May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

227 Chapter 227 : Zhelimir

His ears perked up when the pitter patter of little feet echoed inside the library followed by little chuckles of glee. Gareth put down his quil, folded up his parchment and turned to where the sounds were coming from. When he got up from the chair, more giggles filled the room that tugged the elven king’s lips into a smile.

“Oh I wonder where Eira could be?” Gareth spoke out loud as he approached the curtains where small bare feet where sticking out. “Goodness, my daughter has become so good at playing hide and seek now hasn’t she?”

Eira giggled again from her hiding spot and Gareth’s smile turned into chuckles as he moved closer to the curtains. “Gotcha!” He reached to grab his daughter but to his surprise all he held was curtains. Feeling confused, Gareth checked behind the curtains a second time, he could have sworn his little girl was hiding there just a moment ago.


Gareth turned to the little girl who had materialized behind him and latched onto his leg. “There you are..” he picked her up and spun her around before holding her in his arms. “You really are getting good at this game little one, that was a neat trick, how did you do it.”

“I learnt a new trick papa!” Eira sqealed excitedly. “Put me down and I’ll show you.”

“But you’re not wearing any shoes, it’s cold on the floor..”

The little girl shook her head, “I don’t like shoes, I can’t see everything when I’m wearing them.”

Gareth could never understand what his daughter meant whenever she said that, no one used their feet to see, but she was young and probably didn’t know what she was talking about. He put down his daughter gently before taking a step back to give her room to show off her ‘new trick.’


Eira was exceptionally gifted in magic, even more than her own father. She would learn new so called ‘tricks’ every other day all on her own, it was like magic came naturally to her, as if it were an extension of her very being.

Eira spread her arms out before twirling around, and just like that she disappeared from the spot and appeared behind her father. Gareth was in shock, he knew that there were elves who could teleport and even those who could teleport other people and objects as well, but it usually took years to master that kind of magic. Yet his daughter had mastered it at only six years old.

“See papa!” Eira explained while jumping up and down excitedly in her spot. “Now you’re never going to find me during hide and seek .”

Eira Burchard, the first child of king Gareth of the elves and queen Melissa of the nosferatu, was a hybrid, part elf and part nosferatu. She was six years old now, had long ginger hair like her mother, and beautiful purple eyes somewhat like her father. At first sight, one would think she was all elf from her pointed ears and beautiful features, it was not until she flashed her fangs or her eyes turned blood red when angry that people saw her nosferatu side.

The little girl was not only adorable, but she was gifted as well. Eira was a fast learner and extremely smart, so much so that she had learned to speak when she was three, and to read and write when she was five years old. When it came to magic, no six year old in all the kingdoms held a candle to her. She learnt spells unusually quick and even went as far as making her own spells as well, mostly for her own entertainment. She had developed several tricks like how to create bubbles in her bath water, and to change the colors of her clothing however she pleased.

On top of her magic, she could already exhibit her wings, even if they were very small and couldn’t do much but flatter wildly on her back, especially when she was excited.

The door to the library opened and Maria walked in, her face displayed relief but immediately after, a frown painted it. “Princess Eira please, your morning lesson is not over yet and you know that...”

Eira moved around the library jumping playfully from one stone tile to another, “but my lessons are so boring.”

“Well you are distracting the king playing around his library like this, come along.” josei

“But papa’s job is really boring too,”. The little girl pointed out. “Look at him. He’s so happy I came, aren’t you papa?”

Gareth nodded and pat his daughter’s head, “I’m so happy honey, but lessons are important so you have to listen to Maria okay?”

Eira pouted and folded her arms before turning towards Maria, “fine, but I’m not going to enjoy this.”

Gareth watched in amusement as his daughter stomped out of the library, she was so stubborn and much too smart for her own good. She was absolutely perfect.

“Shoes are important too Eira!” Gareth called to the little girl who yelled ‘never!’ in response, she was definitely his perfect little girl.


Eira mostly sat through her lessons with her nanny Maria, they were always so incredibly dull and boring but her parents insisted she take them. I mean what good was there in learning which spoon was for what, and why a lady should always walk with her head high? Did every other girl in the kingdom have to go through this as well?

The only moment about her so called ‘lessons’ that Eira truly enjoyed was the end of them, because at the end of each poise and ‘ladylike’ lesson, her uncle would take her for some REAL lessons.

When a knock disrupted Maria’s explanation on the different types of gowns, Eira couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear.

“It’s time isn’t it?” She asked her nanny tauntingly.

“I swear Eira, someone would think you enjoy this barbaric sessions of yours with your uncle more than you do these.”

Maria opened the door and stepped aside to let the tall blond haired elf with golden brown eyes into the room.

“Uncle Zander!” The purple eyed girl jumped from her seat and ran to the man at the door who hoisted her in the air and twirled her around.

When he put her down he gave her cheek a playful pinch making her chuckle, “hello there princess, how was your lesson today?”

“It was absolutely awful and dull, I couldn’t wait for you to walk through that door!”

“Hey!” Maria squealed. “You will be grateful I taught you all of this princess Eira!”

Zander squat down and smiled at his niece, “well then, why didn’t we get out of here and have some real fun?”

“Yes please!” Eira responded excitedly. She gave her uncle a hug before stepping back and peeking behind him. “Is Zhelimir going to join us today?”

Zander turned around, he could have sworn his son was standing right behind him. Moments later the boy appeared and gave Eira a nervous wave. “Ah there he is..”

Eira gasped in amazement and walked to her cousin whose shoulders she grabbed firmly, “you can turn invisible?! That’s so cool I want to do that!”

“Its just a little trick I read from an old spell book,” Zhelimir responded with a nervous chuckle, “I can lend it to you if you like..”

“Yes please!”

Zhelimir was Zander and Vivian’s son. He too was a hybrid like Eira but unlike his cousin who had a strong and adventurous personality, Zhelimir was timid and soft. In fact, he was so soft that handing him a weapon during their training with Zander felt like sin, the boy couldn’t hurt a fly.

“Alright my little apprentices, shall we all go and learn how to cut and stub?!” Zander roared excitedly.

“Yes sir!” Eira roared back, while Zhelimir knitted his eyebrows at the words cut and stub. The little redhead grabbed her cousin’s hand after waving Maria goodbye and dragged him to follow Zander. “Come on Zhel, this is going to be fun!”

As the trio walked down the hallway, Eira spotted a face that made her light up, was that her mother? She let Zhelimir go and ran passed Zander to the beautiful nosferatu woman. “Mama!”

Melissa turned around and smiled sweetly before crouching down and opening her arms for her little girl. Eira jumped into her arms and Melissa hugged her tightly, “hello my little princess..” she pulled back and cupped her daughter’s tiny pretty face in the palms of her hands. “Did you miss me?”

“Only a whole lot!” Eira responded before cupping her mother’s face in her small hands, “how is grandma? Did she send any presents?!”

“You know she did..” Melissa chuckled. She looked at the small boy who was hiding behind Zander and smiled at him as well. “Zhelimir’s grandmother and aunties sent gifts for him too.” The woman got to her feet, “I see you’re going to have a little fun with uncle Zander, I’ll give you your things when you’re done with your lessons for the day alright?”

“Okay mama! I’m going to change now and then learn how to cut! Come on Zhel!”

“H- Hey wait up...” the small blonde boy callled out as he ran after his highly energetic cousin.

Melissa turned to Zander and gave him a smile, “thank you for doing this Zander..”

“No need to thank me, she needed a distraction to keep her from noticing you were gone for so long, I’m more than happy to help.” Zander’s expression then turned to one of concern, “how are you doing now? Did they-”

“I’m much better you don’t have to worry so much,” Melissa interrupted him, “I swear you and Gareth are so much alike.”

“Speaking of the king, does he know you are back? He has been incredibly worried Melissa, and he feels guilty about everything.”

“He was my next stop,” Melissa responded, “one would think after six years he would stop blaming himself. I will go talk to him.” She gave Zander a smile before turning to leave for the study. “Again thank you Zander.”

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