May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

182 Chapter 182 : Don’t drink the wine

A butler opened the door to Elric and Melissa’s room and the couple walked in. Melissa halted in her tracks and pursed her lips at the room, gods she was definitely in trouble now.

The entire floor of the room was lined with scented candles and rose petals. The big bed at the center of the room had white and Ted covers and rose petals in the shape of a Herat littering it. As the woman walked further into the room, she noticed a small table that was filled with scented massage oils, a pot of red ginseng tea, and other marital and sexual herbs and aids that brought an uncomfortable blush to her face.

“We ensured that everything was prepared as per your request your majesty,” the man with a monocle spoke.

So Elric had instructed them before hand to do all of this? He really was on a mission wasn’t he? Gods what was Melissa going to do?!

“Would you like your dinner to be served here or in the dining room your majesty?” The man asked Elric who was walking around the room and inspecting it thoroughly.

The silver haired king paused and turned to the innkeeper, “my wife made mention to me that she was tired. So if dinner can be brought to us that would be lovely.”

“Right away your majesty,” the innkeeper responded with a bow before turning to one of the maids and called her over with a snap of his finger. “Tell the chef to prepare his majesty’s meal immediately and bring it up to his room.”

“In the meantime please send up some wine and another pot of tea, preferably chamomile,” the king added on as he stroked his finger in the teapot that had red ginseng tea. “It’s been a long trip and my wife would like to rest.”

“Of course your majesty,” the man turned to the servants and clapped his hands twice, “you heard his majesty, replace the ginseng with chamomile and bring the finest wine in our cellar!”


The maids and butlers scampered out or the room doing as they were told, and after taking the ginseng pot, they all exited the room and left Elric and her alone. josei

When the silver haired king turned to face her, Melissa tensed up yet again, she felt like the way he looked at her had changed ever since he mentioned the honeymoon. He gawked at her like she was plate of roasted pork and he was some starved animal. The man took slow steady strides toward the red head and at the same time, Melissa took steps back.

When Elric was mere inches apart, Melissa tripped and fell back on the big bed bouncy bed. The man jumped by her side and the bounciness of the bed tossed her up and landed her on top of him.

“I thought you wanted to rest my wife?” Elric mumbled with a sly smile embellishing his handsome face.

“I do,” Melissa responded hastily while trying to push herself off the man, but his arms were firmly secured around her waist.

“Then what are you doing on top of me?”

“It’s.. I didnt..” Melissa was panicking as Elric’s face inched closer to her, gods he was going to kiss her again, and if she wasn’t lucky he would do more.

Knock knock!

Oh thank goodness, Melissa thought to herself but immediately shot her eyes to Elric in fear she had heard his thoughts. But to her surprise it didn’t seem like he had anything at all. Actually, she had noticed that ever since she returned to Meria, he had not responded nor reacted to any of her thoughts like he did before. Was he purposely ignoring them? In fact she hadn’t heard any of his thoughts for a while either, how strange.

Elric slipped off Melissa and opened the door. Cassandra was standing at the doorway holding a tray of wine and camomile tea.

“Forgive my intrusion your majesty,” the busty woman uttered in the most charming voice she could muster, “I’m here with your wine and tea.”

Elric was still a bit frustrated with the fact his moment with his wife had been interrupted, but he had asked for the wine ans tea to be brought so he couldn’t complain. He stepped aside and let the woman into the room.

When Cassandra lay eyes on Melissa her heart was immediately filled with pity. The way the red head was holding on to her dress was the same way she had done when a man was about to have his way with her, thank the gods she had arrived in the room when she did.

After setting the tray on the table, Cassandra curtsied At Melissa, “my name is Cassandra your highness. I am the one who had been assigned to tend to all your womanly needs during your stay here. If you need anything, please to not hesitate to call for me.” She winked at Melissa before turning to the silver haired man and curtsied. “Dinner is being prepared your majesty, but the chef was a little confused on whether you wanted your roasted or made into a stew.”

“I gave specific orders that my wife doesn’t like stewed pork,” Elric mumbled with a sigh. “No matter, I’ll go see the chef myself. Keep my wife company until I return.”

“With pleasure your majesty.”

When Elric left the room and closed the door, Cassandra turned towards Melissa and smiled warmly at her, “I can see why your brother cares so much about you your highness, you’re as precious as Franklin tree flower.”

Melissa shifted to the edge of the bed and eyed the maid in front of her, “my brother?”

“The lord of this land, Bahram Morrell.”

Had Bahram sent this woman to help?if he had she was going to give him the biggest hug ever!

“I understand you do not want to be here,” Cassandra spoke while pouring some camomile tea into a cup and then handing it to Melissa. “And I most definitely know that you wish not to lay with your husband tonight, or any night for that matter.” Cassandra then handed the woman a small plate of biscuits. “And I’m here to ensure the king doesn’t get a chance to make you do anything that you wish not to do.”

A pair of heavy footsteps could be heard from outside the door, and before Elric walked in, Cassandra pointed at the jug of wine, “make sure you don’t drink the wine your majesty.”

When Elric waked in Cassandra curtsied ans turned to leave the room, “I will go and prepare to serve you dinner, enjoy your tea your highness.”

Melissa watched the woman walk out and for the first time this entire trip she felt genuinely relaxed. Thank the gods her brothers were protective and overbearing, she really owed all of them a big thank you.

Elric walked to the table and poured two glasses of wine for him and his wife. “A little something to ease our names before dinner?”

Cassandra had mentioned that she wouldn’t take the wine, she didn’t know why exactly but it was best to trust the words of the woman who was trying to help her. Besides, Melissa was pregnant, drinking wine was probably not the best idea.

“Thank you Elric but I’ll skip the wine for today,” Melissa responded, “lately I’ve been experiencing heartburn when I take alcohol, I don’t want to ruin the honeymoon because I’m sick.”

“No need to apologize my beautiful wife,” Elric reassured the woman before downing her cup rapidly and walking to her side with the other glass. He gently caressed her cheek and smiled lovingly at her, “you look very vibrant these days wife, your eyes sparkle more, your skin is softer and every curve is more eventuated. I didn’t think it was possible for a woman like you to grow even more beautiful.”

Melissa could see that Elric was getting intoxicated, but how could that be when he had only had one cup? What on eart had Cassandra put in that wine.

Elric kept stroking Melissa’s cheek and how eyes were getting more and more droopy by the minute. “I must have been more tired than I thought.” He shock his head slightly and took another sip of his wine.

“Should I hold your cup for you?” Melissa suggested when she noticed the man struggling keep his balance.

The king handed to glass to his wife and practically fell back onto the soft bed, “let me rest my eyes for a bit before dinner comes in.”

Melissa nodded and walked to the table where she poured the wine back in the jag. Thank you Cassandra, she muttered to herself in relief when she heard Elric snoring. At least for tonight she wouldn’t have to worry about him shaking the bedsheets with her.

When a knock came at the door and Cassandra walked in with only one plate of food, Melissa was without a doubt that Cassandra was indeed here to save her from Elric’s sexual clutches.

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