May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

259 Chapter 259 : It’s him

Eira narrowed her eyes and knitted her eyebrows together as she looked at the men in front of her. She had never been so confused in her life. If this was Eric, then who was the man she had been dancing with all this time?

“Eric?” The princess spoke with a confused tone. “how... when did you change your clothes?”

The lycan took a step forward and scoffed, “change my clothes? What are you going on about princess?”

“Your wolf mask from before? Your black boots, your satin white shirt? What happened to the clothes you were wearing when we were dancing just a few moments ago?”

“Dancing? With me?” Eric took another step closer to the redhead and looked down at her with a smirk. “Have the tables turned? Are you now starting to see hallucinations of me?” The man leaned forward and flashed his white smile, “couldn’t get me out of your head now, could you princess?”

Eira blushed and pushed the man away slightly. She averted his gaze before taking a step back and stumbling down to the bench behind her.

Eric grabbed her by the hand to make sure she did not fall with a loud thud, and gently set her down on the bench before sitting beside her.

“You are most definitely not on my mind,” The princess grumbled, a hint of pink painting her soft cheeks. She looked up at the man sitting beside her, confusion still whirling in her mind. “But I could’ve sworn you were wearing a wolf mask to the masquerade ball, I saw you at the shop picking it out with my own eyes.”

“Oh, are you now spying on me princess?” The lycan whispered with a sly smile.


“Of course not!” Eira objected. “It was merely a coincidence that you were there while I was doing my own shopping. Gods you are so annoying sometimes!”

The redhead couldn’t help but smile when she heard the man chuckle, now this was the Eric she knew, not that crude man she had been dancing with from before.

“I took back that mask you saw me holding,” he explained, “I would rather not draw attention to myself, especially in this place.”

Eira took note of what the handsome lycan was wearing. Just like the wolf mask, the mask he was putting on now covered not only his face but most of his hair as well. His clothes were a dark color that wouldn’t earn a second glance, his feet were covered in black leather boots, and his hands in gloves. He really did not want people to know who he was, did he?

“Why do you not-” The blue eyed woman stopped herself upon realizing that she was about to ask Eric yet another personal question. She remembered that the last time she had asked him about his personal life, was the last time they had heard from each other. “I’m sorry, forget I said anything.”

“I guess you could say that me and the king of this land are not exactly the best of friends,” Eric explained much to the princess’ surprise.

He and her father were not on good terms? Was Eric one of the people who her father was talking about when he said not everybody liked him?

“Is that so?” Eira mumbled nervously. “Did he offend you in some way?”

Eira could see the muscles on Elric’s neck cord up a little, whatever had transpired between him and her father was definitely nothing small.

“it’s a bit difficult to explain,” Eric responded in a calm tone, “you could say we stepped on each other’s toes, and have never gotten the chance to reconcile.”

The red haired princess felt a little conflicted, so many things were starting to add up in her head. Could Eric be the man who her father was trying to keep her from meeting all this time? Was he the man who was plotting evil against her father? But Eric? He really didn’t seem like the type. Sure he was annoying occasionally, but evil and vengeful? It couldn’t be.

“So are you saying you resent the royal family?”

The silver haired lycan leaned back on the bench and drew a breath. “I once did,” he responded, “but so many years have gone by, all I want now is to start anew. Carrying around the burden of hatred is a bit too much for an old lycan like me.”

Eira was relieved to hear his answer, for a reason she could not understand. Her demeanor relaxed and she too leaned back on the bench.

“You are not that old,” she spoke with a chuckle.

“On the contrary princess, I am a little over a hundred years old.”

“Well you still look great to me,” Eira blurted out without thinking. Almost immediately, she regretted her words and was about to defend her answer, when a laugh escaped Eric’s lips. The redhead paused and watched the man laugh, it was so wholesome and beautiful. “This is the first time I’ve heard you laugh,” she pointed out.

“This is the first time I have laughed in a very long time,” Eric responded. “Thank you Eira.”

The two sat on the bench in silence, watching the stars above flicker, and listening to the wind rustle the leaves of the willow tree above them. josei

“You know,” Elric spoke, breaking the silence. “I haven’t spoken about my past to anyone before. And you were right princess, talking about it makes it a lot easier to deal with.” He glanced at the woman whose amethyst eyes were set on his face, “you are really easy to talk to, I appreciate that.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” Eira responded with a smile. “if I could be of help to make your life a little better, that’s enough for me.”

Eric nodded and gave the princess a rub on the shoulder. “you are a good person princess, don’t let anyone corrupt that side of you.” The man then fixed his mask before leaning forward, “well, I did what I needed to do. I should probably get going now before someone here recognizes me and has me beheaded.”

Eira instinctively grabbed her throat and gulped. What could’ve possibly transpired between her father and Eric that would require a beheading? She watched the man rise to his feet, and to her utter mortification, she grabbed his hand and tugged him back. “wait!”

Eric turned to look back at the princess whose face was as red as a tomato.

“Umm, are you just going to leave like that?” Eira spoke nervously. “I mean the party has just started, there is wine, and there is lots of food.”

“I appreciate your offer princess,” Elric responded. “But I am the last person any member of the royal family would want at their party.”

Eira had to fight the urge to tell him that she was a member of the royal family, and she most definitely wanted him around, but after the information he had just given her, she was unsure if that would be the wisest choice.

“What about a dance?”

Elric’s eyebrows raised as he looked at the woman who is shifting uncomfortably on the bench.

“As a thank you for helping you open up about your past,” Eira spoke, “it would only be fair if you awarded me with a dance.”

The silver haired man was stunned for a brief moment, but he quickly dismissed his feelings of indifference and stretched out his hand towards the redhead. “how can I refuse a request from a beautiful woman such as yourself.” He spoke tauntingly.

The princess rolled her eyes before placing her own hand in his.

“Shall we?” Elric spoke as he led Eira back into the ballroom.


Clovis peeked out at the palace entrance as their carriage came to a stop. He still wasn’t sure if coming to this ball was the best idea, but he did not want to seem like he had anything against Gareth or Melissa.

A gentle hand took his, and a pair of Emerald eyes beamed at him. “It was honorable of you to come here,” Darla spoke to her husband. “If you really are in support of burying the hatchet, then coming to parties hosted by the Gavarians should not be a problem.”

The lycan smiled at his beautiful pregnant wife and rubbed her hand with his. “You are right,” he responded, “this ball could be the start of a new era. Now come on, we are already late for the festivities.”

Clovis helped Darla out of the carriage, and the two of them walked hand-in-hand towards the palace entrance. They walked through the hallways and into the ballroom where they were greeted by a butler who offered them drinks. Clovis accepted a glass of wine, while Darla settled for some water. The Merian king gave the butler a smile and nod before turning to walk further into the ballroom. But as soon as he stepped foot down the staircase leading onto the dance floor, his lycan senses picked up the scent of someone he never thought he would ever see again.

The glass in Clovis’ hand slipped out his grip and landed on the floor with a crash. his eyes scanned the ballroom frantically, trying to see where that scent was coming from. And before long, he saw a man with a demeanor and built just like his supposedly lost brother Eric, dancing with a woman a few feet away from him.

“Darling what’s wrong?” Darla asked her husband.

“it’s... It’s him,” Clovis mumbled hysterically, “it’s Eric.”

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