May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

248 Chapter 248 : I will take everything

Eira was at loss for words, had Jacob just asked to court her? Why in the world would he do that? I mean she realized that they were both at that age, but in order to court, weren’t two people supposed to be in love or at the least like each other? If anything, Jacob and her barely liked each other, so what the devil had possessed him to ask for courtship.

Well at least that was what Eira thought; clearly his request to court her meant he harbored more feelings than he let on. Or maybe this was a matter of politics? It was no secret that whoever would marry Eira would be in line for the Gavarian throne when king Gareth stepped down. Was that Jacob’s goal? Power? He really didn’t seem like the type.

“Eira..” Jacob reached for the princess’ hand and he noticed her tremble a little. “I understand this is all so sudden, and I realize the position I’ve put you in. But I want you to knowing that I do not require an answer from you right this second, just-” the elf looked into Eira’s beautiful amethyst eyes, how could any man not fall in love with those eyes, it was outrageous. “- please just think about it, I’m a patient man and I can wait for you.”

Like that made this situation any better, he was still asking her to court him regardless. Rejecting him now would be terrible, rejecting him later would be even worse. This was the worst thing Jacob could have done to their friendship, well it was practically an acquaintanceship but still. This was going to make thiuings more awkward than they already were.

“Will you do that for me? Will you consider it and give me an answer whenever you feel ready?”

Out of pure instinct, Eira nodded her head in agreement.

Jacob leaned forward and gave Eira a kiss on the cheek, the sensation made her squeamish, everything about this was all wrong, what was Jacob thinking?!

“I’ll be leaving now,” he spoke with a smile that made Eira’s stomach turn.

“Alright then, please pass my regards to Janis.” Her voice projected absolute displeasure, but she kept a smile on her face regardless.


When the man left the room, Eira felt like bands of rope had been tied all around her, she really needed someone to talk to about this, but who?


“You did what?!”

Janis was absolutely furious with her brother, what kind of bone headed stunt had he just pulled. She had specifically told him to take his bloody time and follow her lead, but what did he do? The exact opposite! Were all men this clueless and impatient or was it just this air headed son of Ivan she called her sibling?

“I asked for permission to court her,” Jacob responded nonchalantly, clearly not realizing the implications of his stupid and rushed actions.

Janis ran her hand down her face and sighed deeply in frustration, she was really hoping she could help Jacob with Eira but clearly this was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

“And what did she say?” Janis asked. Of course she already knew what the answer to that question was, Eira had obviously rejected Jacob, and she honestly wouldn’t blame her.

“She told me she would consider it..”

Janis peaked through the gaps of her fingers at her brother before pulling her hand from her face slowly. “She said she would consider it?.. Eira? The crowned princess of Gavaria said she would consider being courted by you?”

The surprise and sarcasm in Janis’ voice forced a frown to settle on Jacob’s face, “well she didn’t exactly say those exact words. I told her she doesn’t have to give me an answer right away, I asked if she would think about it and give me an answer later on, and she agreed.”

“Jacob you idiot, don’t you know that if a woman says she will think about it she’s merely setting you up so she can say ‘no’ at a later time?”

“That’s not true, if she didn’t want me, Eira would have rejected me right there and then.” Jacob took a bite of his roast and then washed it down with some wine. “Besides, what reason would she have to lead me on?”

“The pathetic little friendship you’ve been trying so desperately to have with her!” Janis responded. “That would be the reason! She probably just didn’t have the heart to crush your hopes right there and then, but trust me when I tell you you’ve made a huge mistake. The key to a woman like Eira’s heart is patience. What you should have done was to ease her into liking you. Get her flowers, some jewelry, take her on romantic carriage rides. And then when the moment is right, you let her know of your feelings. But I guess all that is out the window now isn’t it?!” josei

Jacob pursed his lips and halted his cup halfway to his mouth. Had he been too rash in asking Eira for something more than a friendship? Was what they had even considered a friendship to begin with? He sometimes felt like Eira just tolerated him because of her friendship with his sister.

“No matter, I can still do all those things to influence her decision, it’s not a big deal.”


The door cracked open, making the green eyed blonde elf lift her head towards it. The former queen stood in the path of light that came pouring from the outside into the room, her full figure looking like a silhouette of a shadow show.

Tauriel squint her eyes and peered into the darkness of the room where Ronda was sitting, only briefly missing the book of spells the blonde elf had slipped underneath a stack of books that were piled up on the table she was sitting on.

“How are you feeling today?”

Ronda held back a smirk, this was clearly a trick question, either that or the woman was simply just mocking her. How was she supposed to be doing when she felt like everything she had been working for for so long had crumbled under her feet.

Tauriel walked into the dim room and stood near the table where Ronda had been reading, a single candle lit by her side as a source of light. “I suppose you still don’t feel like participating in this home’s day to day activities?” She then looked down at the plate of half eaten food and then shifted her gaze back to Ronda. “At least you’ve decided to start eating now, starving yourself was going to achieve nothing but sickness.”

Ronda sighed and leaned back on her chair, “is there something I can help you with your highness?”

“I only came here to check on you,” Tauriel responded. “You have been brooding over Gareth for far too long Ronda it’s really not healthy. Get up, clean up and go out there in search of your own Prince Charming. You’re wasting away, all this beauty will amount to nothing if you keep yourself locked up like this.”

Ronda was so close to telling the woman to leave her room and never bring up her finding another man ever again. Her heart belonged to Gareth and no one else, that was never going to change. Ronda knew this was just a test from the Gods to see how deep her love for him ran, and she was going to show them, she was going to show everyone, that she would do anything to be with the man that she loved.

“Thank you for the concern,” the green eyed elf responded in the most respectful voice she could conjure. “But I will be alright, matters of the heart are difficult to just tuck away, but in due time everything will be fine.”

The former queen gave Ronda’s shoulder a comforting rub before turning to leave. “I’m glad to hear you say that. Dinner will be ready momentarily and I’ll have it brought to you here for tonight, but afterwards you will have to eat with me at the table. We aren’t at the palace anymore, Aiden and Estel aren’t here to keep me company, it’s just us now.”

“Of course your majesty..”

When Tauriel left the room and closed the door behind her, Ronda pulled out the book of spells that she had been reading and turned the pages.

“In due time, everything will be alright indeed..” Ronda mattered to herself as she glossed over the different curses within. “Killing you would be too easy dear Melissa.” The wickedness in Ronda’s voice was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine. “I will make you suffer instead, I will take away every little thing you have ever loved until you wish for death. I will make sure if it.”

The elf pulled out a small piece of parchment and scribbled down the name ‘Eira’. “I will take everything from you, just like you took everything from me.”

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