May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

96 Chapter 96 : Sleepless night

Melissa snuggled closer to Gareth whose body temperature was much higher than hers. Even though the woman’s skin was cold to the touch, she didn’t feel so cold anymore, it was like her body had adjusted to the surrounding temperatures, but that didn’t keep her from enjoying the warmth that radiated from Gareth’s body.

“You’re so warm,” Melissa cooed happily, “and even though you haven’t bathed all day you still smell kind of good.”

The man chuckled wholesomely making the redhead smile at his deep beautiful display of joy. “I don’t know wether to thank you or spank you for being such a tease.”

“I’m not teasing you, just stating facts,” the woman spoke with a smirk and raised brows.

“If I recall correctly the last time I decided to bathe, a certain someone couldn’t take her hands off me,” Gareth responded

Melissa sat up and turned to face the elven prince. His smile broadened when he saw the woman’s reddened cheeks. “Do you really care about my personal hygiene or do you wish to see me with my clothes off princess?”

“Stop it!” Melissa screamed in utter embarrassment. Why would he bring that up now, she had only just managed to get his rippling muscles, his broad shoulders, bare chest, and his gentle sensual touch out of her mind. She wrapped her fur around her body tightly and pouted.

Gareth scooted closer to the woman and placed his arm over her shoulders, “don’t be embarrassed, I think what we did was beautiful,” he spoke gently as he pulled her back into his embrace. “And if I’m being honest, I’d love to give it another shot.... over and over and OVER again. I can’t seem to ever get enough of you beautiful.”

Melissa’s skin was far from cold at this point, she was so heated up and blushing so intensely that one would have been able to fry and egg on her forehead. “You’re so shameless Gary.”


“That I am.” The prince responded happily. He placed a kiss on Melissa’s forehead and began to stroke her hair lovingly. “Rest now,” he spoke in a whisper, “we have a long journey ahead of us, plus we still have to find a way to escape this-”

The man’s words were interrupted by Melissa’s soft snores, she was fast asleep already with her beautiful little head leaning on his broad shoulders. “Good night my love,” the man whispered before closing his eyes and nodding off as well.

A few hours later, Melissa flattered her eyes open when she heard movements around them. She was laying in her furs facing the dying fire and Gareth was sleeping right behind her with his arms wrapped securely around her body. The woman heard the movements again, she furrowed her eyebrows wondering whether she was dreaming or not. The movement sounded like footsteps, very big, very heavy footsteps. But that was ridiculous right? Footsteps that big would have to belong to a creature that was at least eight feet tall.

Melissa sat up quitely and inspected their surroundings. There seemed to be nothing at first and she was about to lay down to sleep again when she saw a pair of yellow glowing eyes looking at her from across the gorge.

“Gareth!” She screamed as the creature walked into view. It was a massive humanoid monster about ten feet tall with dark gray skin that allowed it to blend with the surrounding rocky environment.

“You are trespassers,” the creature spoke in a deep raspy voice, “and the punishment is death, after which I will turn you both into stew.”

The massive creature swung it’s club down at the duo who managed to jump out of the way in an instant. Gareth put Melissa down and glared at monstrosity in front of him, “Just once I’d love to have a good night’s sleep..” he spoke as he unsheathed the sword he had picked up before moving Melissa out of the way. “When I slice your head off I’ll be sure to use that lumbering body of yours as a bed you big oaf.”

Melissa equally unsheathed her dagger and pointed it towards the creature. What in the world was this thing?

The elven prince stood in front of her and gave her a dismissive look. “Mel go find somewhere to hide, I’ll-”

“No..” the woman responded as she leapt from her spot towards the creature and managed to poke her dagger into one of it’s eyes. The creature roared in pain and swung the club towards her but Melissa was quick. She pulled out her blade and jumped back down causing the creature to bang itself on the head with the club.

When Melissa swiftly landed on Gareth’s side she gave him a sly smile as she slashed off the green blood from her weapon. “I can fight,” she spoke, “now are you going to stand there and watch me or are you going to help me kill this tower with feet.”

Gareth smiled and held his sword tightly with both hands and faced the creature that was trying to reconstitute itself after Melissa’s attack, “let’s take this thing down.”

The prince rashed towards the gigantic creature at full speed and with his sword slashed it behind both its ankles. The creature roared in pain and fell to its knees. The elven prince turned to the beautiful woman and nodded his head, “go for it!”

Melissa leapt from her position towards the the creature’s head and plunged her dagger into its throat. Blood gushed from the wound and the gigantic humanoid shook its head violently in anguish, Melissa’s fangs lengthened and she screeched menacingly as she drilled her dagger deeper into the creature’s throat.

After a few minutes of struggling, the giant finally gave in and began to fall towards the ground to its death. Mel quickly pulled her blade out and jumped off the falling body, landing gracefully like a cat a few meters away, watching the body fall to the ground with a thunderous thud.

Gareth rushed to Melissa and grabbed her by the shoulders. He trailed his eyes from her beautiful blue eyes all the way down to her feet. She was covered in the green gooey blood of the giant creature they had just killed. “You look absolutely dreadful,” the man spoke with a chuckle, “now who needs to bathe?”

Melissa clicked her tongue and without warning she grabbed him and pulled him into her embrace, slathering all her mess onto his clothes and body. After she was done she stepped back and smirked at him, “both of us..”

Gareth cupped his forehead in his hand and chuckled as he inspected his now tainted clothes, “you realize there’s absolutely no water down here? How are we going to clean up?”

“Aren’t you Gareth prince of the elves?” Melissa questioned him in a teasing voice, “you’re a high elf your royal majesty, you figure it out.” The woman turned and started making her way to their small campsite but halted when she heard the sound of flowing water. When she turned around she saw the handsome prince with his hand on the large rocky wall grinning at her.

He had used his magic to crack open the rocky wall and water was flowing from it like a miniature waterfall, “you want to see me naked so bad Mel?” He took his shirt off and tossed it to the ground, “well allow me to oblige you my love.”

Melissa’s eyes circled when he took off his boots and dropped his pants. The gorgeous man stepped into the water and let it flow gently down his immaculate body. He then turned to Melissa and reached out to her, “come on now, we need to get you cleaned up.”

After Gareth had helped the woman wash up, while having a hard on the entire time of course, they washed up their clothes, dried them over the fire, and after changing they covered themselves in their furs and lay down to try and get some sleep before morning came.

The elven prince smiled down at the woman wrapped in his arms and tucked a loc of her ginger hair behind her now slightly pointy ears, “I think I just fell in love with you all over again,” he whispered.

“what do you mean?”

“After seein you fight the way you did,” the man flashed his perfect white side smile at Melissa making her blush, “I have never been so around in my life.” josei

“why are you so shameless Gary?” Melissa responded as she averted his gaze.

“Honestly I’m only like this with you,” the man responded before planting a kiss on her forehead. “Try and get some sleep now, it’s been a long night.”

Melissa did feel incredibly tired, so she nodded and closed her eyes. But not long after, she felt tightness around her body, when she opened her eyes she realized she and Gareth had rope tied around them. She squirmed in an attempt to get free but to no avail, “What’s going on-”

Before the woman could finish her statement someone or something covered her mouth with a cloth and placed some sort of bag over her head, leaving her unable to see who was attacking them.

~ For fucks sake can’t we get one night of decent sleep?!~

Melissa heard Gareth’s voice in her head and her panic reduces a little bit.

[What’s going on?!]

The woman granted as she felt herself being dragged and then lifted from the ground. She bit down on the cloth covering her mouth when her and the prince where tossed onto a hard floor which then started moving.

~ I think we’ve been ambushed, don’t worry, stay calm and we’ll be able to get out of this~

Gareth wiggled his hands in their tight confines and interlocked his finger with one of Melissa’s.

~ I’ll get us out of this, I promise~

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