May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366: Chapter 1366: I want baby and you 66

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“What? What did you say? ”QinnShengg heardChuuXiaa shouting.Shee did not understand whatChuuXiaa said?

“I’ll tell you later. Oh my God, it’s killing me! ” Chu Xia did not have time to talk to Qin Sheng. She continued to talk to Du Xi. “I got it. Thank you, Du Xi. When I go back, I’ll F * Cking hit him straight! ” josei

“Auntie, you have to come back quickly. Otherwise, I’m afraid that brother Yi will really fall in love with some man and he won’t be able to hit him straight! ” Du Xi said.

“Yes, yes. I’ve seen my daughter before, so I’ll go back with his father. If he dares to be gay, I’ll beat him to death! ” Chu Xia said.

She hung up the phone and held Qin Sheng’s hand. “What kind of life do I have? My daughter hasn’t even gotten married yet, and she’s already a widow. My son hasn’t even had a girlfriend yet, and he’s already F * Cking Gay! ”

Qin Sheng was surprised. “You said that Jian Jian likes men? ”

“That’s right. Du Xi called me and said that she found out that my son likes men. “I’ve been wondering why he hasn’t found a girlfriend. I originally thought that it was because he likes Lian Lian and hasn’t been able to let go of Lian Lian. Now it seems that he doesn’t like women at all! ” Chu Xia said.

“D * MN, do you believe du Xi, that crazy girl? You know her temper. She hasn’t been doted on by her parents since she was a child. She’s like wind and rain. Don’t listen to her nonsense, ” Qin Sheng comforted Chuxia.

“Although du Xi has had her ups and downs, her relationship with Jian Jian has been good for so many years, ” Chuxia said.

“Is her relationship with Jian Jian good? Why do I feel that Jian Jian has always despised her? ” Qin Sheng said.

“Yes, I said that she has a good relationship with Jian Jian, not that Jian Jian has a good relationship with her, ” Chuxia explained.

Qin Sheng’s forehead was covered in black lines. Okay, she misunderstood.

“So you think that she cares about Jian Jian? ”

“That’s right. She cares about Jian Jian very much. I think what she said must be true! Damn Kid, if he dares to be gay for me, I’ll beat him to death! ” Chu Xia said fiercely.

“Okay, let’s go see Chu Chu First. Then, I’ll go back with you to see Jian Jian, ” Qin Sheng said.

“Yes, yes. We’ve decided so happily! ” Chu Xia said.

A group of maids stood at the airport of the Palace to welcome Chu Xia, Qin Sheng, Gong Mochen, and Sikong Jue.

They arrived at Chu Chu’s bedroom in the electric car of the palace.

Chu Xia looked at the luxurious bedroom and gasped, “my God, isn’t this too luxurious? ”

Every detail in the bedroom was meticulously carved. The real luxury was that even the smallest details were superior to others.

Chu Chu saw her mother coming and walked over with a high stance, “mom, do you think this is luxurious? That’s because you haven’t seen the Queen’s Bedroom. That’s what is considered luxurious! ”

Chu Xia’s eyes widened to the maximum, “aren’t you living in the most luxurious? ”

Chu Chu suddenly felt that she had said something wrong. It was very embarrassing for her to say this. “I haven’t been conferred the title of Empress Dowager Yet, have I? When I’m conferred the title of Empress Dowager, I can live wherever I want. ”

“Yes, yes. Mom is waiting for you to be conferred the title of Empress Dowager. Oh right, you haven’t asked your aunt and uncle-in-law how they are! ” Chu Chu said to Chu Chu.

Chu Chu reluctantly greeted Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen. “aunt-in-law, uncle-in-law, how are you? ”

She only felt that she had lowered herself. She was the Empress Dowager!

“Hello, Chu Chu. ” Qin Sheng greeted politely. To be honest, if Chu Chu was not Chu Xia’s daughter, she really would not like Chu Chu.

Chu Chu motioned for the maid to bring in tea and snacks.

Chu Xia summoned Qin Sheng and the others and sat on the Sofa in the living room.

Qin Sheng sipped her tea slowly. “Chu Chu, where’s your son? Bring him over for us to see! ”

“Yes! I haven’t seen my grandson yet! Hurry up and bring him over, ” Chu Xia said.

Chu Chu’s face stiffened. “He, he’s going to court and has to deal with official business. How would he have time to see you? ”

“Ah? How old is he? Isn’t there a minister of support? ” Chu Chu asked.

“there is a minister of support, but Willam left an edict. Every day when the minister of support handles official business, Xin Ba must be present. All official business must be handled in front of Xin Ba, ” Chu Chu said.

“Oh my God? How can there be such a rule? What does such a young child know? ” Chu Chu did not understand why Willam would leave such an edict.

“Then wait for Xin Ba to handle his official business before bringing him here! ” Qin Sheng said.

“That won’t do either. Xin Ba still has to attend classes and study, ” Chu Chu said.

Everyone was wearing black hair. Wasn’t Xin BA too young Such a young child needed to study?

“Then you can only see Xin ba at night? ” Chu Xia asked.

“No, he also listens to music at night. I basically can’t see him, ” Chu Chu said.

She hadn’t seen Xin ba since she came here. If she wanted to see Xin Ba, she had to ask a few assistant ministers. She also had to see Xin ba in front of them. It was so complicated. She would rather not see him. After all, he wasn’t her biological son.

“Ah? Your own son, you basically can’t see him? ” Chu Xia was surprised.

“Mom, what do you know? Xin Ba is the king. He has to receive the king’s education since he was young. How can he have time to be with me? ” Chu Chu gave a reason.

Chu Xia was depressed. “Even if grandma comes, can’t I see her? I haven’t even held a grandson! ”

Chu Chu pursed her lips into a straight line, as if saying that she could not see Xin Ba. If Chu Xia were to leave just like that, Chu Xia would definitely not agree.

“I’ll go and talk to the assistant ministers and ask them to arrange a time for you to meet His Majesty. ” She said it casually, as if she could order the assistant ministers. In fact, her heart was beating wildly She did not know if the ministers would give her face.

“Alright, hurry up and tell them. I’ve seen you and I want to go back to see your brother. That Brat really worries me. He might be gay. ” Chu Xia complained to her daughter.

“Ah? My brother is gay? ” Chu Chu was stunned.

However, she soon realized that if Sikong Yi was gay, it would be too beneficial for her. She could use this reason to urge her mother to return home as soon as possible.

Qin Sheng chatted with Chu Chu and Chu Xia for a while and said that she wanted to take a walk in the imperial garden. She left the living room with Gong Mochen and let Chu Xia and Sikong Jue’s family gather.

Gong Mochen held Qin Sheng’s hand the entire time. When they arrived at the imperial garden, he looked around to see that there was no one around before he said, “Do you think that Willam’s edict is very strange? ”

Qin Sheng nodded “Yes, it’s too strange. It seems that he intentionally stopped Chu Chu and Xin Ba from meeting. I can see that Willam’s protection of Xin Ba has been watertight. However, if Chu Chu is Xin BA’s mother, there’s no need for him to guard against Chu Chu. ”

“Yes, I’m also curious about this. It seems that he’s more guarded against Chu Chu than anyone else! Let’s go and see Xin Ba, ” Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng looked at the man in surprise. “You have a way to see Xin Ba? ”

Gong Mochen’s hand scratched the little woman’s nose. “You forgot that I lived here for many years. At that time, Willam was my disciple. ”

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