May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408: Chapter 1408 I want my baby and you

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“What’s wrong with my mother? ” Wen Xin asked worriedly. She was afraid that something would happen to her mother again.

“your mother is fine. It’s just that she woke up from her anesthesia and she wants to see you. Come over and put on a sterile suit. You can come in and see your mother, ” the nurse said.

“Okay! I’ll be there soon. ” Wen Xin ran out of the ward happily. She thought that her mother should be in good condition and wanted to see her as soon as she woke up.

She took the elevator to the intensive care unit, put on the sterile clothes given to her by the nurse, and wore a mask as she entered the room.

“Mom! You’re awake? ” She ran to her mother’s hospital bed and ran her hands through her mother’s messy hair.

Chang Yue nodded. “I’m awake. I just asked the nurse. My surgery was very successful. I’ll be able to go home in a few days. ”

“Yeah, in the future, we won’t have to go to the hospital every day to see the doctor. Mom will also be able to live a long life! ” Wen Xin comforted her mother with her eyes full of smiles.

Her dream was that her mother’s illness could be cured and she could live a good life with her.

“Hurry up and show mom the villa again! If it weren’t for the fact that I have to be observed in the intensive care unit, I would want to go back to the villa now, ” Chang Yue said.

Wen Xin took out her phone and showed Chang Yue the photos she took in the villa. “Mom, actually, the cost of the villa is very high. Besides, it’s just the two of us. I think it’s better to live in our unit. ”

“No matter how high the cost is, how much higher can it be? Doesn’t that mean there’s still three million left “We’ll save some money and definitely be able to live in it for the rest of our lives “furthermore, you’ll have to get married in the future. With such a social status, even if you don’t marry young Master Nan Gong, you’ll still be able to find a capable man.

“Are you afraid that your man won’t be able to earn enough money to support you “Look at how good this villa is. Mom has never lived in such a good house in her entire life. If I can live in it for a few years before dying, I really won’t have any regrets in dying! ” Chang Yue said.

Wen Xin’s heart twitched. Looking at her mother’s infatuated look at the villa, she really didn’t know how to tell her mother that she wanted to return the villa to Nangong ye.

“that, that, mom, it’s very tiring to clean this house. ”

“It’s okay. When I’m cured, I can clean. Living in such a Nice House, I’M HAPPY TO CLEAN TOO! Look at this yard. Last time I went, I didn’t realize there was such a big yard.

We can even grow vegetables Don’t you love eating strawberries Mom will grow some strawberries for you. I heard that strawberries are actually very easy to raise!”Chang Yue said to herself, completely unaware of her daughter’s expression.

Wen Xin looked at her mother’s excited expression and could not bear to stimulate her mother’s fragile nerves.

“Okay, you can plant whatever you want. As long as you’re happy. ”

“Mom can live in a villa when she’s old. What’s there to be unhappy about? If I see you getting married again, it’ll be too perfect! ” Chang Yue said.

“Chang Yue, I’ve seen my daughter. It’s time for you to rest. If you want to recover quickly, you have to rest well! ” The nurse said.

Chang Yue looked at her daughter. “Okay, you go back and rest. I’ll be out of the ICU in two days! You’ve been tired for many days. Go and rest quickly! ”

“I’ll be leaving then. If you feel unwell, ask the nurse to call me. ” Wen Xin left the ICU after giving her instructions.

She took off her sterile clothes and handed it to the nurse. Her heart tightened. was she really going to accept Nangong Ye’s things?

Her footsteps were heavy as she walked back. She only felt that it was hard to even breathe.


On the other side of the ocean, Mu duo received the report of the paternity test.

He called Mu Zeyu and Yan Wei over and everyone looked at the report of the paternity test.

“Godfather, hurry and open it! ” Mu Zeyu looked at Mu duo’s slow movements and was a little impatient.

“Do you think I don’t want to hurry up? Why is this envelope so sturdy? ” Mu Duo complained. The more anxious he was, the more he wanted to know the result. However, the envelope was so sturdy that he could not open it.

“It’s not that the envelope is sturdy. It’s that your hands are shaking, alright? Let me do it! ” Mu Yuze said.

“Damn, you still dare to say that my hands are shaking. Am I not in a hurry? ” Mu Duo said.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not admit that he was nervous. josei

Mu Zeyu took the envelope, tore it open in two and took out the appraisal report.

The pile of appraisal reports was very detailed, but they could not understand the content at all. They could only understand the last string of numbers, 99.999%

In other words, Yan Wei and Mu duo were father and daughter!

Mu Duo’s hand touched the report, his old eyes glistening with tears. “The heavens have been kind to me. I thought I would never have a child in my life!

Yan Wei, come here You are my child My daughter Hurry up and let daddy see you!”

His hand reached out to his daughter.

Yan Wei gently placed her hand into her father’s palm. In her life, no one had ever looked forward to her like this. Ever since she was born, she had been despised by her mother. She had never thought that one day, there would be someone who would be grateful to the heavens because of her appearance.

“Daddy! ” She sobbed as she called out to her father. She wanted the heavens to finally pity her and let her meet her biological father so that she could feel the happiness of being doted on by her father.

“Yes, yes, good child! Daddy, let me tell you, there are many jewelry stores in our family. You are now the eldest daughter of our family! These jewelry stores will all be yours in the future! ” Mu Duo did not know how to love his daughter He only wanted to give everything he had to his daughter!

“Father, I don’t need those. I’m happy as long as I can be with you, ” Yan Wei said.

“father is also happy. Because I was too playful when I was young and committed too many sins, I thought I would never have any descendants! ” Mu Duo sighed.

“Godfather, how can you have no descendants? Now you have me and Yan Wei! Godfather, do you want to explain it to Yan Wei? ” Mu Zeyu reminded his godfather.

“Yes, I still have you two! Weiwei, let me tell you, Mu Zeyu is my adopted son. All my assets will be inherited by him and you. I want you two to get married.

I raised this kid by myself. If I can be a son-in-law and son-in-law, I will be too happy And I will be relieved to hand you over to him What do you think?”Mu duo asked.

The corners of Yan Wei’s lips twitched. She didn’t expect that not only did she find her father, but she also got a husband for free.

“Dad, Zeyu and I just met. I, I haven’t thought about finding a boyfriend yet, ” she stammered.

“Aren’t you going to find one sooner or later? You’re not young anymore, and you’re pregnant. You need a man to take care of you! I think it’s settled then! ” Mu Duo said.

“Dad, I’ll think about it again. Marriage is a matter between two people who are in love. zeyu and I don’t have a relationship yet, ” Yan Wei said.

“A relationship can be cultivated. You can have a relationship after sleeping with him a few times, ” Mu Zeyu said loudly.

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