May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

47 Chapter 47 : Adam’s concern [PG 18]

When Ella and Nathan returned to the castle the silver haired prince led her straight to his chambers and closed the door tightly shut. He pinned the redhead against the wall, caging her between his strong arms.

Ella could feel his breath hitting her cheek and when his rough voice reached her ears, a wave of shivers ran down her weak spine, “Did you have a good chat with your brothers my love?” Nathan questioned the woman who was panting beneath him.

“I- I did,” she responded, her voice cracked as the temperature in the room rose drastically.

“Why didn’t you tell me they were around? I would have been there with you.” Nathaniel’s voice was a low husky growl, primal desire laced every word he spoke making the blue eyed woman feel light headed.

“I too didn’t know they had arrived, I just-” Ella’s words trailed off when Nathan gently took her earlobe between his teeth and pulled on it gently.

“You took so long to come home,” he whispered amorously into her ear, “I missed you.”

Ella’s breath hitched and her treacherous little mouth released a longing gasp. No, Nathaniel was the enemy, she shouldn’t be reacting to him like this.

“Didn’t you miss me?” The prince whispered as he gently touched her chin with his index finger and tilted her face towards his. His golden brown eyes where now heavily lidded and oozing with lust.

Before Ella’s brain could process an answer, her lips uttered a soft desirous ‘I did.’


Nathan flashed a perfect white side smile and moved his strong arms down Ella’s shoulders and back to her small waist. “Oh yeah?” He whispered with a sly smile, his beautiful alluring eyes never straying from hers, “how much?”


The prince interrupted Ella with a soft, breath taking, leg numbing kiss, his lips clutched onto hers eagerly while his skillful tongue entangled with hers like a boa constrictor handling it’s prey. All the walls Ella had built up just a few hours ago all crumbled to the ground and she melted into his arms, her hands grasping his bulging biceps as she kissed him back. Gosh why was her body so weak for this scummy prince, it was so shameful how all her sense of decency just took a swan dive out the window at the touch of this man, was it because he was the only man her body had ever known? Ella could only wonder.

The prince suddenly broke the kiss and Ella grabbed his arms tightly and attempted to pull him back, the amused smile Nathan gave her made her ears heat up, good lord what a shameless woman she was around this man.

Ella’s eyes circled when the prince firmly grabbed her thighs and hoisted her up, locking her long smooth legs around his waist. The woman instinctively wrapped her arms around his shoulders to prevent herself from falling but almost lost her grip when Nathan claimed her lips yet again.

Ella lightly groaned at the pure ecstasy she was feeling, and when Nathan’s deep musk filled her nostrils it was game over, her hand cupped the back of his head while the other held on to his broad shoulders, losing herself in the intimate kiss.

She didn’t notice that the entire time Nathan had been moving until he gently settled her down on an elevated surface. The prince nested himself between her legs and continued kissing her hungrily as his hand made its way up her skirt, gently squeezing her thigh all the way up till he reached the groove between her thigh and torso. He maneuvered his fingers underneath her lace breeches and gently rubbed her delicate bud, making the woman break the kiss and release a soft moan.

“Ella,” Nathan groaned as he looked into her beautiful blue eyes, his fingers still working their magic on her delicate flower petals that were now dampened with her womanly dew, “what ever you do, don’t let go of me.”

Ella flattered her lashes at Nathan, what did he mean don’t let go of me? Still trying to process his words, the redhead shrieked when Nathan tore off her underwear and tossed it to the floor behind him, her grip on his shoulders loosened but the prince grabbed her just in time and secured her arms back in place.

“Don’t let go..” Nathan repeated himself, his voice was so strained and screaming ‘sexual desire’ that it made Ella hold on tightly to him without question.

The prince then lowered one hand and loosened his belt, in due course letting his pants and breeches fall to his ankles. Ella liberated a very enticing moan when she felt the length of Nathan’s hot throbbing shaft slithering its way down her thighs to the doorway of her entrance.

As gently as he could, Nathan slid his length whole into Ella’s warm moist tunnel and they both moaned in unison. He felt Ella’s grip lossen yet again and used his last active brain cell to move his lips and whisper in her ear, “don’t let go...”

Ella tightened her grip on Nathan’s shoulders once more while he firmly gripped her waist. He proceeded to gently moving his length in and out of Ella all the while repeating a mantra in his head ‘be gentle.. be gentle.. be gentle.’

Ella felt her limbs weaken as the prince’s throbbing rock hard length continuously filled her up, the pain she had felt the first time was completely gone, in its place was sheer and absolute pleasure. She tilted her head back and moaned loudly, her body taking her mind to places she never thought possible.

The sound of pleasure that escaped her lips broke all Nathan’s restraints, he tightened his hold on her back and with the other hand grabbed her thigh. The pace of his strokes increased drastically and before he knew it, he was growling and ploughing the poor girl mercilessly. His grunts, and her screams and moans echoed throughout the room as they made love for a good twenty minutes, in which Ella reached her peak a total of three times.

By the time the silver haired prince ‘arrived’ Ella’s legs had long lost feeling and her moans had turned into gasps. Nathan groaned as the last of his seed filled Ella up, after which he buried his head in the nook of her neck, fighting hard to keep himself from howling.

The two beautiful and shameless beings remained in that position for a few minutes to catch their breath. When the redhead regained a few of her senses back, she loosened her grip on the prince but felt the pull of gravity claim her body. Nathan quickly grabbed Ella and secured her in his arms.

Ella looked back and gasped when she noticed where they were, he and Nathan had just fucked on his bedroom balcony, on the balcony railing at that.

“Take me inside!” Ella shrieked.

“I would but I can’t move with my pants down,” the prince responded with a chuckle.

“Is any of this funny to you?!” Ella yelled at the prince, she was scared and totally embarrassed, “what if someone saw us?!”

“Well then I hope they enjoyed the show.”

Nathaniel put Ella down and then pulled up his trousers, he picked up Ella’s torn underwear and shoved it in his pocket.

“Where are you taking that, give it back!” Ella screamed, her face was scarlet red in embarrassment.

“But it’s torn,” Nathaniel responded with a taunting smile, “I’ll get you a new one.”

Ella turned away from the prince and attempted to storm out of the room but her legs gave out, she had to grab onto the door of the balcony to keep herself from falling.

Nathan walked up to Ella and scooped her up in his arms, he carried her into the room and gently put her down on the bed. “You’re not in any condition to have an attitude my love,” the prince spoke tauntingly, “you rest here, I’ll have the maids run you a bath.”

Nathan kissed Ella on the forehead and exited the room. When the prince closed the door behind him, the redhead buried her face in her palms and sobbed lightly, why was she so weak when it came to Nathan, why did he have such a strong hold on her? Even after finding out that he had been lying to her all this time she still shamelessly gave into him.

[Gosh Ella, what have you gotten yourself into?]


Across town in a small inn in the capital, Adam Burchard sat in his room with furrowed brows and a jug of ale in his hands. There was a light knock at the door and Zander walked in, the blonde man halted in his tracks upon seeing the deep wrinkles on his prince’s forehead. josei

“If the ale is that bad your grace you might as well stop drinking it,” the blonde spoke as he pulled out a chair and sat across from Adam.

“Leave the jokes to Ivan Zander.” Adam grumbled

“Wow, what’s gotten in your pants today?” Zander questioned the agitated prince, it was strange seeing Adam like this, he was always a happy guy.

Adam put down his ale and ran his hand through his dark brown locks, “forgive me Zander, I’m just not in the best of moods today.”

“I can see that,” the blonde haired man responded, “what I’d like to know is why you’re so worked up.”

Adam rested his chin on his clasped hands and looked up at Zander, a stern piercing look in his eyes, “Do you think Guinevere and Nathan-” the prince took a deep breath and clenched his jaw before continuing his statement, “do you think they fuck?”

Zander who had been sipping on ale chocked and started coughing violently, after he regained his composure, the blonde looked at Adam. Dear gods, he was serious wasn’t he? Is that why Adam was so grouchy? Zander didn’t know weather to laugh or feel sorry for his prince, because under normal circumstances it was obvious that Nathaniel and his funture wife had already engaged in coitus, but looking at Adam’s distraught face, he couldn’t tell him that.

“Of course not your grace,” Zander responded, avoiding all eye contact with the prince, “lady Guinevere is yours and yours alone.”

Adam knitted his brows at his friend, he knew he was lying to him but honestly that is what he needed to hear, that Guinevere belonged to him. “Thank you Zander.”

“Anytime your grace.”

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