May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412: Chapter 1412: I Want my child and you

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Mu Zeyu understood women better than he knew himself. As long as he wanted a woman, not a single one could escape from his grasp, including Yan Wei!

He watched Yan Wei eat a good supplement and told her to rest well before leaving Yan Wei’s room.

Wen Xin’s eyes looked at the rising sun outside the window, and her brows pressed to the bottom.

It was the start of a new day, and she still hadn’t thought about what to do with the villa and money.

According to her personality, returning the villa and the money to Nangong ye would undoubtedly take her mother’s life.

But if she didn’t return it, how was she going to explain to Nangong ye that she couldn’t accept such a valuable thing from a man for no reason!

The phone in the room rang, and she turned around to answer the call.

“Wen Xin, the nurse just checked me and said that my indicators are very good. I’m so happy, the donated kidney is working very well!

The nurse said that there’s no problem for me to return to the normal ward tomorrow!”

Chang Yue’s voice came through the phone.

“That’s good. MOM, you should recover well. I’ll bring you to the normal ward tomorrow, ” Wen Xin said.

“Yeah, the doctor also said that seeing how happy I am, it wouldn’t be a problem for me to live for another 30 years! Hahaha, I’m already a person who’s about to die. I didn’t expect to live for another 30 years!

For the villa and the good days in the future, I’ll risk my life to live I can’t wait to live in the villa now!

I didn’t expect to have the life to live in the villa Back then, your father chased me out of the house and wanted me to die outside. I thought my life was over!

My daughter The happiest thing in my life is to give birth to you, so that I can have a good life!”Chang Yue said as she cried again.

“Mom! Don’t be agitated. Your surgery is just right, you can’t be agitated! ” Wen Xin advised.

“I know, I know I can’t be agitated, I just can’t control myself. How could I have such a good daughter like you I think I must have suffered too much in my life, that’s why God let me have such a good daughter like you MOM survived because of you!”Chang Yue said.

“Mom, don’t say that. I was born because of you. You raised me with great effort. I will do everything I can to let you live out your old age in peace! ” Wen Xin said.

“Well, I know you are the most filial child! I won’t say anymore. The nurse asked me to take medicine! ” Chang Yue said and hung up the phone.

Wen Xin’s hands hung down weakly. Her mother’s health was getting better and better, and her mother’s expectations of the villa were getting higher and higher.

It was human nature. She could understand that her mother had suffered all her life and wanted to live a better life.

Her hands were clenched into fists. She should fulfill her mother’s wish and let her live the life she wanted. She should not cruelly tell her mother that those lives were just her imagination.

She washed up, put on her clothes, and walked out of the hospital ward.

It was still a simple and plain dress, a bun-shaped head, and a small face without makeup.

She rode the Little Red Car to Nangong Ye’s company and went to look for Nangong ye with ease.

The security guard of the building naturally wouldn’t stop his boss’s friend. He politely let Wen Xin go upstairs.

In the room that Ouyang Mo rented in the building opposite the building, a man used a pair of binoculars to watch Wen Xin walk into Nangong Ye’s building. josei

He immediately called Ouyang Mo. “young master, you asked me to keep an eye on young master Nangong’s company. I saw Miss Wen coming. She walked into young master Nangong’s company. ”

Ouyang Mo’s voice came out of the phone. “really? Keep an eye on when she comes out! Tell me when she comes out! ”

Ouyang Mo ordered his men. His lips curved into a triumphant smile. Yesterday, he had told Wen Xin to return all the things to Nangong ye. It seemed that Wen Xin was here to return the things!

If it was not for the company, he could not wait to take the import and export rights of the five countries!

His heart could not hide his excitement. He could marry Wen Xin soon, and his company would be able to come back to life soon!

His phone rang with music again. It was a call from his mother.

“What have you thought about it? The Sun family and I have agreed to let you go on a blind date. The Sun family is also willing to marry us for benefits. Now, all that’s left is for you to meet the miss of the Sun Family! She has seen your photo and is very satisfied with you!

Let me tell you, the sun family is able to marry us for benefits. This is your fortune. Do you know how much wealth the Sun family has You married the only daughter of the sun family. Everything in their family is yours!

The crisis of our family and your future development will be smooth sailing How about tonight? You two can meet and almost settle the marriage!”Ouyang Mo’s mother said.

Ouyang Mo’s brows were tightly knitted. “Didn’t I tell you to talk about this tomorrow? I won’t go to see Miss Sun Tonight! ”

“You always have this attitude. You said that you can settle the company’s matter tomorrow. I don’t think it’s possible no matter how I look at it. A MARRIAGE ALLIANCE IS MORE RELIABLE! ” Ouyang Mo’s mother said.

“whether it’s reliable or not, we’ll know tomorrow! There’s no rush in one night! I’m hanging up the phone. We’ll talk again tomorrow. As I said, if I settle the company’s matter, I want to marry Wen Xin! ” Ouyang Mo hung up the phone as he spoke.

His mother came to urge him to get married for benefits almost every day. He also knew that the situation of his family’s company could not be delayed any longer. He could not just watch his family’s company go bankrupt, right?

His hands were clenched into fists. As long as he could survive today, he would be able to win against Nangong ye. Everything would be resolved!

He got up and walked to the window of his office. His deep gaze was fixed on the gloomy sky. His heart was silently chanting Wen Xin’s name.

Wen Xin quickly returned Nangong Ye’s things and quickly came to find me!

I won this bet Then we can be together forever!


Nangong Ye’s office entered Wen Xin’s figure.

“What’s the matter? Did something go wrong with your mother’s surgery again? ” Nangong Ye’s gaze was cold. That day at the hospital, he saw Wen Xin and Ouyang Mo hugging each other. His heart had already died.

However, he could afford to lose. He only thought that he had misjudged the person.

Wen Xin walked step by step to the man and walked directly to Nangong ye. “My mother’s surgery was very successful. She’s recovering very well now. ”

Her hand was clutching her skirt as her face alternated between red and white. She didn’t know how to tell the man.

Nangong ye was a little surprised. “since everything went smoothly, why did you come to me? ”

“I, I came to talk to you about the villa and the money. I know that the other demolition households don’t have such a good compensation. You deliberately gave this to me, ” Wen Xin stammered.

Nangong Ye’s brows furrowed. “So? You want to return the things to me? ”

The corners of his lips curled into a cold smile. Although his efforts were in vain, at least this girl’s character was decent. He could only comfort himself this way.

Boys would not give things to girls easily. Once they gave something away, they would not want to take it back.

“I, I’m not here to return it. I want the villa and the money. ” Wen Xin’s face was as Pale as paper.

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