May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324: Chapter 1324 I want my child and you 24

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“GAIA, you only waved your hand when I could not object, right? ” The empress dowager said coldly.

“Doesn’t mother also want to force me into a corner I just want to marry the woman I love. Why is it so difficult “I have already signed the document. Regardless of whether you agree or not, tomorrow’s wedding will be held as scheduled. Lian Lian will return to be the Queen, and Mo Fei will return to be the king, ” Gaia said word by word.

The empress dowager forced the corners of her lips and felt that her power was gone. “I don’t object to anything. Anyway, you won’t listen to what I say. ”

She turned around and walked out of GAIA’s study. Her hands were clenched into fists. She would not allow anyone to snatch her son’s throne!

In the cold palace, there was a group of people hidden in the shadows. They were all guards in the palace, but they were all loyal to Mo Fei. A few years ago, Mo Fei had placed these people in the palace to help him find out information about GAIA and the empress dowager.

Their phones had received Mo Fei’s secret code. These secret codes were a combination of numbers and letters that only they could understand.

It was obvious that Mo Fei had given them a death order. He wanted them to steal the documents signed by Gaia no matter what.

They were like ghosts as they wandered around the palace. They slowly approached GAIA’s study, looking for an opportunity to steal those documents.


In the forest, Lian Lian had a good dream. In the dream, Willam was so gentle and affectionate towards her.

When she woke up, her heart was filled with disappointment. She did not know how stupid she was. She actually expected to be treated gently by Willam?

He had so many women. She had been bullied by Willam since she was young. How could he love her?

Her heart ached all kinds of pain, as if something was gripping her heart so hard that she could not breathe.

Her hand touched her belly. Although the baby was still very small, she could already feel the bulge in her belly. Was it because the baby was growing day by day that she wanted to be with Willam?

She sat up and dismissed all her unrealistic thoughts. Willam was just a nightmare in her life. When she woke up from the dream, she should take her child and live a good life.

Just as she was contemplating, the sound of a man’s footsteps could be heard from outside the tent.

The man’s figure walked into the tent. She only felt that her eyes were blurred. She actually saw many black spots on the man’s arms and body.

Willam looked at the little woman who had just woken up and pursed his lips, as if he was in a hurry to speak to her.

“I took out a beehive and made honey for you to eat. Honey is nutritious. If you don’t want to eat, then eat this. ” As she spoke, she took out a plastic bag from her backpack. The plastic bag was filled with a beehive There were still remnants of bees buzzing around inside.

Lian Lian widened her eyes in shock. “You took out a beehive? ”

Was He not stung to death She stood up and walked towards the man.

“Don’t come over yet. There are a few living bees here. I’ll kill them first. They sting very painfully, ” Willam said as he reached out to strangle the bees.

He only let Lian Lian come over after checking that there were no more bees in the beehive.

“come over and eat honey! You loved to eat sweet things when you were young, but at that time, you were too fat. The maid was not allowed to give you more, ” Willam said.

Being fat was not good for children. Willam considered Lian Lian’s health, so he asked the maid to pay attention to Lian Lian’s intake of sweet things and not allow Lian Lian to eat too much.

Lian Lian’s heart suddenly sank. It turned out that Willam had said not to let her eat too much, but Willam did not know that because of his words, Dena told the maid not to give her any dessert.

Because she could not eat sweet things when she was young, she especially liked sweet things.

She walked towards the man step by step. This time, she saw clearly why there were small black spots on the man’s body. These black spots were the stingers of bees.

Her heart felt as if it had been stung by something. She could not imagine how painful it would be for Willam to be stung by so many bees.

“You... don’t you feel pain? ” She asked hesitantly.

“Eat this. There’s a queen bee in this. The Queen Bee is fed with Royal Jelly, which is especially nutritious. ” Willam broke off the piece of beehive and handed it to Lian Lian.

The beehive was made of Beeswax. The beeswax and the Queen Bee in it were edible.

Lian Lian took a bite of the beehive and ate the Royal Jelly and the Queen Bee. Her eyes could not shift away from the man’s body. “You... don’t you feel pain? ”

She asked stubbornly. She felt pain just by looking at him.

“It doesn’t hurt. Bee Venom is useless to me, ” said Willam. Ever since he had poison in his body, these little poisons had no effect on him at all. However, the pain was still painful. He just didn’t want Lian Lian to worry.

Lian Lian’s fingertips gently touched the small black spots on the man’s body. The Stinger didn’t go in. Half of it was in Willam’s flesh and the other half was still outside.

“You’re lying. You’re obviously in pain, ” she raised her eyes and questioned the man.

“It doesn’t hurt, really! It’s just a little bit of pain. I’ll be fine once I pull it out. ” Willam reached out to pull out the poisonous needles in his flesh.

However, the poisonous needles of bees were all hooked, so when he pulled them out, his flesh would be removed, and fresh blood would flow out of the stung wound.

Lian Lian’s heart was stabbed fiercely, and she watched helplessly as the man’s blood flowed out. josei

She spat out the beeswax in her mouth, turned around and went to get the first-aid kit. She found a small pair of tweezers from the first-aid kit. “I’ll pull out the thorns for you. ”

She pulled out the thorns on the man’s body one by one, then used disinfectant to disinfect the man.

“Are you an idiot? Why did you dig out the beehive? Don’t you know you’ll get stung by bees? ” Her voice was a little choked up.

“You can’t eat anything else. The only sweet thing here is honey, ” Willam said.

At this time, it was too late for his subordinates to transport anything. He only knew that Lian Lian had vomited all the food and needed to replenish the nutrition immediately.

He broke off a piece of the beehive and stuffed it into the little woman’s mouth.

The beehive was filled with honey.

“So sweet. ” Tears rolled uncontrollably onto the man’s arm.

Willam lifted the little woman’s face with his large hand and stared at the tears on her face. “silly, why are you crying? Don’t you see that I’m fine? It’s just a little more prickly.

“Also, I’m the person you hate the most, have you forgotten “Why are you pitying me “remember that sympathy for the enemy is hurting yourself! ”

Lian Lian’s lips pursed into a straight line. “I know, you’re the person I should hate the most. ”

“Yes, remember, don’t forget, protect your heart! Otherwise, YOU’LL GET HURT! ” Willam warned the little woman in front of him. Her tears made his heart ache, but he no longer had the ability to protect her and protect her!

He could not control that power. If he kept her by his side, he would only hurt her and the child!

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