardless of what had recently transpired with the awakening and all, he would have still advocated equality across all races in his kingdom. So Jeffrey was very interested in seeing how much longer Elric would keep the fact that he had become a tyrant from his father, and all because of a woman.

“It’s going great,” Elric responded and focused on his food.

“I hear your wife is back home,” his father added on, “I’m glad, it gets lonely in that big castle.”

Ah yes his wife, his wife who was in love with another man and was only with him because he threatened suicide. “Yes she is..”

“You should bring her over one of these days,” Bradley suggested, “having a woman’s touch around here, even if it’s for a few days would make a huge difference.”

“I’ll be sure to do that,” Elric responded in a low tone of voice. josei

“Speaking of loneliness ,” Bradley continued, now catching the attention of everyone at the table. His bubbly and happy demeanor suddenly turned grim, “you all know the death of your mother.. no.. the murder of your mother hit me very hard.”

Clovis felt his chest tighten at the mention of the word ‘murder’, he wanted to stand up and correct his father, she wasn’t murdered, it was an accident.

“I finally would like to move on from all this pain,” the man added on. “And there’s only one way to do that.”

“And what way is that father?” Jeffrey questioned while leisurely sipping his wine. It felt good not being the target of unsolicited guilt for once.

“Elric,” Bradley spoke while looking intensely at his youngest son. “That dwarve woman who killed my wife, do you still have her in your custody?”

Elric shot his eyes to Clovis who looked like he was running out of air. “Ummh well yes father but-”

“She needs to face the consequences for her crime,” Bradley Aldos spoke, “only then will I feel that your mother’s soul is at peace.”

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