May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487: Chapter 1487 I want my baby and you 187

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

It was an oil painting with a sea view. The painting depicted the sea and the mountains by the sea. On the mountain, there was a small villa surrounded by fresh flowers. Birds were dancing in the sky.

A layer of mist appeared in Du Xi’s eyes. She remembered this oil painting.

She had never liked her home since she was young. There was once when her family had a gathering. She saw this painting hanging on the wall of the hotel lobby. She said that she wanted to live in such a house by herself. She wanted to live in the painting.

Just now, Sikong Yi had told her at Du Rui’s House that she had a wish for an hour. He had helped her realize it and asked her to come and take a look. She had not expected that it would be this wish.

She did not know how Sikong Yi had found the same sea-like mountain as the painting, or how he had built the same house and raised so many fresh flowers.

Sikong Yi looked at the girl in front of him “Do you like it “The house that you want. You said that you want to live in the painting. “Du Xi, I only ask you, do you love Bai Bo or not? If you love him, I will give you the villa as a dowry. “If you don’t love him just to anger me, then this is also a dowry for you to marry me. ”

His gaze landed on the girl’s face. Now, he could only wait for her answer.

Du Xi’s gaze moved away from the man. She walked around him and entered the villa from the courtyard.

When the wooden door opened, she saw a room full of wooden furniture. The simple style was just like what she had imagined.

Her photos were hung on the wall. From the time she was born until she grew up.

There were four photos every year, one for each season.

Sikong Yi followed the little woman into the villa and stood in front of the picture wall.

“I’ll take a picture of you every season to record your growth. You’ve been a rebellious girl since you were young, and you’ve never been obedient, ” he murmured softly as he looked at the pictures of the girls causing trouble on the wall.

Du Xi wiped her tears with her hand. Those pictures of her causing trouble were simply her wall of evidence.

“When did you take these pictures for me? ” She asked.

“When I saw you causing trouble, I couldn’t help but take the pictures. You were especially rebellious when you were young, and when you were willful, nothing could control you. I took the pictures, and I played around with them when I had nothing to do, ” Sikong Yi said.

Du Xi pursed her lips into a straight line. “So you’ve been watching me being a joke. ”

“It’s not really a joke. I just think that you’re willful and cute. That’s why I like watching you. If I hadn’t met Ziyan, I wouldn’t have been so cruel to you. “.

Ziyan was one of your brother’s maids. She worked at your brother’s house. Before she entered the DU family, she knew that there were two kinds of maids in the DU family. One was to serve your brother, and the other was a rough maid.

Serve your brother. Your brother’s maid had to sleep with your brother at any time and listen to all of your brother’s orders, including doing things between men and women.

The rough maid only does hygiene and nothing else. Of course, the rough maid earns less money than the maid who waits on your brother.

Even if the rough maid has less money, Ziyan still chose to be a rough maid.

However, she came to your brother’s house because she was chosen by your brother because of her looks.

Your brother knew that she was a rough maid, but he still forced her to sleep with him because he was drunk.

Ziyan desperately tried to save her, but the other maids did not dare to interfere with Ziyan’s affairs. They just watched as Ziyan was dragged into the room by your brother.

After that, not only did your brother not let Ziyan off, he even locked her in the room.

It was unknown whether it was because Ziyan had a noble character and had never agreed to be with your brother. Your brother was especially interested in her.

He had been wooing her, giving her all kinds of gifts as if he was keeping a mistress in a golden house, using jewelry to make her happy.

Gradually, Ziyan was moved by your brother’s attacks. She fell in love with your brother and even wanted to marry him.

“But do you know what your brother did? ”SikonggYii askedDuuXii.

Du Xi’s heart sank when she heard that. “I only know that she was once my brother’s girlfriend. I don’t know that she was forced by my brother. What did my brother do to her after that? ”

“Just when Ziyan confessed her feelings to your brother and wanted to have a good relationship with him and marry him, he humiliated Ziyan to the extreme. He said that she worshipped money and pretended to be high and mighty. He saw jewelry and luxury items and climbed into his bed by herself.

He said that he had had enough fun. He didn’t want to be a slut. Just like that, he gave Ziyan a sum of money and chased her out of the DU family’s Villa!

Zi Yan could not bear such a blow. She became depressed and became sick with cancer and depression. She looked for death every day.

When her family sent her to me, she was already as thin as a skeleton. It was not easy for me to cure her depression so that she could eat normally. She also became dependent on me.

I had always pitied her situation and wanted to help her, so I did not reject her dependence. I thought that I could wait until she was better before telling her that I did not love her. But you kept provoking her, and I wanted to give her a feeling that I cared for her for her illness.

We were like a vicious circle. The misunderstanding between you, me, her, and us, the three of us, became deeper and deeper,”Sikong Yi said.

Du Xi choked on her sobs. For a moment, she did not know what to say. At that time, she cared too much about Sikong Yi, so she treated all the female animals around Sikong Yi as imaginary enemies. Even touching them was like robbing them.

“If it were now, I would not be so willful. ” Her words came out from the corner of her lips. josei

“Just because you targeted her, her illness repeated itself over and over again. The more her illness repeated itself, the more I felt that I owed her. Her death touched me greatly. I did not think that it would be because of me that she would die in the end.

“I hate your brother. Not only did he cause this innocent woman to live a life worse than death, he even poisoned her to end her life. “What right does he have to disregard human lives?

“And who is he doing this for “It’s all for you “I feel that it’s my responsibility. I didn’t manage our relationship well, and it’s also because you were too willful. So after she died, I buried her deeply. Punishing Myself For not being with you is her compensation, ” Sikong Yi continued.

“Why didn’t you tell me at that time? ” Du Xi asked.

“How would I dare to tell you? With your temper at that time, you would have told Ziyan at any minute, ” Sikong Yi said.

Du Xi bit her lips. “I know, so our ending is that I deserve it. Thank you for telling me the truth. At least I know that you used to like me and were willing to do many romantic things for me. ”

“I built this villa for you because you said that you wanted to live in a painting. There’s another painting here that I painted myself. ” Sikong Yi took out another oil painting from the cabinet and showed it to du Xi.

The exact same oil painting could be said to have been copied exactly the same. It was just that there were two more people in the courtyard of the villa, a man and a woman. They stood very close to each other like a pair of lovers.

Du Xi’s heart throbbed. Sikong Yi did not have any talent in painting. She could not imagine how long it would take him to copy this painting, and the two people he painted were very similar to their figures... ...

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