May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

180 Chapter 180 : Cassandra

The only person in the entire palace who seemed to be very excited about the honeymoon was Elric. As the coachman packed their belongings in the carriage, Melissa was looking like she was being hauled off to a prison rather than a romantic getaway with her husband.

Melissa’s mothers didn’t seem very thrilled about the trip either because both of them knew what the purpose of a honeymoon was. Vivian and Maria were also pouting in the background while the Morrell brothers were cursing Elric’s very existence under their breaths. josei

Carol walked to Melissa and handed her a small satchel, “I put some homemade sachets of ginger tea in there for when you feel noxious, and also a bottle of lavender oil for your bath.”

Melissa took the satchel and held on to Carol’s hand, “can’t you come with us?” the redhead was ready for any distraction that would stop her and Elric from being completely alone. Anything at all.

“I had suggested it your highness, but the king insists that he will tend to all your needs himself, it’s actually quite romantic.” Carol gently rubbed Melissa’s hand, “besides it’s only for a few days, you and your husband need to bond.” The maid leaned in and whispered, “it will give you enough time to tell him about the baby.”

Melissa felt like jumping into a pit and burying herself. She understood that Carol ment well and she didn’t blame her for advocating for all of this. Melissa actually felt bad about how the maid would react if she found out the baby she was carrying was not even Elric’s.

Speak of the devil, the silver haired king sauntered towards the redhead and wrapped his arms around her waist. This was his favorite way to hold her these days because for some strange reason, when her belly was pressed against him, he felt unusually happy. Elric placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and smiled eagerly at her, he was really looking forward to spending a bit of alone time with his wife after the rough patch they had experienced.

“Ready to go my queen?” Elric mumbled with a grin that made Melissa tense up.

“I suppose,” she whispered back.


Elric opened the door to the carriage and helped her in, after which he sat close to her. When the coach man closed the carriage door, Melissa felt her heart jump in unison. Why did she feel like she was being dragged of to a prison?

As the carriage pulled away William turned to face his brothers and gave them a nod, the plan they had devised was now ready to be put in motion.


“But of course!” William chuckled in relief, “you’re the lord of Guria how could I have forgotten that?!”

“I see you take no interest in your older brother’s achievements,” Bahram muttered with a pout.

“No time for that now Bahram, can’t you see, you can disrupt that entire honeymoon without getting your hands dirty!” William explained, a little too excitedly.

“I know,” Bahram responded as he took a seat and crossed his arms over his chest, “I’m the one who brought up the idea!”

“But how will you do it when we’re stuck in this palace?” The twins inquired. They too did not want the lycan king being handsy with their little sister, especially now that they knew she was pregnant.

“The key gentleman, is my lovely wife,” Bahram spoke with a smug smile painting his face.

“Your wife? What’s your wife going to do?”

“Don’t underestimate her merely because she’s a woman my dear brothers,” Bahram assured the man around him. “My lovely wife has many tricks up her sleeve.” The blue eyed dark haired man rose to his feet and paced in front of his brothers. “Firstly I will need a piece of parchment, a quil, some ink and a slice of lemon.

“Lemon?” The twins questioned Bahram.

“Also I will need Elric’s little gaurd dog Theo,” Bahram added on. “We are about to send an invisible note.”

Moments later, William rushed into the study gasping for air and trying to catch his breath. “Theo..” he made his way to the tall slim man who was sitting at the table with various books and scrolls laid out in front of him.

When Theo saw William’s restless state, he rose to his feet and eyed the man anxiously. “It’s there a problem?”

William pulled out a small letter that was rolled up, “this letter has to reach Bahram’s wife urgently!” The man responded and shoved the parchment into Theo’s hand.

“Why is it so urgent? Didn’t you all right letters to your wives and loved ones just a few days ago?”

Sure, letters you read through like we are your prisoners, William thought to himself. “Yes we did, but he forgot to add a very important, VERY PRIVATE piece of information in his last one.”

“I see,” Theo responded skeptically, “I will attend to it momentarily.”

William turned to leave the room and mouthed the words, ‘good boy you obedient dog,’ as he exited the study.

When William was well out of site, Theo opened the note and started reading through it, upon reading the first few words he immediately rolled it shut and a pink blush tainted his cheeks. “Good lords the man is absolutely obscene!” He sealed the note with the Merian seal and walked towards the cage of messenger birds. “I suppose it is non of my business what men have going on with their wives.”

Theo tied the note to the bird and hoisted it out the window. The moment the things he had read flashed in his mind again, his face went completely red. “Good gods, maybe I should visit one of the local brothels for the night and blow off a little steam.”


William walked back into he and his brother’s quarters and reported that the note had been sent.

“Excellent,” Bahram responded, “Astrid should receive it within a day, which will give her about twenty four hours or more for her to prepare for Melissa and Elric’s arrival.”

“If I may ask,” William spoke while laying himself down on the lounge chair. “What exactly did you write in that note?” William had seen Theo briefly read through Bahram’s letter and the man looked flushed.

“Let’s just say that if you want people to keep out of your letter,” Bahram responded while pouring himself a glass of wine, “always start them with the pleasures your woman enjoys in the bedroom yet she lacks because you’re a little occupied.”

William rolled his eyes and scoffed, “for someone who doesn’t want anyone getting into Melissa’s pants Bahram, you are a shameless man.”

“It is because of what I do when I get into my wife’s breeches that makes so protective!” Bahram slammed the table with his fist. “God forbid a man has the audacity to defile our sweet little Melissa in such a way!”

“You realize she is married and pregnant don’t you?” William challenged the man. “I mean I most certainly do not like the thought of some man ravishing our little sister, but it’s evident she has seen a phallus or two.”

Bahram covered his ears and groaned, “No! Melissa is pure I will not listen to your obscenities!”

Back to the present

Bahram’s wife circled the beautiful blonde woman who was standing at the center of the room and inspected her thoroughly. Hair.. perfection. Skin.. like a new born baby’s rear. Chest and bottom.. as big as watermelons.

“Is something wrong my lady?” The woman asked as Astrid halted in front of her with knitted eyebrows.

Astrid smiled and nodded approvingly, “not at all, you will do just nicely.” She brought Bahram’s letter to her face and smirked, “we can not afford to let my husband down Cassandra, peace in the continent of Ronia Cresus lies in this very task.”

“To seduce the king?” Cassandra responded nervously.

“Exactly!” Astrid smacked Cassandra’s bottom and flashed the note in front of her. From the obscene gibberish her husband had written in it, she knew that there was a hidden message within, so she lightly heated it over a candle and saw Bahram’s true message.

“My sister in law, Bahram’s treasured little sister is in trouble and we absolutely cannot fail!”

Cassandra had worked for Bahram and his wife for some time now after Astrid had saved her from an abusive brothel owner. She was very grateful to her and helped her in anyway that she could, but sometimes the lady of the house’s tasks were a little odd.

“I’m counting on you beautiful,” Bahram’s wife encouraged Cassandra, “make me proud.”


A few miles away in a white carriage escorted by four guards on horseback, Melissa was trying her best not to make eye contact with the silver haired man sitting in front of her.

“Are you tired?”

Yes she was exhausted. “No your majesty,” Melissa responded.

“Are you cold?”

It was freezing. “No your majesty I’m fine.” She was not going to give Elric an opportunity to snuggle up against her, not this time.

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