May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1110

Chapter 1110

Chapter 1110: Chapter 1110 Pampering Little Woman 30

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“You called for me? ” Chuxia looked at Zhuo Nan.

“Yes, I called for you, man man! ” Zhuo Nan was pleasantly surprised. He thought that Chuxia would immediately recognize Sikong JUE and Qin Sheng!

“My head hurts, Zhuo Nan. There are too many people in the room. LET THEM OUT! ” Chuxia said.

Sikong Jue was stunned. “Chuxia, what’s wrong? You’RE CHUXIA! You’re not man man! ”

Chuxia pulled back her hand that was held tightly by Sikong Jue. “What are you talking about? I’m man man! Zhuo Nan, am I man man? ”

“Of course you’re man man. You’re my queen man man! ” Zhuo Nan’s lips curved into a happy smile as he turned to look at Sikong Jue “Did you hear that? She’s man man. I’ve told you all a long time ago that she’s my man man man. You just didn’t believe me. Now that you’ve heard it from her own mouth, you should believe her now, right? ”

“Chu Xia, what’s wrong? Do you know who I am? ” Qin Sheng ran to Chu Xia’s bed in disbelief. She believed in her own feelings. The woman beside them was definitely not Chu Xia!

“I know that you are Qin Sheng. If I know who you are, can you prove that I am Chuxia? Are you trying to replace me with Chuxia and steal my position as Queen? ” Chuxia said in an overbearing tone.

Qin Sheng’s heart froze. Why would chuxia think that way?

“That’s not what we meant. Chuxia, if Zhuo Nan was the one who forcefully detained you, you don’t have to be afraid. We will take you away! ”

“Why should I leave? Zhuo Nan is my man and I am his queen. Am I crazy for not being a good queen? “?

“Zhuo Nan, I have a headache. GET THESE PEOPLE OUT OF HERE! ” Chu Xia ordered Zhuo Nan.

“Man Man, get these people out of here. If anyone dares to disturb Queen Manman’s rest, kill them without mercy! ” He ordered coldly.

Qin Sheng, Sikong Jue, and Gong Mochen were all invited out of the room.

As the door closed, Qin Sheng was confused.

“What’s going on? Did we really get the wrong person? ” She was really starting to doubt her life.

“Let’s go back first, ” Gong Mochen said in a low voice. He gave Qin Sheng a look and signaled for Qin Sheng to follow him.

Qin Sheng had no idea what to do. She could only follow Gong Mochen and Sikong Jue back to think of a solution.

In the ward, Chuxia was lying on the bed. She closed her eyes and her mind was in a mess. Many of her memories were fragmented. She could not put them together, but one memory was clear. She was man man, Zhuo Nan’s Queen.

Zhuo Nan touched CHUXIA’s head. “Does your head hurt? Tell me the truth. Why don’t you recognize Sikong Jue? Did he hurt your heart too much? ”

“Sikong Jue? Is His name Sikong Jue? Should I know him? ” Chuxia asked Zhuo Nan.

Zhuo Nan looked at the woman in surprise. He could not believe his ears. “Man man! Imperial physician, come and examine queen man man! ”

A few imperial physicians came in and examined Chuxia.

“Your Majesty, we have examined her. Queen man man man lost most of her memory because she was deprived of oxygen and hurt her brain. She may only remember a small part of her memory, ” the imperial physician reported. josei

Zhuo Nan was overjoyed. If chuxia lost her memory, then she could be his queen forever!

“Then can her memory be restored? ” He asked.

“It’s hard to be sure. Maybe it can be recalled. Maybe it’s permanent memory loss. We’ll have to observe for a while before we know, ” the imperial physician said.

“Well, then we’ll observe slowly. ” Zhuo Nan could not hide the smile on his lips. It would be great if she lost her memory forever.

“Did I lose a lot of my memory? What should I remember? ” Chuxia asked Zhuo Nan.

“It’s nothing important. It’s enough that you remember me, ” Zhuo Nan said. He waved his hand to signal for the royal doctors to leave.

CHUXIA’s head was throbbing with pain. The lack of oxygen was so bad that it was as if her brain cells had all died. Her brain was so tired that she could not move.

“It’s good that there’s nothing important. I’m so tired. I want to sleep. ”

“sleep. I’ll stay here with you. Rest assured. No one will bother us again in the future, ” Zhuo Nan said.

He watched Chuxia Fall Asleep. He raised his hand to touch chuxia’s forehead. The smile on his lips never disappeared.

In Gong Mochen’s small building, Yun Teng walked in with man man.

“She wanted to run away, but I caught her! How is Chuxia? I heard that we found her, ” Yun Teng asked.

“We found her, but she doesn’t know me anymore. She only knows Qin Sheng. She said that she is man man, ” Sikong jue was speechless.

Man Man widened her eyes in shock. “She said that she is man man? ”

Her eyes shifted. “I told you that I am Chuxia, but you didn’t believe me! I am Chuxia! ”

“GET LOST! Shut up! If you were Chuxia, the world would have turned upside down! Man Man, I told you that the souls in your bodies are different, ” Qin Sheng said impatiently.

“Tsk, you can believe it or not. I’M CHUXIA ANYWAY! She has already admitted that she’s man man. I think you should just accept reality, ” man man said.

“accept what reality? Forget it. No matter what we do, we will never accept that you’re Chuxia. A fake is a fake! ” Qin Sheng complained.

“cousin, lock her up and get someone to watch her. Maybe she’s still useful to us, ” she turned to look at Yun Teng.

“Don’t lock me up. Let me tell you, I have a lot of memory loss. I only started to have memories when I was rescued by Zhuo Nan. Maybe Chuxia and I have been mixed up by you. Maybe I’M CHUXIA! ” Man Man said.

“Ah? Can it still be like this? ” Sikong jue was completely confused.

“Really, I have lost a lot of my memories. Why don’t you help me find a psychologist and let me recover my memories. I also want to know who I am! ” Man Man said.

“That’s easy. Then find a psychologist for her and see what kind of Memories Zhuo Nan has sealed. Maybe it will be useful to us. ” Qin Sheng looked at Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen’s lips twitched. This little woman had something to do with Gong Mochen. If she had nothing to do, she would kick him away!

“Yes, I’ll get Nie Feng to find a psychiatrist. ” However, he did not dare to retort with his sad face.

Qin Sheng suddenly thought of something. “We can test man man man’s DNA! We just don’t know if they have the original sample. As long as we can verify that man man is man man, Zhuo Nan can’t keep Chu Xia away from us! ”

“I’m afraid only Zhuo Nan has the original sample. He likes to keep these things. However, we don’t know where he put them, ” Gong Mochen said.

“I think there must be someone who has them. ” Yun Teng thought of someone.

“Who? ” Sikong jue asked.

“Ye Wei! Ye Wei has always been in Zhuo Nan’s military camp. She should have these things, ” Yun Teng said.

“where is she? ” Sikong jue asked anxiously.

“I don’t know. She ran away. I don’t know exactly where she went. But we can look for her in the rainforest. It’s always been the witch tribe’s place, ” Yun Teng said.

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