May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065: Chapter 1065: Who planted the baby

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Chu Xia was almost scared by bell’s courage. Ye Wei’s lab was full of puppets, and bell dared to kill Ye Wei!

No one wanted to die. They would do anything to keep themselves alive.

She was not worried about what she would say to bell. With Bell’s courage, no matter what she said, Bell would agree!

“It’s hard to kill Ye Fei. Think about how many puppets Ye Fei has to help her fight. Any one of them will kill you! ”

“Then what should we do? I don’t want to die! Miss Chuxia, quickly tell me what we need to do to get out of here alive! ” Bell said.

“I’ve thought of a way. As long as we can cut off the power here, Ye Wei’s experiment will be in vain. Do you understand? ” Chuxia said.

Bell nodded. “I understand. Just cut off the power here! There’s no solar power at night now. Do you want me to destroy the generator in the water? ”

The corners of Chuxia’s lips curved “SMART, that’s what I mean! ” “Didn’t you learn how to use a rubber bomb just now? ” “If you destroy the machine, we can delay it for two days. Even if Zhuo Nan wants to repair the machine, it’s impossible to do it in one night. As for the experiment that Ye Wei wants to do, without electricity, all the previous efforts will be wasted! ”

“Yes, I understand. I just need to blow up the generator! ” Bell’s lips curved into a smile. It seemed that it was much easier to kill ye Wei.

However, on second thought, she frowned again. “But I don’t have a rubber bomb! I just learned how to blow it up. They didn’t give me a rubber bomb! ”

“But the soldiers all have this thing in their hands, and there are quite a lot of them. It’s enough to steal a person’s rubber bomb, ” Chuxia said.

She had observed the power of this kind of bomb. A few of them were enough. This kind of bomb was very powerful, and it was especially used to deal with metal!

Bell fell into deep thought. How was she going to find the soldiers to steal the bomb?

Chuxia’s hand knocked on bell’s forehead “Don’t tell me you don’t know how to steal things “just find a random soldier and roll on the ground. He’ll give you everything, right “As long as you can blow up the generator, we’ll be alive. You can also take your jewelry and leave. Otherwise, WE’LL ALL DIE HERE! ”

Bell was very clear that Chuxia was right. “Yes, I’ll go find the soldiers now. Tonight, we must blow up the generator! ” josei

After saying that, she returned to her room. First, she had to hide her gemstones and other things in a hidden place. Then, she would go find the soldiers to roll on the ground.

She was very open-minded about such things. Since she had already done it with so many men, she did not care about one more. Moreover, what was more important than her own life?

Chu Xia watched as bell left. Her heart was still hanging in the air. She did not know whether bell would succeed or not. If Bell did not succeed, she could not do anything about it.

With Zhuo Nan’s men guarding her, she would definitely not be able to get out. If she were to force her way out, the generator would be blown up, and she would be the first person to be suspected!

That would be no different from courting death!

She half-lay on her bed, feeling that time was so unbearable. Her ears listened carefully to the movements outside, but there was no other sound other than the sound of the wind.

The night was about to pass, and her heart was getting heavier and heavier. She already felt that bell would fail.

Her hands were clenched into fists. If Bell was discovered when he stole the man’s rubber bomb, then they would not even need to wait for the test results to be out before they would be killed by Zhuo Nan!

She bit her lips, her mind was spinning, and her heart was beating wildly!

Just as she almost gave up on bell and began to think about how to deal with bell being captured, the loud explosion woke up the entire night. Everyone was shaken up and rushed to the lakeside in the dark to check if the special forces were attacking them!

Chu Xia ran to the window and looked down at the darkness. The power had really gone out and there was not a single ray of light in the entire military camp!

She closed her eyes gently and gasped for breath. Ye Wei’s experiment had been in vain.

In the next moment, mou ran opened her eyes. The generator had exploded. Where was bell Could she have been captured?

She ran out of her room and groped her way out. It was dark and no guards could see her run.

She stood around the small building and softly called out bell’s name. She could not go too far away. In the darkness, she would lose herself.

“Miss Chuxia! Is that you? ” A woman’s weak voice sounded.

Chuxia heard the voice and ran over. “Bell! It’s me. How are you? I’ll help you back to your room! ”

Her hand touched bell, but she heard Bell’s painful voice.

“I’m injured. I’ll hold your hand and walk! ” Bell said. Her arm could not be touched, so she could only help chuxia walk.

When Xia helped bell to her room and Lit the candle, she saw bell’s bloody arm.

Her heart beat painfully. “How can your arm be like this? ”

It didn’t seem like it was blown up, because the flesh and blood were all rolled up outside the wound.

“I don’t know where the explosion would destroy the generator. I couldn’t see it at night, so I touched the fan leaf and got hit! Fortunately, I insisted on blowing up the generator. When I left, the generator didn’t make any sound! ”

Chu Xia’s tears rolled down. Bell almost lost her life!

“Wait for me to treat your wound! ” She took out the medicine that she asked for from Ye Wei. She deliberately asked for more, and she kept some for herself. It just so happened that she could use it now.

She cleaned bell’s wound and applied some medicine to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. She found the first aid kit and took the surgical needle inside to stitch up bell’s wound.

Poor Bell’s arm was sewn up like a rag.

She applied another layer of anti-inflammatory medicine. “Don’t worry, Ye Wei’s medicine is the best! In the future, I’ll help you find the medicine that jade wants to remove the scar. I’ll make sure your arm is as good as new! ”

She comforted bell. She didn’t expect this girl to be so brave!

“I’m fine. Actually, it doesn’t matter if you have a scar. As long as you can get out of here alive, it’s fine, ” Bell said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely bring you back alive! ” She wrapped bell’s arm with Gauze. Fortunately, their maids’ clothes were all black gauze that could cover their arms. No one could see that bell’s arm was injured.

She had just finished dealing with bell when the sky turned bright. Zhuo Nan personally led the soldiers to search for the people who blew up the generator

Ye Wei walked in front of Zhuo Nan. “The experiment was in vain. We could have gotten the results today! But the power went out! ”

Zhuo Nan’s lips pursed into a straight line. It seemed that he already knew who the biggest beneficiary was this time.

“Do the experiment again! You come with me to get their samples! ” His tone was filled with anger as he brought ye Wei to Chuxia’s room.

He did not knock on the door and directly barged in. He wanted to see what Chuxia was doing!

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