May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445: Chapter 1445: I Want my child and you

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Wen Xin’s neck was grabbed by the man’s large hand. She wanted to shout but couldn’t. The uneasiness swept through her body. She used her hands and feet to hit the man who was grabbing her.

“B * Tch! Behave Yourself! ” Before the man could finish his words, a car drove up beside them. As the car door opened, the man threw Wen Xin into the car. The car then drove away.

Wen Xin looked at the two burly men sitting beside her, the driver sitting in front of the car, and the other man.

Her heart sank to the bottom. These men were obviously martial artists. Their arms were thicker than her legs. It was impossible for her to run away from them.

Her eyes were burning as she looked at the security guards standing guard at the entrance of the residential area. If the security guards could find anything unusual, they could save her life.

Unfortunately, the security guards saluted the luxury suv when they saw it.

Wen Xin was angered to death by the security guards. Not all people driving luxury cars were rich, such as drivers or kidnappers.

She watched as the car drove out of the neighborhood. There was no hope for her to escape now.

“Who are you? Why did you kidnap me? ” She asked.

“You don’t need to know. We are just following orders. “If you don’t move, we won’t make things too difficult for you. If you don’t listen, don’t blame us for not being polite. I see that your small body can’t withstand US brothers! ” The man threatened.

Wen Xin was so scared that she didn’t even dare to breathe. The man’s words were very clear. If she dared to run, they would force themselves on her.

Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She couldn’t run, so she could only try to protect herself.

However, would her mother be scared to death when she found out that she was missing?

She was worried about her mother. “Do you want money or something? We can discuss it. Can you let me call my family? ”

“It’s not time for you to call. Stop talking nonsense and shut up! ” The man said unhappily.

Wen Xin’s heart sank. At this moment, she really didn’t know what to do.

Chang Yue, who was in the villa, didn’t see her daughter come back for a long time. It was just supposed to be a gift. She wouldn’t be absent for such a long time.

She walked out of the villa to look for her daughter. However, Wen Xin was nowhere to be seen in the empty courtyard and on the road.

“Wen Xin! ” She shouted. The environment here was particularly good. Any sound could be transmitted far away. Clearly, Wen Xin was not nearby. She took out her phone and called Wen Xin. However, the sound of the phone came from the villa. She hurriedly returned to the villa She saw Wen Xin’s phone in the hall.

Wen Xin would never leave without informing her. Chang Yue realized the problem and immediately called Du Xi to ask if she knew where Wen Xin was.

As the call went through, she hurriedly spoke to Du Xi, “Du Xi, have you seen Wen Xin? Did she leave with you guys? ”

Du Xi was surprised, “No, when we left, she even waved at us! She didn’t leave with us! ”

“But she didn’t go home either. I saw her at home and didn’t come back, so I came out to look for her. ” Chang Yue was so anxious that she wanted to cry. If du Xi didn’t know where Wen Xin went, then Wen Xin must have been lost.

“No way? When I went to say goodbye to her, she was standing at the entrance of the Villa’s courtyard. We said goodbye and then we drove away. She should have gone home? ” Du Xi recalled the scene.

“But she didn’t come back! Where did my Wen Xin go? ” Chang Yue cried out.

“Auntie, don’t worry, we’ll go back and look for Wen Xin Now! ” After du Xi said that, she let Bai Bo drive back to Du Xi’s house. She also called her other classmates and asked them to come back and look for her.

She arranged for her classmates to divide the work. Two classmates arranged for her to go back to the villa to accompany Chang Yue. The other classmates were assigned by her to look for her in all directions of the neighborhood.

However, they walked around the entire neighborhood, but they didn’t see Wen Xin.

“there must be an accident. Let’s go find the property and get the surveillance footage. ” Bai Bo realized that it was not good. It was impossible for a girl to run out on her own in the middle of the night.

He drove to the property and asked the property to get the surveillance footage for them. Soon, the surveillance footage was retrieved and they found the problem.

At the door of Wen Xin’s house, a few men walked towards Wen Xin. They grabbed Wen Xin and threw her into an SUV.

“I’ll call the police! Wen Xin was kidnapped! ” Du Xi said.

“No, what if the kidnappers kill her? If it’s a kidnapping, the kidnappers will definitely contact Chang Yue. Let’s go back and wait for the call! ” Bai Bo analyzed.

“Yes, why didn’t I think of that? ” Du Xi said as she followed the man back to Du Xi’s house to wait for the news.

Chang Yue knew that her daughter was indeed kidnapped. She took out all her cards and handed them to Du Xi. She asked Du Xi to help her pay the kidnappers. Money was not as important to her as her daughter.

However, they waited for a long time, but there was no phone call from the kidnappers.

Du Xi could not hold it in any longer. She took out her phone and called her brother. She told her brother, Du Rui, to help her find the kidnappers.

She did not forget to call Nangong ye. After all, Nangong ye was the most capable person.

“Young Master Nangong, I lost my friend. Can you help me find him? ” She was rarely gentle.

She did not dare to make a big fuss about begging people.

Nangong ye was almost sick from Du Xi’s jealousy. “SPEAK PROPERLY! I’M NOT Sikong Yi! What’s wrong with you? ”

“WHO’s sick? D * MN, can’t I just speak properly to you guys? ” Du Xi rolled her eyes and said. josei

Nangong Ye let out a sigh of relief. He had finally found the right channel. He expressed that he was still used to this du Xi.

“If you have something to say, say it! After all, your father is my father’s good friend. If I can help, I will definitely help, ” he said in a deep voice.

“Help me find my friend! I lost my friend! No, my friend was kidnapped! ” Wen Xin quickly said.

“Miss, you still haven’t told me who your friend is? ” Nangong ye said helplessly.

“My friend is Wen Xin! Wen Xin has been kidnapped! Brother Nangong, Wen Xin is my best friend. You have to help me find her, and she has to be alive! ” Du Xi said.

Nangong Ye leaned on the SOFA and suddenly sat up straight. “Wen Xin has been kidnapped? ”

“Yes! You Know Wen Xin too, right? Oh right, she used to be Ouyang Mo’s girlfriend, but they broke up now. No, that’s not the point. The point is that she has been kidnapped. You have to help me find her, ” Du Xi said.

“The point is how she was kidnapped! Tell me the point! ” Nangong ye roared angrily. He really wanted to Pry Open du Xi’s brain and see how her brain worked.

“I’ll send you a video. You’ll know when you see it. It’s the car that kidnapped Wen Xin! ” Du Xi pointed with her finger and sent the video from the property to Nangong Ye.

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