May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

256 Chapter 256 : What if he’s your blood half?!

Ronda listened to the queen discussing the ball that would be happening in Gavaria in a few days. Apparently Melissa and Gareth’s spoiled little brat was turning seventeen, every year they would throw a grand ball for her, all perks of being the offspring of the king. It was infuriating to think that, that little witch Melissa was having the best time living a life that should have been Ronda’s. If that scheming redhead had not been in the picture, Ronda and Gareth would’ve had children of their own, and this party everyone was so excited about would’ve been dedicated to THEIR children, not Melissa’s.

Every day Ronda’s hatred sipped a little deeper into her heart, like wine spilled sipping through the cracks of a stone floor.

“Do you think we should take her come with us?” Estel whispered to her mother while taking quick glanced at the blonde elven woman who was sitting, brooding, on the chair across from them. Ronda’s downcast face had become a usual sight in Tauriel’s household these days, and to be honest people were quite tired of trying to cheer her up. It was ridiculous for a woman to be this obsessed with a married man who had never even reciprocated her feelings, but Ronda couldn’t care less.

The green eyed elf looked up at Estel who immediately averted her gaze, Ronda at this point was used to hearing people casting aspersions on her. She how to become accustomed to people talking behind her back, to them giving her dirty looks, and to them subtly mocking her situation. It didn’t matter, soon she would show all of them that no one could make a fool out of her, and get away with it.

Tauriel turned to Ronda and gave her a small smile, “I know you’re not fond of Melissa, but this ball may be the breath of fresh air that-”

“No thank you,” Ronda responded sternly, cutting Tauriel’s sentence short. “I appreciate the offer but I have no business attending that ball. I’m better off staying here.”

Why would she want to put herself in a situation where she would have to watch Melissa bask in the love of a man who had her heart? What kind of deluded self torture would that be? And besides, she really did have no business there, her spells and hexes reserved for Melissa were far from ready, she needed a little more time. Ronda wanted the next time she saw the redhead nosferatu princess’ snobby smile to also be the last.

Ronda stood up and curtsied, “excuse me your majesties, I have some personal errands to run in the town. Do enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”

Thd two women nodded and watched Ronda walk away. It was disheartening to see a woman who was once so bright and full of life, become a walking dark cloud. Estel turned to her mother and gave her a concrened look.


“You need to get her some help mother,” Estel commented, “she is up to no good, I can just feel it. you really think the last incident with the poison is the last time she will try and hurt Melissa? You can clearly see the scorn in her eyes, mother that woman is unhinged she needs help immediately, before it’s too late.”

“As long as Ronda is here with me, she cannot cause any trouble,” Tauriel responded. “And besides, I gave her a stern warning about trying anything with my family. She knows better than to go against me.”

Estel looked at the doors where Ronda had exited and sighed, the hate Estel saw in her green eyes was not one that could not be smothered by mere words. If pushed enough, Ronda might do something that could cause a lot of pain, and then it would be too late to reprimand her.


Isabella was feeling dizzy after watching Eira pace her bedroom for almost thirty minutes, while inspecting the dress she had prepared for the grand ball. The red haired princess turned to her friend and plastered the lacy black dress onto her body for the hundredth time and groaned in frustration.

“Gods, Zhelimir was right, I look like a slut!”

“What?! Noo,” Isabella got up and walked towards her panicking friend. “this is ridiculous Eira. I have told you a hundred times already, this dress looks absolutely stunning on you. Do you think sluts can afford fancy lace like this?”

“Don’t lie to me, Zhel said my father would go

off a ledge of he sees me wear this.” The princess look down at the dress and then back up at her friend, “do you think you can see my skin through this dress? Oh gods, what am I going to do?!”

“Why the devil would you take advice on dresses from Zhelimir of all people?!” Isabella yelled, “Zhelimir wouldn’t know Fashion if it slapped him across the face.”

Eira put the dress down and pouted. “I don’t know, I’m just incredibly nervous. For some reason this ball is starting to give me a lot anxiety.” Eira reached for the dress a second time, but Isabella grabbed it and tossed it on the sofa behind her.

“I am taking this dress back to my house, and the only time you are going to have it back is a day before the ball!” She folded her arms and studied her friend closely, “could this perhaps have something to do with a certain captor of yours?” The young blue eyed woman mumbled sheepishly. “Is there a possibility he might be at the ball, and you worry if you will look sexy enough for him?”

“what?!” Eira squealed in embarrassment, “of course not! What are you even talking about?!”

“The man you spent that night with, that’s what I’m talking about,” Isabella responded with a smirk. “The night you went missing and magically reappeared the next morning completely unharmed and suspiciously bashful. You remember that don’t you? You may have convinced everybody else Eira, But I know for a fact that there’s something about that night that you’re keeping from all of us.” Isabella sat down next to the redhead and smiled slyly at her. “Come on you can tell me, are the two of you in love? Is he much older than you? Is he some sort of wizard?” Isabella covered her mouth and gasped.

“is he as ugly as a troll? Is that why you keep hiding him from everybody?”

“what?! No he’s none of those things!” Eira responded.

“So there is a man!” Isabella shrieked in glee, making the red haired princess sigh. “Eira you bad girl, you’ve been secretly canoodling with a strange man’s entire time! How romantic..” she cooed.

The excitement in Isabella’s voice at the thought of her friend canoodling with a stranger was a little alarming. josei

“Will you calm down.” Eira shushed her friend. “we are not canoodling. Him and I am barely even friends.”

“But you like him right?” Isabella asked the blushing princess.

“Honestly I just want us to at least get along,” Eira responded. “We are constantly at each other’s throats. And I really don’t like it. I feel this weird connection with him, I know it sounds strange, but from the moment I saw him I just knew there was something there. I don’t know if that means I like him or anything of that sort, but there’s something there for sure.”

“good gods, what if he’s your blood half?!”

The pink on Eira’s cheeks turned into a deep crimson. “That’s absurd! I barely even know the man!”

“With blood halves none of that matters Eira, don’t you know?!” Isabella now sounded even more excited than before. “Haven’t you heard the old tales? Blood halves are decided even before one is born. It isn’t something you can control.”

Eira averted Isabella’s gaze, “that’s preposterous! He’s a lycan!”

“So am I Eira,” Isabella responded, “but I know for sure Leonard is my mate, and me his blood half. I mean look at your mother and father for heaven’s sake! Racial differences quiver at the feet of love.

In that moment, Eira could suddenly fill her heartbeat drumming within her chest. Is that why Eric had been seeing her even before she was born? Is that the reason there was a strange connection between the two of them? Because he was her blood half?!

“Eira?” Isabella gently held the redhead’s shoulder. “Are you all right? You are starting to look a little more paler than usual.

” I ... I have never thought of it that way.” Eira mumbled incoherently. “What if he is my blood half? Then what?”

“Is he going to be at the ball?”

Eira slowly nodded her head. “I should think so, but I’m not entirely sure. I did see him purchasing a masquerade mask, but it’s not really proof enough that he will be here?”

“Well,” Isabella responded, “I suppose there is only one way to find out.” She grabbed both Isabella’s shoulders and grinned from ear to ear. “Let’s find out how connected the two of you really are.”

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