May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

244 Chapter 244 : He found his mate

Eira teleported back to her room and fell back on her bed, why in the world would Isabella plant a thought like that in her head. She barely knew.. barely knew.. gods, she didn’t even know his name did she? The redhead princess sunk deeper into her soft bed and looked up at the canopy above, maybe if she went back and talked more with him, she wouldn’t have all these ridiculous things swirling around in her mind.

She sat up and crossed her legs, her hands holding a pillow against her chest. Yes, that’s what she would do, she would go find him. He did say that when she was ready to talk she could go look for him right?

There was a knock at the door that brought some sense of reality back into Eira’s world. She wasn’t sure wether to be grateful for the distraction or to be unhappy about it at this point, but regardless, she walked to the door and pulled it open. The person who stood at the entrance, just like the knock he had made, also brought a mix of feelings.

“Hello Eira,” Zhelimir spoke, “may I come in?”

Eira stepped aside and let the blonde into the room, it shocked her that he was not wearing his armor, wasn’t he supposed to have attended training that morning? Why was he dressed so casually?

“May I sit down?”

“Go right ahead,” Eira responded and made her way to her bed where she sat down and faced Zhelimir. “Did you want to talk about something? You look a little less brooding than usual.”

The blonde elf hybrid smiled slightly before looking up at the redhead sitting in front of him. “Actually I just missed you Eira,” he responded nervously. “I really did. Are you still upset with me? I want to apologize to you, no excuses this time and no justification of my actions, I just want my friend back is all.”

Eira averted Zhelimir’s gaze, the truth is that she missed him a lot as well. He was not by her side for a day and in that time she had gotten her drink spiked, spent a night at a strange man’s house, and was barely holding on to her sanity. Her cousin was truly a pillar in her life, even though he seemed a little uptight most of the time, he was always just looking out for her.


“I’ve been a mess without you Zhel,” Eira chuckled making her cousin chuckled in response. “You have no idea what I’ve been through these past twenty four hours.”

Zhelimir’s demeanor relaxed a great deal when Eira admitted that she had missed him as much as he had missed her, she was like the little sister he never had, and she was practically his best friend.

“Something tells me I should make myself comfortable for this,” the blonde commented.

“You sure do..” Eira responded nervously. “Also you have to promise that you won’t tell anyone about this okay? I mean it Zhel, this stays between us.”

“You have my word.”


Lyla rushed through hallways opening all the doors where her husband could possibly be until she finally found him reading in his private study. The woman paused in the doorway and gasped in relief before rushing towards the man who had now stood up and was taking a step towards her.


From the look in his luna’s face Edron could tell that something had happened. He walked to her side and took her trembling hand. “My Luna, what’s going on?” josei

“It’s Elric..”

The alpha narrowed his eyes, “Elric?”

After an extensive search of the entire uncharted forest for years with no results, Alpha Edron and a lot of others had come to the conclusion that Elric had perished. The whole ordeal had led the alpha to seclude himself from the other rulers entirely, none of them had showed any concern whatsoever over the disappearance of his son anyway. So why would he need them?

“Oh sweetheart,” Edron pulled his wife into his embrace and caressed her silky black hair. “I know you miss him but you have to let him go. He is no longer with us.”

The beautiful Luna pried herself away from her husband’s grasp and cupped his face in her palms, a serious look in her eyes that Edron had not seen in years.

“Edron listen to me, our son Elric is alive..”

The alpha searched his wife’s silver eyes for any sort of delusion whatsoever but there was non, she seemed to be very confident about what she was saying, but how could that be?

“How are you so sure?” Edron asked his wife, his eyes still searching hers for denial but she maintained her seriousness.

“I felt it Edron, I never thought I ever would but I did...”

“Felt it? Felt what...?”

“Elric found her... he found his mate.”

The man stood there frozen for a few moments, his brain could not fully contemplate what his wife had just said. He had heard that mothers could sometimes feel when their young found a mate, just the way Marceline had sensed Melissa’s unfortunate bond with Gareth m. And from what Edron knew, that could only happen if Elric was alive right? So it was true that his son was as still alive.


Zhelimir sat there with his lips pursed and his eyebrows raised on a mix of shock and concern. He had his arms folded and his back plastered onto the chair behind him trying to digest the words that had come out of his cousin’s mouth.

She definitely wasn’t kidding when she said she had been through a lot the past twenty four hours. He cleared his throat and looked up at Eira who was nervously biting her lower lip, most likely waiting for Zhelimir to say something.

“Wow...” Zhelimir managed to say. That wasn’t even what he had wanted to say, he merely wanted to break the silence that had lingered while he was trying to digest the events of Eira’s night out drinking.

“And the crazy thing is I want to meet him again, I have so many questions for him Zhel.”

“Eira...” Zhelimir pursed his lips and took a breath. He had to be careful with how he responded in this situation because he really wasn’t willing to get on her bad side yet again. Also, he could see that this man Eira had met had peaked her interest, he supposed it was something worth exploring especially if she thought there was some sort of connection between them.

“You said he has long silver hair and golden eyes? Doesn’t sound like anyone in the kingdom I know. Where does he live?”

“Well, he doesn’t live in Gavaria per say,” Eira explained while twirling her hair around her finger. “He sort of lives in the uncharted part of the forest.”

Zhelimir knitted his eyebrows in confusion, “what do you mean he lives in the uncharted part of the forest? No one lives out there Eira.”

“Look I don’t know much about him either, I just met him,” the princess responded. “I know what I’m telling you sounds crazy but it’s true. He lives out in the forest on his own, I don’t know why exactly but it’s the truth.”

“And you’re certain he poses no threat to you? Can you trust him?”

Eira was thoughtful for a second, did she really trust the man, I mean she didn’t even know his name. But oddly enough, she didn’t feel threatened by him or anything like that, in fact, she felt almost safe around him. It was very odd.

“I think I can,” Eira responded with a bit more confidence in her tone. “He saved my life, if he wanted to harm me I wouldn’t be sitting here speaking with you.”

“Fair point,” Zhelimir pointed out, “and when do you plan on seeing him again? If you don’t mind, I’d feel a lot safer if I tagged along and met this mysterious savior myself.”


Tauriel walked along the hallway of the Ervelon palace in steady yet hasty strides. She made a turn towards the throne room and saw her son in law Aiden, the now appointed king of Ervelon, about to walk into the throne room as well.

He stopped when he saw the former queen and gave her a smile and a slight bow. “Ah your majesty.. good to see you in this part of the palace after so long.”

The woman rolled her eyes as she slowed down and eventually came to a stop, “I’m only here because of the letter,” Tauriel responded. “I am happily retired and left the running of this kingdom in your hands.”

“Word travels fast, especially when my beautiful wife is the one uttering them.” The red haired man opened the doors wide and gestured his mother in law to walk in.

“All I want to know is if what I heard is true,” the former queen asked eagerly. “Are they trying for another baby? Oh gods I thought they would not try again after Eira. I’m so happy for Melissa and Gareth.”

In a corner behind a pillar, Ronda dug her nails into the concrete as she listened to the conversation between Aiden and the former queen, so Melissa was planning on having another baby? Not if she could help it.

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