May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

178 Chapter 178 : I am yours

Clovis’ scent of pine cones was enough to put Julia into a frenzy. The previous night when he had her pinned against the wall just like this, he had asked her to to his, considering the fact that she was completely naked at the time, the words ‘be mine’ sounded off some alarms. So in a panic, Julia had pushed him away and asked to be given some time to think about it. She thought that maybe he would give her a couple of days, but here he was asking her again just a few hours later. Well at least this time she was fully clothed.

“Say yes Julia..” Clovis moved one hand to the woman’s face and gently stroked her cheek. “Let me take care of your every need and desire, let me be the one you wake up to every morning, the one to always pour you a cup of tea and the one to be by your side. Be mine Julia.”

“But why me..?”

Clovis cocked his head to the side looking a little surprised by her question. “Why not you?”

“Theres so many beautiful women out there,” Julia mumbled while making sure to avoid the man’s honey brown eyes, “I’m not all that beautiful, I know im not all that elegent either, and to top it all off im an enemy of the kingdom. Why would you want someone like that?”

Clovis caged the woman between his arms and drew his face nearer to hers, “you’re also kind, you’re brave, and you stand up for the people you love,” Clovis explained, “and you have a peaceful spirit and gentle soul.” Clovis drew closer and tucked his face in the crook of Julia’s neck, “and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I’d be a fool not to want you all to myself.”

The silver haired prince pulled back and caught Julia’s bewildered gaze, “be mine,” he whispered, “it would make me the happiest man alive.”

“I...” Julia fell deeper and deeper into those pools of honey on his face. When she had first met Clovis she was intimidated by him, but as time went by she began seeing him as a friend and genuinely cared for him. Eventually, she found herself glancing at him when he drunk his tea, she began to blush every time he threw her a compliment and she would miss him when he wasn’t around. She had been in denial that she had feelings for Clovis, but now it was hard to resist. She wanted to have him by her side everyday, she wanted to feel safe and loved in his arms, and she wanted to see him happy. And all that could be achieved just by saying yes.

Julia nodded her head and Clovis watched her carefully as she did. He arched his brow and studied her facial expressions carefully.


“Is that a yes?” Clovis asked the green eyed woman, all the while holding her gaze in place.

“Yes,” Julia muttered in a low tone.

“So you agree to being mine?”

The redness on Julia’s face spread all the way to her neck, she had already agreed why was he asking her again. It was embarrassing. “Yes,” Julia murmured.

“Yes to what Julia?” Clovis asked, a sly smile decorated his already handsome face making Julia’s heart jump. “I want to hear you say it.” He leaned loser to her and grinned, “say ‘yes Clovis, I am yours.'”

Julia pouted at the man, he was teasing her wasn’t he? But knowing Clovis, he wouldn’t let this go until she obliged to his embarrassing request. She drew in a quick breath and gazed up at the tall silver haired prince. As her lips parted to speak, Clovis growled lowly and his fangs elongated just a little. “Yes Clovis, I am your-”

Before julia could finish her statement, Clovis locked lips with her in a kiss. Unlike the first time he had kissed her, he was slow and gentle this time, he took his time interchangeably kissing her bottom and top lip and allowed her to follow his rhythm. When he felt her body relax, he parted her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth making her moan slightly.

Julia felt limp as Clovis explored her mouth sensually, and just as she was about to immerse herself in euphoria, Clovis pulled away and their lips parted.

The green eyed woman grabbed his shoulders firmly, but upon realizing what she was doing she quickly let go and pushed him slightly. Good gods what in the world was that? Was she really about to pull him back?

The silver haired prince bit his lower lip and flashed his perfect smile at her. “If you want more,” he growled as he took a whiff of her neck, “I’m just a whistle away.” He nibbled her earlobe lightly before pulling away and standing up staring. “I have a few important meetings I must attend on behalf of the king, I’m afraid I can’t join you for breakfast or lunch today. But I will do my best to be here in time for dinner.”

Julia pouted at his words, and that too mortified her. A month with this man and she already hated having him far away.

“I will have to leave the palace eventually as well and return to my own home in Dale,” Clovis added on before turning to leave.

Julia reached for his sleeve and stopped him, “you’re leaving?” She didn’t want him to go. I mean yes she was aware he was just visiting here and would return to his own home eventually, but she never thought she’d get this attached to him, and now she didn’t want him to go back. josei

Clovis turned to Julia and gently rubbed her shoulders, “I have to, I am the governor after all, my duties have been unattended to for far too long.”

“But...” Julia turned to her side and mouthed the words, “I’ll miss you.”

Clovis had to purse his lips to stifle the big smile that threatened to curve his face, only the gods knew how happy he was to hear her say that. He cleared his throat and looked down at the pouting woman, “well I cannot stay, but however...”

“But what?!” Julia’s sparkled with hope and it melted Clovis’ heart. He couldn’t wait to marry this woman and give her as many children as he possibly could.

“If it’s alright with you of course,” Clovis explained, “you can leave the capital and return to Dale with me. I live on my own and I would love the company.”

“You want me to move in with you?”


Melissa sat quietly on the bed while Carol ran up and down the room to gather all the things Melissa would need for the honeymoon her and king Elric where going on. The red head was not in the least bit excited about the trip, there were so many things that were bound to happen on it that she really didn’t want.

For the past month she had been back at the Merian palace, she had somehow been lucky enough to avoid having sexual relations with her husband, but would the situation be in her favor especially that this was a honeymoon?

Everyone in the palace, and possibly the kingdom, knew that her and king Elric were about to leave for this honeymoon, hence everyone would be expecting Melissa to return pregnant, that was custom. When a man married a maiden, he would have intercourse with her on the wedding night to break her virginity and introduce her to womanhood. And a month after that, they would go for a honeymoon with the purpose of having an uninterrupted sex life so as to conceive a child.

The blue eyed woman placed a hand on her stomach and sighed, she was already with child, and she most definitely didn’t want to have sex with Elric, but what could she do?

“Do you wish to carry your white night gown or your blue one your highness?” Carol asked Melissa. “If I may, I feel the blue one looks lovely on you. And besides, his majesty-”

“Loves it when I wear blue,” Melissa completed Carol’s sentence as she stood up and walked towards the door. “Yes I’m very aware of that.”

“Your highness, where are you going?”

“To the gardens,” Melissa responded as she walked out the door, “I’m feeling a little noxious and I feel some fresh air will do me good.”

“Of course,” Carol responded ans she put down the gown. “Allow me to accompany you.”

“No need Carol it’s only a walk through the garden,” Melissa assured the maid. “You finish up packing, i will return in no time at all.”

Melissa walked out of the room and made her way down the hallway towards the palace gardens. She hopped that she would find her brother, William, waiting for her there. He had mentioned to her that Gareth was on his way to her, had he been serious or was he just toying with her feelings, she had to know. If truly the man she loved was on his way, she needed to be ready to escape this place and meet him, they had a baby on the way and she would be damned if she let their child grow up around Elric.

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