May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378: Chapter 1378 I want my child and you 78

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“What does it have to do with you whether I can afford to stay in the ward or not? What right do you have to scold me? Aren’t the wards in your hospital for patients? Since they are for patients, why are there wards that are not for patients? ” Wen Xin questioned.

The nurse was rendered speechless by her question. She rolled her eyes at Wen Xin and said, “if you are poor, then you are poor. Why are you pretending? ”

“Who the F * Ck Are you calling pretending? ” A male voice rushed over from the other end of the corridor.

Wen Xin turned around and saw Ouyang Mo..

Ouyang Mo’s expression was dark and cold. He walked towards Wen Xin and the nurse step by step and looked down at the nurse. “Who are you scolding? ”

The nurse recognized that the person in front of her was Ouyang Mo. “Young Master Ouyang, I, I was just joking. In fact, young master Nangong had already paid for this lady’s ward. Moreover, it was young master Nangong who did not allow us to change her ward. I was also doing it to fulfill young master Nangong’s orders.

“But Miss Wen Xin said that she would change her ward no matter what. I was so anxious that I had no choice but to say something that I shouldn’t have said. Young Master Ouyang, please forgive me “I’m also in a difficult position. ”

She cleverly moved Nangong ye out. In any case, Nangong ye was the one who refused to let Wen Xin change rooms. It had nothing to do with her. Even if she scolded Wen Xin, she could only say that it was to fulfill Nangong Ye’s orders.

She glanced at Wen Xin playfully. Two heavyweight men were speaking up for Wen Xin. She did not believe that Ouyang Mo would not be angry when he heard that Nangong ye booked a luxurious room for Wen Xin.

Ouyang Mo’s expression became even more unsightly. “I know about Nangong Ye’s matter, but now my friend wants to stay in this room. Do you have any objections? ”

He asked coldly. josei

“No, no objections, but how am I going to explain this to young Master Nan Gong? ” The nurse put on a troubled expression.

“That’s your business. You can tell him whatever you want. What does it have to do with us? Go and get a few nurses to change Wen Xin’s room! ” Ouyang Mo ordered the nurse.

The nurse’s lips twitched, and she could only nod in agreement. “Yes, I’ll go and get someone to change Wen Xin’s room. ”

She turned around and walked to the nurse’s desk. She asked the others to tidy up Chang Yue’s room and push her to a normal ward.

Only Wen Xin and Ouyang Mo were left in the corridor. Ouyang Mo’s face was full of embarrassment. Wen Xin knew that he didn’t arrange the room, but Nangong ye did.

“Wen Xin, I didn’t mean to lie to you. I originally wanted to arrange a luxurious ward for you, but Nangong ye was one step ahead of me. You just happened to call me to talk about the house. I just... although the house wasn’t arranged by me, I also have this intention. You won’t be angry, right? Actually, as long as you say the word, I can get you any ward you want! ” Ouyang MO quickly confessed.

However, the girl who had not said a word to him still did not say a word to him. He could see how Pale Wen Xin’s face was.

An uneasiness that he had never felt before swept over his heart. He grabbed Wen Xin’s hand and said, “are you really angry? Wen Xin, say something to me. I beg you! ”

Wen Xin had always been a quiet girl. Even if she was angry, she would not quarrel with anyone, unless that person was too much. Usually, Wen Xin would be in this state when she was angry, so cold that she did not say a word.

Wen Xin’s hand was pulled out from the man’s hand with great effort. No matter how hard he clenched it, she still tried to pull her hand out.

Ouyang Mo’s palm was empty, and his hand was holding Wen Xin’s shoulder. “Don’t tell me you like that Nangong Ye has money to book a luxurious Ward for you? I have money too, I can do that too! ”

Wen Xin slapped Ouyang Mo’s face. She was so angry that her whole body was trembling. “I never cared about money. Although I’m poor and really short of money, I never measured a person by money! But you lied to me!

“Why did you lie to me “Do you know how passive I was in front of Nangong ye “I was misunderstood by him as a woman who was greedy for money “Why did you lie to me? ”

Her tears were in her eyes. She could not forget the humiliation she had suffered, and all of this was because of Ouyang Mo!

Ouyang Mo’s heart stopped. “You care about how he sees you? Are you in love with him? ”

It seemed that women only cared about what the man they loved thought of them.

Wen Xin slapped Ouyang Mo’s face again. “So I’m only such a girl in your eyes! Do you think that Nangong Ye is richer than you, so I should like him?

“What does it have to do with whether he has money or not that I care about what others think of me “Even if I’m just a passerby, I don’t want to be mistaken as a woman who sells herself! ”

She said it word by word, and she was so angry that she couldn’t get any angrier.

Ouyang Mo was conflicted. He didn’t block the woman’s slap, but she still slapped him. The force of the slap was not small, and the clear sound of the slap pierced through his ears, burning his face.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that to you. I just said that because I care about you too much, do you understand How much do I love you Wen Xin, don’t fall in love with another man, don’t leave me You don’t know how important this is to me!”His long arms pulled the woman into his arms It was as if he was afraid that she would run away in the next moment.

Wen Xin pushed the man’s shoulder, putting some distance between them. “I won’t fall in love with anyone else, but will you believe me? ”

“I believe, I will definitely believe you! ” Ouyang Mo said.

“Will you always believe me in the future? ” Wen Xin asked.

“Yes, I will always believe you in the future. ” Ouyang Mo was only short of swearing an oath.

“I will wait for you until you take care of the company. ” Wen Xin’s words escaped from the corner of her lips.

Ouyang Mo excitedly held Wen Xin in his arms again. “enough, it will be enough when I take care of the company. I will be able to take care of it very quickly! Wen Xin, I love you so much! You can’t imagine how much I love you! ”

Hope was ignited in his heart. As long as Wen Xin did not break up with him, Wen Xin would not fall in love with another man. His bet with Nangong ye would definitely be won, and his family’s company would be preserved. Of course, the most important thing was that he would be able to marry Wen Xin.

On that day, he had a sudden inspiration and told Nangong ye about the bet, placing his wealth and Wen Xin together.

He knew how high Nangong Ye’s standards were. Only a girl like Wen Xin could arouse Nangong ye’s desire to conquer.

He originally thought that he would be able to watch as Nangong ye fell into his trap. However, after seeing what Nangong ye did for Wen Xin, he became more and more uneasy. He was afraid that Nangong ye would really fall in love with Wen Xin, or that Wen Xin would fall in love with Nangong ye.

Wen Xin’s head rested on the man’s shoulder. She was really tired. People misunderstood her character. Also, her mother’s illness was getting more and more serious. She was just a girl. There would be times when she would be so tired that she wanted to find someone to rely on. There would also be times when she would not be able to hold on.

She thought that if Ouyang Mo was true to her, then she would marry Ouyang Mo. no matter how his parents objected, they would face it together.

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