May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

91 Chapter 91 : The escape

When night fell over the wandering woods and everyone was sound asleep, prince Gareth was securing a thick cloak around his beautiful blue eyed woman. He brought the hood of her cloak over her head and gave her forehead a kiss. “I’ll go around and get the horse,” the man whispered as he gently rubbed her shoulders, “you stay here until I come and get you okay.”

Melissa nodded in agreement and the prince pulled her into his embrace, “I know this is a little scary, but I promise it will be all better soon. I will make you the happiest woman alive.”

She clenched onto his cloak and buried her face into his strong chest, “I know..” she whispered back.

Gareth pulled away from her and gave her a reassuring nod before strapping a large satchel over his shoulder and walking out of the tent. The night air was cold and the environment quiet, he moved quietly yet quickly to where the horses were tied and began to untie his steed. The horse neighed and the prince gently stroked its mane to calm it down before fully loosening the reins.

Lucky enough his men had had a bit too much to drink before heading to bed, all part of his plan of course, so the possibilities of them waking up easily at this dead of night were close to none. The handsome prince pulled the horse slowly towards his tent when he halted in his tracks.

Ivan who had just finished taking a piss turned around and smiled groggily at the prince, after giving Gareth a very drunken mini salute and grin, he wobbled back to his tent. The prince let out a breath of relief and continued making his way to the tent, he had never been so grateful to wine in his life.

Gareth walked into the tent were the beautiful redhead was looking at him nervously. “Are you ready Mel?” He questioned her as he tucked a loc of hair behind her ear. When she nodded, he took her hand and led her out of their now empty tent and snuck around back towards a small path the prince had created the evening before.

As the walked hurriedly along the narrow path while pulling their horse, the trees were growing back behind them, covering their trail in the process. Melissa looked back at the sprouting trees in amazement, “is this your magic?”

“It is,” Gareth responded with a smirk, “pretty impressive isn’t it?”


Melissa rolled her eyes at the man, “I’ve seen better..” she lied. Gareth was the first person she’d ever seen using magic like this, it was so potent, so effortless, and to think he’d only had his abilities a little more than a week. He was amazing.

When the duo reached the main trail, the elven prince helped Melissa onto the horse and hopped on behind her, securing her against his strong chest. He lashed the reins of the horse and the animal galloped at full speed forward, Gareth pulled Mel’s hood further down to protect her from the icy cold as they moved. His plan was to create as much distance from his men as possible by riding throughout the night, and once they would reach Lenora they would divert and go around the wandering woods towards Cenia. He was adamant about getting them to a place they could call a safe haven, a place they could live together happily the way they had always planned, he did not intend to fail.


As the break of dawn painted the Merian skies, king Elric sheathed his blade, straightened the breastplate of his armor and walked in long strides towards the palace courtyard with Theo on his tail.

The courtyard was filled with two dozen lycan and nosferatu warriors on horseback ready to ride out into battle. The silver haired king stood in front of the small group and gave them a nod, to which they all responded with a salute. Elric got onto his horse and squeezed his eyes shut, images of his beautiful wife filled his thoughts and when his eyes opened, they were glowing yellow. He kicked the sides of his horse and the animal lifted its front legs and neighed loudly before breaking into a gallop at full speed toward the palace gates.

His warriors realeased loud war cries with their weapons held up in the air and followed their king. As the calvary raced through the capital, many citizens cheered them on from the streets and from the windows of their homes, wishing their king luck on his mission and sending him blessings so he could return to them in one peice, hopefully with their queen in hand.

Theo watched the group disappear into the distance and turned to head back into the palace. In as much as he had wanted to be by his king’s side, he had been left with a very important task. He hurriedly climbed the grand staircase to the study and took out several parchments of paper and began writing.

‘This is a letter to inform you that Ella Morrell is here at the royal palace safe and sound, curtesy of his royal majesty King Elric. She wishes to see you hence you are urged to report to the palace as soon as possible.... -Theo, the king’s right hand-‘

The man wrote five copies of this letter and sealed them with the royal seal before having them sent out by raven. One was for Ella’s parents the Morrells, one for the twins, one for Bahram Morrell, one for William Morrell and the last for Ella’s real parents in the snowlands, the nosferatu king and queen.

Elric had explained to his right hand how desperate he was to get his woman back, he would do it at any costs, even if he had to use the people she loved as bait to lure her back home, back to him, in his arms where she belonged. He was not going to let the elven prince have her, not after everything he had done to get in her good graces.



Zander walked into the different tents where the men were sleeping and yanked the furs off all of them. He ran his hand through his golden locs and cursed colorfully at the top of his lungs.

“Everyone had a good sleep after drinking your asses off last night?!” Zander spoke sternly at the men who were slowly exiting their tents, their demeanors disoriented and their eyes still full of sleep. josei

Maria and Vivian who had been given one of the tents to share also joined the men who were standing around the blond elf who was pacing the ground nervously.

“What’s going on?” Maria questioned the agitated looking elf.

“They fucking left, that’s what’s going on!” Zander growled.

“Zander stop beating around the bush, who left? What are you talking about?” Roland questioned the man.

Zander stopped pacing and inched closer to Roland, his brow twitching in irritation, “I’m saying while you all were sleeping like babies, the princess and the prince slipped out and left!”

Maria’s throat went dry at the man’s words. She moved towards him and grabbed him by the collar, “what do you mean they left?!”

“Are you deaf?!” Zander spat back, “I mean they’re gone! They took all their things and left!”

“But where could they go?”

“The fuck if I know!” Zander roared. He pulled away from Maria and continued his pacing, how could he have let this happen, the queen was waiting for their arrival in Ervelon and she was expecting them to show up with her son, what the hell was he going to do now. Curse the ridiculous obsession prince Gareth had with that beautiful nosferatu.

“Ooooh shit...” Ivan mumbled as he cupped his hand over his mouth.

“What is it?” Ozias asked him, “do you know something.”

“Well I umm...” Ivan chuckled nervously, “this is funny you’re all going to laugh. So last night I went out to take a piss and I actually bumped into the prince...”

The group all glared at Ivan dumbfounded.

“Yeah I know crazy right?” Ivan continued with another nervous chuckle, “and get this, he was actually pulling his horse. And I thought to myself this has got to be some mirage because why would the prince be fetching his horse this late in the night am I right?”

Ivan shoved his hands in his pockets and looked to the ground, “so I just ignored him and went back to bed.. turns out it wasn’t a mirage hahaha crazy stuff.”

Zander’s breathing became heavy as he glared at Ivan furiously, he lunged at the brown haired playboy elf but luckily Roland and Ozias had anticipated his move and grabbed both his arms, stopping him mid air before he could land on Ivan.

“You idiot!” Zander roared as he tried to pry himself away from the men holding him back, “you could have told someone! Now the prince is gone God knows where!... let me go! I’ll tear him limb from limb!”

“Zander calm down none of us knew of the prince’s plans!” Roland groaned, he was using a lot of strength trying to hold the blond man back.

“Exactly!” Ivan screamed in panic after he had tumbled backwards onto the ground, “plus I was as drunk as a fish, we all were! Even you Zander!”

“Everyone calm down,” Vivian spoke. She stepped forward and stood between Zander and Ivan, “I have the ability to track the princess, I’ll be able to know where the elf prince is taking her.”


PS try to take time to read ‘Authors note’

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