May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

84 Chapter 84 : I want to give you a baby

Ella and Adam made their way to sit around the fire where the rest of the men were eating their meal. After almost a month of traveling, they were low on rations of meat unless they went out to hunt, so for the night, they had prepared a vegetable stew with some bread.

Ella sat down next to Beric and Adam sat next to her. She made sure to keep her eyes from looking at the men who she was sure knew that something sexual had happened between her and the elven prince. Adam on the other hand was beaming, he was even humming as he poured stew into two bowls for the blue eyed woman and himself.

“Here you go beautiful,” he spoke gently as he handed Ella the bowl of food, “you need to regain your strength after our little session.”

Ella almost dropped the bowl, why in blue blazes would Adam say something like that in front of everyone?! Her blush intensified and her head bowed lower, she couldn’t even bring herself to respond to his outrageous comment because her throat was as dry as the bread on her plate.

Adam handed her a spoon which Ella hesitantly took and begun stirring her stew. Coming out here to eat was a bad idea, she should have just asked Adam to bring her some food to the tent instead.

“What’s the matter lady Ella?” Beric questioned the woman after noticing that she was merely stirring her food and not eating any of it. “Is the food not good enough? Sorry we couldn’t find any fresh meat, it’s not so easy hunting in these thick woods.”

“No the food is great!” Ella responded nervously. She scooped up a spoonful of stew and placed it in her mouth. She immediately wanted to spit it out but forced herself to swallow it. “Mmmh delicious.”

The stew tasted so bland, it was as if she was eating watered bread. What happened to her taste buds? Or was the food just awful? Not wanting to offend whoever the cook was, Ella took another spoonful and continued eating her food. Plus she was feeling a little hungrier than usual so she really didn’t have much of a choice.

When Ella finished her food, Adam looked at her plate, “you want seconds-”


“No!” The redhead blurted out, instantly regretting it. “I mean.. I’m so full, I couldn’t possibly eat another bite even if I want to so so much.”

“You should eat more princess,” Ivan spoke with a sly smile, “Our prince has the sex drive of a horse after a lifetime of abstinence. You’re probably due for another couple of rounds.”

“Ivan!” Roland scolded his friend.

“What?!” Ivan spoke, “we’re all thinking it!”

“Well yes but there was no need for you to say it out loud,” Beric muttered with a faint blush on his face.

“There’s nothing to hide!” Ivan replied. He turned to Adam and Ella, “we all know they’re fucking, heck, some of us are actually a tad jealous about it too. Princess tell them, you and the prince are getting into each other’s drawers aren’t you?”

Ella felt like the ground beneath her was spinning, she had never been so embarrassed in her entire life. Why were these shameless men airing out her sex life in the open like this? And why wasn’t Adam saying anything.

“What’s the matter princess?” Ivan added on, “cat got your tongue? Or should I say your cat’s got prince Adam’s tongue.”

Ella had fainted many times in her head already, she was about ready to head back to the tent when Adam wrapped his arm around her shoulders. josei

“Alright lads enough of that,” Adam spoke, “Ella is a shy girl you’re embarrassing her with your twisted conversation, leave her alone.”

“Oh come now you know we’re just messing around with her,” Roland turned to Ella and gave her a reassuring smile, “this is how these lads are lady Ella, it’s best you get used to them.” He took a bite of his bread and pat Ivan hard on his back, “they mean no harm, so just be free alright.”

Ella lifted her gaze and gave the man a grateful smile. She was still absolutely embarrassed about the whole thing, but she did feel a little better.

“Pass the wine Roland,” Adam asked with one hand outstretched and the other still wrapped around Ella’s shoulders, “I’m in a good mood today and I wish to drink.”

The men all cheered as Roland poured the prince a cup. After handing Adam his cup he turned to the blue eyed beauty who was snuggly tucked under the prince’s arm, “wine princess?”

Ella shock her head, “no thank you Roland, I’m feeling a bit tired so I’m going to retire to bed.”

“Awww, but Ella-” Adam looked at her with a pout making her giggle.

She covered his face with the palm of her hand and playfully pushed him away. She then stood up and dusted her clothes, “I’ll see you all in the morning, good night.”

“Good night beautiful, I’ll join you in a minute.” Adam spoke with a sheepish smile.

Ella rolled her eyes and walked back towards the tent, the ‘good nights’ of the men echoing behind her.

“Good night princess.”

“Good night lady Ella..”

“If you wish to sleep I suggest you kick prince Adam out!”

“And invite me instead!”

“Good night lady Ella!”

The redhead chuckled, Adam had a very interesting group of friends indeed.


Later that night, Ella was startled awake when she heard the crushing and falling of water canteens within the tent. She sat up in her fur and saw Adam packing the canteens he had accidentally knocked over back in their bags.

“Hey beautiful,” Adam spoke in a slurred tone, “I’m so sorry did I wake you?”

The handsome man walked towards Ella and crawled to her side. He stroked her hair lovingly, his droopy eyes trailing every part of her face. “Ssh ssssh go back to sleep beautiful, it’s very late.”

Every breath Adam breathed was heavily infused with the smell of alcohol, and judging from his slurred speech and droopy eyes, it was easy for Ella to conclude that the handsome man had had a little too much to drink.

“Come, let’s lay down,” Adam tugged Ella downwards and pulled the fur over both of them. He looked into her beautiful blue orbs that were staring at him. “What’s the matter? Do I have something on my face?”

Ella chuckled and shook her head, “no it’s not that.”

“What is it then?” Adam looked at Ella’s amused smile and grinned, “do you want me to eat you out again?”

Ella blushed instantly, she pursed her lips and looked away, fighting the urge to say ‘yes Adam, I so badly want you to eat me out till I can no longer feel my legs’. “No, I’ve just never seen you drunk before. It’s quite amusing.”

Adam jerked his head back and placed his hand in his chest, “drunk?!” He exclaimed in a playfully offend tone, “what part of me looks drunk to you?”

“Adam you smell like the inside of a bottle of wine,” Ella spoke with a chuckle.

“Oh really..” the man wrapped his arm around Ella and pulled her closer to him, his droopy eyes gazing down at her hungrily.

“Adam what are you doing?” Ella spoke in a panic. She knew very well that alcohol took away all sense of restraint in a person, Adam was already a shameless man when sober, so who knew what heights of shamelessness he would reach now that he was intoxicated.

Adam moved on top of Ella and attacked her lips with his in a hot kiss, only breaking it to say, “Can a drunk man do this?” And he devoured her lips again.

This kiss was messy but it was the most passionate and most intense kiss Ella had ever experienced. Somehow his alcohol infused breath numbed her body and mind, making her give into him. She wrapped one arm around his broad muscular shoulders and with the other she grabbed the back of his head.

The kiss went on for a long time and she had lost track of the minutes that flew by due to the utter bliss she was feeling. Her mind flipped back to life when a bulge formed in Adam’s pants and pressed heavily against her crotch. The size alone was enough to make Ella flinch, how had this handsome prince been able to hide something so.. so.. massive.

Adam groaned in Ella’s mouth and slowly begun moving himself up and down, rubbing his erection against her crotch. He eventually broke the kiss and focused soly on dry humping her. He leaned towards her ear and groaned, “I want you Ella..”

He kissed her lips gently and continued humping her, “I’ve wanted you from the first day I lay my eyes on you,” he continued speaking in a groggy slurred tone, “You’re the only woman for me, I want to be with you forever Ella.”

The man stopped humping her and his body went limp over hers, his breathing slowed down and his erection twitched a little. “Ella....”

The redhead gently ran her hand through Adam’s soft locks, the smell of wine and his woodsy musk filling her nostrils. “Yes Adam,” she whispered back to him. She could see that the alcohol was now in full effect and his body was tired.

“I want you to have my children..” he muttered sleepily. “I want to give you baby...”

Ella’s fingers stopped stroking his hair and she looked down at him. “You want what?!” Ella’s heart was pounding, having kids had never crossed her mind before, especially now after the most recent developments.

Adam did not respond to her question, he had already fallen into a deep sleep with his head laying on Ella’s bosom and his arm around her waist. Ella drew in a breath and kissed his hair, she didn’t have the heart to wake him up. She would talk to him about it the next morning.

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