May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

60 Chapter 60 : Maybe you’re pregnant

Juliet Aldos’ funeral was a dignified one, Nathan made sure of it. Even though she had never been fond of him, and even though according to recent events she technically wasn’t even his mother, she was the woman who had raised him and deserved to be sent away respectfully.

The king was too devastated to do anything, and Clovis and Jeffrey hadn’t gotten over the shock either, so all the arrangements fell on Nathaniel’s head which he didn’t mind. Although, after finding out about his true identity, his plans had changed a bit.

After the burial, Nathan joined his grieving father in the royal library with a jug of wine in hand and two cups. The poor man looked like he’d aged overnight, and Nathan almost felt bad for him. “Some wine father?”


The silver haired prince poured a cup for king Bradley and poured one for himself as well before settling down across from him. The two men sat there sipping their wine in silence until king Bradley put down his cup and looked sternly into Nathaniel’s eyes.

“I’m giving up the throne,” the king spoke

“You already told me that father, that’s why I have been-”

“I’m giving up the throne tomorrow,” king Bradley interrupted his son, “and I’m naming you king.”

Nathan had to use every brain cell to hold back a smirk. He had thought that after his mother’s passing his father would forge on with being king, since his initial plan was to retire and spend the rest of his life with his wife. But now Juliet was gone.


“I don’t have it in me to rule anymore,” the man explained while holding his head in his hands miserably, “without your mother it’s just not the same.”

Even though the marriage between Bradley and Juliet was an arranged one, the king was actually genuinely in love with his wife. And over time, his love spilled over and Juliet reciprocated it, though not as vividly as her husband.

“I understand,” Nathan responded, “if that is what you wish father, I would be honored to take your place on the throne. You don’t have to push yourself.”

After finishing the wine, Nathan excused himself and left the library. Immediately he was out of his father’s line of sight a smirk painted his face.

Theo had told Nathaniel in great detail about everything the humans had done to his people during the great cleansing, how their resources were grabbed away and how his people were driven away to hide in the snow covered wastelands. After hearing all that, all the resentment he had towards his parents for trapping him in this cycle of rebirth was forgotten. He knew it was his responsibility to take back what was theirs.

And being in a position of power, the crowned prince of Meria, and then tomorrow the king, he was at an advantage. He would start by claiming the Merian kingdom for the great silver pack, he would then do the same to the other kingdoms and become the undisputed ruler of them all, with Ella as his queen. It was the perfect plan, and his father had literally just handed the kingdom to him, incredible.

The silver haired prince knocked on Theo’s door and walked in when he heard him call out from the inside.

“My prince,” Theo spoke with a low bow, “how may I be of service.”

Nathan walked to a nearby chair and made himself comfortable, “Theo, that total transformation theory you were telling me about, could you elaborate.”

“Of course my prince,” the butler sat down on the bed and cleared his throat before speaking, “the incantation used on you was made in such a way that when all four of you managed to revert to your true selves, even the enslaved lycans, nosferatu, elves and dwarves, including all their pure breed and half breed offspring would awaken as well.”

“Did they use the incantation on them as well? Our enslaved brothers?” Nathan questioned the man.

“No my prince, our enslaved brothers were tortured and experimented on with different spells and enchantments to the point of them losing their true identity, forgetting who they are.”

“So they practically turned them human,” Nathan spoke, trying to follow what Theo was saying.

“Basically yes, but all those shackles will break soon enough,” Theo explained, “you’ve already awoken, and from what I know so has lady Ella.. umm princess Melissa. All that’s left is the elven prince and the dwarve. And from the faint stench of elf I picked up from him, Adam’s awakening is well underway as well.”

“I see,” Nathan stroked his chin thoughtfully, “and my father and the other rulers plan to wage war against the humans?”

“That is the plan my prince,” Theo responded, “I haven’t received a lot of intel for some time now but that was what was decided. With the knowledge the chosen ones gathered over the millennia, and the allies you’ve all made, we can finally crush the humans and take back the land.” josei

“That’s a foolish plan,” Nathaniel spoke, “the humans may be weaker in comparison but they’re tactical and resourceful. And how sure are you sure that they haven’t been anticipating this war?”

Theo was quiet, Nathaniel had a point, obviously the humans weren’t just waiting around comfortably thinking the other races wouldn’t try anything, they obviously had a contingency plan. Wow, prince Elric really was his father’s son.

“The only way to truly take the humans down is to cripple them from within their own kingdoms,” he spoke, “we are already at an advantage, I practically rule Meria, now we just have to infiltrate the other kingdoms.”

“Umm my prince, isn’t the elf crowned prince of Gavaria?”

Nathan didn’t like what Theo was trying to point out but he was right. Even though he hated his guts, Adam would be a useful ally, no, a useful pawn if they were going to take their land back from the humans.

“Yes he is,” the silver haired prince responded, “hence my decision to reach out to James Burchard once I’m crowned king tomorrow, he’ll be a key to convince his son to returning home and taking the throne.”

“Do you think the Gavarian king agree?”

“He doesn’t have a choice,” Nathaniel spoke with a devilish smirk, “I’ll offer his son, that little green eyed woman and his entire royal guard in exchange for his cooperation. After all, they are my prisoners for crimes against the throne and killing the queen.”

“I have to admit my prince,” Theo said with great respect, “you are as wise as you are mighty.”

“I know..” Adam said before laughing out loud, the kind of laughter that would send chills down your spine.

“Your move Adam, you bloody wife stealer,” the prince mattered to himself.


“I’m fine I swear,” Ella explained to Adam for the hundredth time, “we’re wasting time sitting around here, Nathan could be on our tail as we speak!”

“This is the last civil setting for miles Ella,” Adam explained to her again, “if you really are sick, which you are, we won’t be able to find any healers out there, we need to get you checked right now and see that you get better.”

“Argh why are you so hard headed!”

“And why are you so stubborn!”

The five men stood there watching Adam and Ella bickering, only two days of being reunited and they were already behaved like an old married couple.

Zander had left to seek out a herbalist, physician or anyone who could take a look at Ella. He and Roland had arrived in the middle of the night at the inn, and confirmed that for the time being they had not been followed. That was why Adam was willing to spend a few more hours to make sure Ella was in good health before riding off again.

Ella’s temperature was dreadfully low, she felt as cold as a corpse even though she insisted she was fine. Even after Adam’s many attempts to warm her up, she was still cold to the touch if not colder. Her skin had paled, but surprisingly her blue eyes looked more alive than ever, and her pretty pink lips we’re now a deep shade of red. It was all so strange. But if Adam was being honest, she looked extremely beautiful like this, very alluring.

Other than her physical changes, she had been constantly hungry. She had already eaten three times that morning but Adam had already heard her stomach growl. There was no doubt in his mind, she was definitely sick.

Ivan who was sipping his ale leisurely took a look at the beautiful red head and made a comment that had everyone on edge, “maybe you’re pregnant.”

Everyone turned to look at him and for a moment there was a deathly silence in the room.

“Horse shit!” Adam responded sternly. Even though what Ivan was insinuating infuriated him, there was a part of him that dreaded the fact that that was a possibility. She had slept with Nathaniel, and most likely more than once.

Ella touched her belly and her face became as white as a parchment of paper, what if she was? What would happen to Adam and her if she was pregnant for Nathan? Her heart was pounding hard as she counted her fingers trying to track when she last bled.

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