May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

99 Chapter 99 : Zander has a crush

“Foresight?” Roland spoke skeptically as he poked a stick into the fire the group was sitting around. “Sounds like a load of horse shit to me.”

“Roland!” Zander exclaimed at the man’s comment after Vivian explained how she knew the prince and princess would be in Ervelon.

“Think logically Zander,” Roland added on, “this woman has been leading us in circles, she’s done it before and is probably doing it again. She knew the princess and prince would leave and she said nothing!”

“I have my reasons,” Vivian responded calmly as she took a bite of her meat, “you’ll better understand when we reach Ervelon.”

“I don’t trust you,” Roland grumbled. He had to admit, he had developed a soft soft for Melissa when he saw how happy and content the prince was around her. Ever since Roland knew the young prince , he’d always been a bit of a loner, he would join them at the bar and celebrations but when it came to the matters of women and love he’d always taken the back seat. Even though prince Gareth never showed it, Roland could tell he always felt alone, until Melissa came into his life.

He looked at the two nosferatu women who were hellbent on taking the princess away from Gareth. If it wasn’t for them the prince wouldn’t have decided to leave, Roland didn’t like them one bit.

“Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt,” Zander spoke, “I mean it’s not like we have many choices. If it were up to us we would have proceeded to Ervelon regardless, so what difference does it make?”

The group went quiet for a few minutes before Ivan broke the silence “The only reason you’re so positive about it Zander is because you’re trying to get into Vivian’s pants.”

Zander looked up at Ivan and glared at him angrily, his face was as red as a stop sign and all the air in his lungs had rushed out. “Wha... I.. no I don’t!” Zander spoke with much difficulty.


Vivian smiled smugly at the flashed blonde elf who was sitting next to her and elbowed him playfully. “Don’t be shy Zander, who knows, maybe if you ask nicely you could get lucky.”

Zander was red to the roots of his hair as Vivian chuckled and smacked his shoulder. He felt like digging a hole and burying himself alive.

“I think I’m going to head to bed now..” Zander spoke in low shaky voice. He stood up and walked slowly towards his tent where he plopped onto his furs and clenched his chest tightly. “Get a hold of yourself Zander,” he mumbled to himself, “you can’t fall for a nosferatu, no, such relationships are forbidden, you should know better!”

He brought his hand to the shoulder Vivian had smacked earlier and rubbed it gently, “but yet.. here you are.” He sighed and closed his eyes but his thoughts trailed off to Vivian, to her beautiful blue eyes, her long dark wavy hair and that breath taking smile of hers. Gods why were nosferatu woman such a temptation.

Zander felt a little guilty for being against the prince and Melissa’s relationship. At the time, all he could think of was his duty to deliver Gareth to Ervelon and Melissa was an obstacle to that goal. But now he was literally walking a mile in Gareth’s shoes. The blonde elf had never felt this way for any woman before, the familiar feeling to him towards the opposite sex was lust, which often disappeared after a few rounds in bed. But with Vivian it was different, the thought of merely being close to her made his body heat up, he found himself drawn to small mundane things like her laughter or how she raised her brows when taking a sip of wine. He had barely thought of her sexually like he did most women, but she aroused him in ways he never thought possible.

“What the fuck is happening to me?”

The blond elf drew in a sharp breath and attempted to empty his mind so he could sleep, he’d had too much emotional stimulation for an entire lifetime all thanks to Ivan’s snarky comment.

“Curse you Ivan,” Zander muttered softly before nodding off.

A few hours later the blond elf lethargically opened his eyes. The night was still young and the camp had gone quite, meaning that the team had all retired to their tents. Zander cursed lightly as he got up and rushed out of the tent towards some shrubs. He loosened his belt and relived himself with his eyes closed.

“Shouldn’t have taken so much wine..” he mumbled to himself.

“And you shouldn’t have whipped out your pecker without inspecting your surroundings first..”

Zander’s eyes shot open and his gaze fell on a woman who was standing a few feet away from him wearing a robe.

“Vivina!” The blonde stumbled backwards as he panicked to stuff his wang back into his pants. He managed to buckle up his trousers but tripped over a stone and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

“Fuck..” the man groaned and rubbed his head. He opened his eyes and saw Vivian squating beside him and holding out her hand.

Zander was as pale as a ghost, had she just seen his pecker?! When the woman forcibly grabbed his hand and helped him up, he felt like this moment wouldn’t be such a bad time to die.

“Are you alright?” Vivina questioned him, “that was quite the fall, I hope you didn’t hurt your little friend.”

Zander stood to be corrected, this was the PERFECT time to die. He involuntary covered his crotch and bowed his head in sheer and utter embarrassment, he prayed this was a nightmare that he’d wake from at any moment.

“Forgive me,” Zander mumbled almost inaudibly, “I had no idea you were there.”

“That’s alright, I probably shouldn’t be taking my baths in the middle of the night,” Vivian responded with a chuckle.

Then man craned his neck to look at Vivian and his breath hitched when his eyes landed on her. Her skin was glowing under the starlight and the robe she was wearing was doing very little to cover her chest and cleavage. Zander immediately turned his head to the side as an intense crimson color tinted his cheeks. “I.. I should.. I should probably...”

“You want to join me?” The woman questioned the man who was avoiding making eye contact, “there’s a lake just over that hill over there. The water is great, and the faint moonlight makes it look almost magical.”

“Jo... jo... join you?”

“Yeah, I mean I’ve already seen your pecker so what’s left to hide?”

Zander felt like he would pass out from all the embarrassment, was she doing it on purpose or did this gorgeous woman really have no idea what effect she had on him?

“Are you coming?” Vivian spoke as she turned around and began walking in the direction of the lake.

Zander was absolutely mortified when a ‘yes’ escaped his lips. What in the world was he doing? Before his brain could give him an answer he found himself following her like a mindless zombie. It was like he was drawn to her like bees to honey, but how couldn’t he, when just the way she walked made his heart leap. Was it possible that he actually had a crush on her?

The man halted and awoke from his daze when he noticed Vivian had stopped walking. He gazed passed her and immediately gasped when he saw a small lake ahead of them. The waters were still and reflected the twinkling stars above making it look like a silky blanket of lights.

“Beautiful isn’t it...?”

“Huh?! Yeah very beautiful!” Zander nervously tugged on his collar and avoided looking at Vivian at all costs. Why in the world was it so easy for her to get him so worked up? It was frustrating.

When the beautiful nosferatu woman untied her rob and let it drop to her ankles Zander quickly turned around and blushed intensely. Gods was this woman trying to kill him? He heard the swooshing of water as she proceeded into the lake and gulped as his thoughts trailed off to a dark place. He took a deep breath and slowly turned around, shamelessly wanting to take a peek at the woman.

When he caught site of her she was facing away from him and submerged in the water up to her wide hips. The blond huffed out a breath as his eyes trailed from her hips, up her slender waist to the side swells of her breasts.

“Gods of Ervelon...” the man muttered. His heart was doing laps and his manhood twitching with every gulp of saliva he took. When Vivian turned to face him, Zander jolted backwards causing him to trip and fall, landing on his bum.

“You’re not very graceful are you Zander?” The woman chuckled. It was the second time she has seen the elf fall over that night.

“I... I just... well it’s because...” Zander could tell that his brain was in no position to formulate words. I mean how could it be when Vivian was standing in front of him naked. With a bright red face he turned to look at the woman who was smiling at him in all her beautiful glory. Her skin silky and smooth, her breasts perky and firm just like her hips. She was sinfully beautiful.

“Aren’t you coming in?” She asked in a tone that made Zander’s manhood twitch. “It’s a little cold but you’ll like it.”

The man nodded slowly and got to his feet. He then started unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes never leaving Vivian. It was crazy how he agreed to everything she said, it must have been sorcery or something. When his clothes were off and placed aside, the man walked briskly to the water and submerged himself hoping the darkness of the night had given him a bit of cover. Little did he know that nosferatu had perfect vision, especially in the dark.

Vivian smiled to herself as she watched the man stand awkwardly in the water. He may have been an uptight stick in the mud, but he was actually kind of cute.

“It’s freezing...” Zander shuddered. He gasped when he felt Vivian’s mounds press against his bare back and froze when her arms circled his waist.

“Sorry I forgot you’re warm blooded,” she whispered, her breath sending chills down his spine. “Allow me to warm it up for you.”josei

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