May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

205 Chapter 205 : Sister

Melissa clenched her fists and hovered in front of the strange being who was coming towards her, whatever this thing was had to be destroyed, she’d ask questions later. With all the strength she could muster, Melissa released a devastating shriek.

The waved of sound traveled across the sky and hit the being flinging him backwards. The man like creature flew backwards and hit into some of the other creatures behind him. He spread his wings again and glared at Melissa, surprised at her power.

When Gareth heard the shriek from above he immediately knew who had made it. “Mel..” he gasped. He felt confused, if that dark entity was on Elric’s side, why was it fighting Melissa. Unless..

Finwe gazed at his brother and gave him worried look. “Brother.. we may have a problem, we may have a new enemy entirely other than just Elric and his men.”


On the other end of the battlefield Aiden embraced Estel tightly in him arms. “Estel.. gods is that really you?” He pulled back and cupped her face in his palms, staring at her as if waiting for her to disappear, he couldn’t believe it was her, he thought that maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. “It is you.”

Estel was surprised to see tears streaming from Aiden’s eyes while a smile tugged his lips. And he very looked different from what she remembered, his once radiant and bright face seemed stoic and less expressive, and the stress lines on his face tagged her heartstrings, he seemed to have gone through a lot.

“Addie..” Estel whispered in concern, but before she could probe any further, a loud screeching echoed from above grabbing her attention. She grabbed Aiden’s shoulders and gave him a serious look, “Addie, I need your help.” She pointed up at the being in the sky. “That is our son Aiden!”

The red haired prince looked up into the sky in utter confusion, “my son?” No it couldn’t be, how could that thing be his son.


“The human mages who were keeping us hostage wanted Aiden all along,” Estel explained hastily. “They wanted to use his powers to end us all and now they’ve taken over his body. He sacrificed himself to save me Addie!” Estel grabbed Aiden’s shoulders desperately, “please save our son Addie!”


On the Merian side of the terrain, Elric’s blood had drained from his face while looking up at his pregnant wife pulling out a sword and pointing it towards the man like creature.

Why was she putting herself at risk like that? Why was she putting their baby at risk like that?! Eric swore to himself that he was going to behead all his guards who had allowed Melissa to leave the palace in her condition. But there was something else that crossed his mind, If that creature was with Gareth it wouldn’t have been attacking Melissa.

Elric turned to his men, “Focus on that thing attacking my wife!” He commanded.

“But your majesty,” Jeffrey responded, “what about the Gavarian army?”

“Forget the bloody elves! Protect your queen!”

On the other side of the battlefield, Gareth was giving his men the same command. “Protect Melissa at all costs!” He hopped off his horse and cracked his neck as he eyed the brewing battle in the sky.

“But your majesty what about the Merian army?!”

“Forget that bloody bastard and focus all arms on the mother of my child!” Gareth roared as he used his hand to form large sharp blades of light that he pointed towards the humanoid creature.


Julia ran through the hallway to the room where Vivian and Maria were and banged on their door. “Vivian! Vivian please open up!”

Not too long ago Julia had overheard some palace guards who were panickingly discussing how the queen had flown to battle with an army of nosferatu lead by some strange man. Julia had to tell Vivian and Maria about it since she couldn’t find Melissa’s mother Marceline.


The door flew open and Vivian walked out with an annoyed look on her face. “You better have a good reason for banging on my door dwarve.”

“It’s Melissa...”

The mention of Melissa and the worried look on Julia’s face made Vivian open the door fully. “What about her? What happened?!”

“She’s flown to battle with an army of nosferatu and a strange man!”

Vivian frowned in confusion, “a strange man? What does this strange man look like?”

“I don’t know I never saw him, I just heard it from the gaurds. But in her condition she shouldn’t be out in battle, you have to go after her!”

Vivian cursed and turned to call to Maria who was leisurely sleeping on the bed. “Hey! Get up! The Princess needs our help!”


Melissa and her mother flew around the human like creature and with their wings and swords cut into his flesh leaving deep leathal wounds. The creature roared in pain but the wounds healed just us fast as they were sustained.

Down below, Kaiser Stefan helped the two armies who had now banded together to fight a common enemy. The other humanoid creatures of all shapes and sizes, some with wings, some woth claws and some with sharp teeth, they were in a heated battle with the soldiers below.

Blood and limbs littered the ground as the armies fought tirelessly. This had began as a battle between two kingdoms, but had now somehow turned into a battle between two kingdoms, and a some creatures that looked like they came from hell.

Elric had turned into his wolf and was mauling his way through the creatures. He had asked the nosferatu members of his royal guard to fight by his wife’s side since he couldn’t fly. He even took the liberty of threatening to cut their heads off with his teeth if they let anything happen to her.

Gareth was also having his own bloody share of battle, using the elements at his disposal to slice, cut and decapitate all his foes, also making sure to keep as many of them as he could from Melissa who was fighting above.

Aiden on the other hand, carried Estel to a place far from the battle and settled her down by some rocks, “stay here.”

Before he could leave, Estel grabbed his arm and shook her head, “Damien is my son too, I need to help him.”

Aiden gently grabbed Estel’s shoulders, she was a bit startled when she noticed how red his eyes had turned and the small horns that had sprouted from his handsome forehead. “Estel I lost you and my son once, I’ll be damned if I lose you again.” He placed a kiss on her forehead and took a step back to spread his bicolored wings. “Please don’t put yourself in harms way, I beg you.”

Estel covered her eyes as Aiden flapped his powerful wings and sored into the sky towards Damien. That power, that look, that was not how Aiden was before, what had happened to her Addie?

Marceline raised her arm in the air and some of the shadows in the area flowed at her will and wrapped themselves around Damien and strapping him in place.

“Melissa!” She called to her daughter, “Now! Finish him off!”

Melissa twirled her fingers and created a sharp sword like entity made of shadows. She pointed the sword at Damien and aimed it at the creature’s heart. She took a deep breath before flicking her fingers and sending it hurling forward.

Just before the sword could pierce through Damien’s heart, Aiden flew in and shuttered it with his own blade. “Stop!” josei

Melissa looked at the man in shock, “you idiot!”

The binds that were holding Damien broke, the possessed hybrid turned around and hit Marceline in the gut sending her flying to the ground. Luckily, the Kaiser had seen the whole thing happen and had rushed to catch his wife just in time.

“Don’t kill him please!” Aiden yelled.

“And why the bloody hell not!” Melissa yelled as she conjured another shadow sword and pointed it towards Aiden. “Move so I can finish this before that thing causes even more death and distraction!”

“That thing is my son!” Aiden yelled in desparation, “please sister, don’t do this!”

Sister? Melissa was frozen with shock. When she had first reunited with her mother, she had told her that she had a brother and something had happened to him... what was his name again?

“Aiden?” Her eyes then flew the man who was supposedly Aiden’s son. He was flying towards Aiden with his claws bared. “Watch out!”

Melissa dove towards her brother and rammed him out of the way but consequently getting herself clawed on her side. She grabbed her wound and gnashed her teeth in pain.

Gareth saw Melissa holding her side, and the minute he saw some blood trickling from the wound, his constitution crumbled. “Mel!!” His eyes and entire body glowed purple and his Aztec tattoo spread from his forehead all the way down to his neck, arms and legs. “Stay away from her!!”

Melissa felt a little lightheaded, with the bleeding wound on her leg and now the one on her side, it was hard to keep conscious.

Gareth leapt onto the air and grabbed Melissa in his arms just as she was about to fall and landed a few feet away. His entire being burning in fury.

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