May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

93 Chapter 93 : They needed privacy.

Elric kicked the door down and walked into the empty room. His wife’s scent lingered around the empty space accompanied with another, one that made his blood boil. He walked to the bed and yanked the sheets out giving them a light sniff before tossing them to the ground angrily.

“She was here..” the silver haired man growled, “and he was with her.” Elric turned to face the inn keeper who was badly bruised and was being held captive by one of his soldiers. “Where is she? The beautiful redheaded woman who spent a night in this room, where did she go?!”

The inn keeper whimpered in fear, the aura the man in front of him was radiating was enough to lodge his heart into his throat. “I don’t know where she went, they didn’t say anything-”

The king flashed his razor sharp claws and brought them the the man’s neck, “I won’t ask you a second time.. because you’ll be dead.”

“I swear I don’t know!” The man screamed in fear, was this how his life would end? All because he sheltered some strangers? He vowed that if he made it out of this alive, he was going out of the inn business for good. “All I know is they were traveling East but took some time here because the woman was unwell, they had to find a physician to take a look at her before moving forward! That’s all I know I swear! Please spare my life!”


Elric’s heart began to pound, was his wife sick? What had that bastard elf done to her?! “Where can I find this physician?!”

“He lives down the road near the old saloon,” the man whimpered, “his name is Mr Renly.”

Elric retracted his claws and cocked his head to the side making his soldier toss the inn keeper in that direction. “Bring me the physician!” He roared as he stormed out of the room.


His chest was undulating heavily and his eyes glowed a bright yellow. His murderous rage fighting to get out and devoure everything and everyone in sight. The scent on those sheets, they were undoubtedly Melissa’s, he couldn’t mistake her sweet scent even if he tried. It was the other sent that triggered his rage, that damn prince Gareth! His scent was on those sheets as well, meaning that bastard had shared a bed with his wife!

*Im going to kill him!*


Melissa sat across from Gareth who was roasting some fish he had caught over a fire. Her eyes were plastered to the ground and her rosey cheeks had a blush that refused to go away. She couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet love they had made not too long ago, gosh she had felt so alive, it was like everything else in the world just faded away in that moment. His touch, his groans, his kisses-


Melissa batted her long lashes and looked up at the man who was handing her a skewered fish. “Oh thank you..” she muttered and took it from his hand. She took a small bite and looked to the ground, her face incredibly flashed. She almost jumped when she felt him sit beside her unexpectedly. She looked at him and found him staring at her with a curios look in his eyes.

“Gar-” the man placed a hand over her forehead and creased his brows.

“Mel.. why are you all red? Are you getting sick?” He questioned her. The concern in his voice melted her heart and for some annoying reason the hue of her blush deepened.

“No I’m not sick..”

“Then what’s wrong my love?” He inched closer to her and cupped her face in the palms of his hands.

[My love? Oh gods just take me now!]


“Hmm?.. I didn’t say anything” Melissa mumbled in a jittery tone.

“Do you need to feed again?” The prince asked with a hint of worry in his voice. Before the woman could answer he unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his neck to her. He scooped her up in his arms and gently placed her on his lap. “Go on, take a bite.”

Melissa heaved in shock and froze in place. This man almost died the last time she drew blood from him and yet here he was offering himself to her again. The gesture made her heart melt and her eyes instantly got misty.

When Gareth sensed her hesitation he turned to face her and was taken aback by the tears that were falling down her cheeks. He quickly brought his hands to her soft cheeks and wiped the tears away, “Mel what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?”

“No you idiot it’s cause you did something right,” she spoke half crying and half laughing.

The elven prince was very confused. He tagged down the sleeve of his shirt and used it to wipe her cheeks dry before gently rubbing her shoulders, “if I did something right then why is it making you cry?”

“Gosh men are so oblivious,” Melissa responded as she wiped a tear that had escaped her eye. She then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face in the nook of his neck. “You were willing to let me feed on you even though I almost killed you last time.”

The prince wrapped his arms around her back and rubbed it gently, “well of course Mel,” he spoke softly, “I love you and I’d do anything for you.”

The woman pulled away and looked at the prince lovingly with her sapphire blue eyes. “And I love you Gareth..” she embraced him again in a tight bear hug, “I love you so much.” She relinquished the handsome man and picked up the skewered fish she had secured earlier near the fire and took another bite hungrily, making the elven prince chuckle.

“You want another one?”

Melissa shook her head, “no I’m fine.”

“You should eat a lot Mel,” the man explained as he ate his own fish, “you’re going to need a lot of energy on this trip now that it’s just the two of us.”

“Because there’s more work to do I know..” the redhead muttered in response.

“Me working your beautiful body yes,” the prince responded with a grin

Melissa coughed violently having almost chocked on the fish and Gareth’s shameless words. She smacked his arm as the blush returned to her face with a vengeance, “you’re so indecent!”

The man grabbed her hand, pulled her close and stole a quick kiss from her soft pink lips, making her eyes circle, “that I am,” he responded with a sly smile. “Now finish up eating, we need to keep moving, Lenora should just be a few hours away.”

Melissa pouted and took another bite of her fish, this man was going to drive her crazy with embarrassment.


“Didn’t we pass this tree before?” Ivan spoke as the group rode down a rocky path through the woods, “it looks familiar.”

“We’re in the woods all the trees look familiar!” Vivian called out from the front of the group.

Vivian had been leading the group in pursue of the elf prince and their princess for the past couple of hours. Since she had a special ability to track aura, the group had decided to let her lead the way. Her unique ability was how the woman had tracked Melissa down with ease in the wandering woods before.

Zander galloped his horse to Vivian’s side and looked at her sternly, “Ivan is right, we’ve passed through here before..” he pointed at a rock along the trail that he could vividly remember because Ivan had almost tripped over it too busy admiring his reflection in a hand mirror.

“I guess now you know why they call them the wandering woods huh?” Vivian responded with a sarcastic smile that made the blond elf blush a little.

Zander wiped the blush away with his hand and caught up to Vivian again, “have you been purposely moving us around in circles this entire time?” He whispered

When Vivian didn’t respond Zander’s suspicion was confirmed. He galloped ahead of the woman’s horse and blocked her path. “What is your end game Vivian, did you know of the prince’s plan to leave? Did you plant that idea in his head?!”

“Calm down blondie I did no such thing,” Vivian responded, “I’m merely a servant of destiny.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I know exactly where The elven prince and the princess are,” the dark haired woman responded, “I was not helping them escape I was merely giving them a bit of time away from all of you. They needed a little privacy.”

Zander took a deep breath and inched closer to Vivian, he had no time for her riddles, what he needed was to find the prince as soon as possible. “Stop speaking in parables and tell me where the prince is before I tell the rest of the group that you’re a traitor.”

Vivian moved her horse forward till she was side by side with the blonde elf. She inched closer to his ear and whispered, “now do you really believe I’m a traitor Zander?”

The way his name rolled off her tongue made the man shake his head almost immediately.

“I thought so..” She kicked her horse and moved forward down the trail, “We will reunite with the princess and your prince in Ervelon, for now we need to leave these woods!”

“Why?!” Beric asked the the woman who was forging ahead.

“Because I can sense a dark aura heading this way.”josei

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