May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493: Chapter 1493: I Want my child and you 193

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Xiao Xueyan looked at the back of the man who was taken away by the police. She almost laughed herself to death. This time, she did it flawlessly. No one could find any evidence against her. She immediately changed into her own clothes and went to the hospital to see if du Xi had been rescued She absolutely could not let du Xi come out alive and say that she was the murderer!

In the hospital, Du Rui had already been standing at the entrance of the operating theater for several hours. Du Xi’s major surgery was not over yet.

However, Sikong Yi was rescued. He had lost too much blood. The doctor gave him an emergency blood transfusion and then gave him another transfusion before he was pulled out of the coma.

Sikong Yi was sent to the ward for an infusion. He and the nurse argued that they wanted to wait for du Xi outside of Du Xi’s operating theater. However, the nurse did not dare to let Sikong Yi go.

“Mr. Sikong, we won’t let you out of the ward. Your condition is just slightly better. We’re afraid that if you get too emotional, it will affect your body, ” the nurse said.

It was not easy for someone to be resuscitated. How could they dare to let Sikong Yi go and See du Xi? No one knew if du Xi would live or not. They were afraid that Sikong Yi would not be able to take the stimulation.

Xiao Hui walked into the ward. “Young Master, I’m here. I’VE BROUGHT YOU BLOOD-TONIFYING MEDICINE! ”

She had inquired about the hospital where Sikong Yi was at and knew that Sikong Yi had fainted because he had lost too much blood. So, she brought Sikong Yi the blood-tonifying medicine that Sikong Yi had made himself.

“Give it to me quickly! ” Sikong Yi stretched out his hand to ask Xiao Hui for it. His Body did not have any strength at all. He urgently needed his own blood-tonifying medicine.

Xiao Hui quickly handed over the medicine bottle and fed it to Sikong Yi.

A bottle of blood-tonifying medicine was drunk by Sikong Yi.

“young master, are you feeling better? ” Xiao Hui asked gently.

“I’m much better. Xiao Hui, push me to Du Xi’s operating room, ” Sikong Yi ordered Xiao Hui.

“Young Master, your body hasn’t recovered. We’ll go after you recover, ” Xiao Hui said.

“How dare you disobey my orders? ”SikonggYii roared.Howeverr, he hadn’t recovered his strength yet, so his voice was not threatening at all.

“Young Master, I didn’t want to disobey your orders. I’m just worried about your body, ” Xiao Hui said.

“If you’re concerned about brother Yi’s health, you should bring him to Du Xi’s operating room. Don’t you know that my brother Yi is worried about Du Xi? ” Xiao Xueyan said.

“Xiao Xueyan, you still dare to come? You’re the one who harmed my young Master! ” Xiao Hui looked at Xiao Xueyan who had walked into the room in surprise!

Xiao Xueyan snorted coldly. “You heard Bai Bo framing me, right? The police have already found out the truth. It was Bai Bo who framed me. He’s already been arrested!

“However, I have to thank Bai Bo. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known that such a big thing had happened. Brother Yi, you have to believe me. How could I possibly harm someone?

I’ll bring you to the operating theater and wait for Du Xi, okay?”

She softened her voice to the sweetest, covering up the panic in her heart.

“Ah? Bai Bo framed you? ” Xiao Hui was stunned. josei

“Yes, the police won’t get it wrong anyway. Brother Yi, don’t you agree? ” Xiao Xueyan said.

“bring me to the operating theater! ” Sikong Yi was not in the mood to listen to the two women argue. Right now, he was only concerned about whether du Xi could be saved!

Although he was only a pharmacist, he knew some medical skills. He knew how dangerous du Xi’s condition was.

It was not easy to connect the blood vessels in du Xi’s heart. Moreover, her heart had been stabbed a few times. Whether she could survive until the surgery was completed was a problem.

“Okay, I’ll bring you there right away! ” Xiao Xueyan pushed Xiao Hui away and walked towards Sikong Yi. At this time, she naturally had to please Sikong Yi and make him happy.

Moreover, she could not go and look for du Xi directly. She could only see Du Xi through Sikong Yi so that du Xi would never wake up.

She helped Sikong Yi to a wheelchair and pushed Sikong Yi to the operating theater.

Outside the operating theater, Du Rui had been standing. His posture had not moved at all, as if he was standing like a statue.

“How is Du Xi? ” Sikong Yi asked Du Rui.

Du Rui’s eyes were bloodshot. “She will come out well! I know she will! ”

He said fiercely. The longer the operation dragged on, the greater the risk for du Xi. Her body would not receive sufficient blood nutrition for a long time, causing all of her internal organs to fail.

After all, the blood transfusion was different from the blood produced in her body. The blood transfusion could only be used for emergency purposes.

“Yes, Du Xi will definitely be strong. She has always been a strong girl. ” Sikong Yi’s voice was unusually firm.

He was just like Du Rui, numbing his own nerves and hinting to himself that Du Xi would come out alive.

Xiao Xueyan’s eyes were nervously waiting for the operating room. She had already prayed in her heart ten thousand times for DU XI TO DIE!

Her hand was clutching the armrest of the wheelchair. She was so nervous that the veins on the back of her hand were taut.

In the police station, Bai Bo was interrogated over and over again. His mind was desperately trying to think of the things in Xiao Xueyan’s bathroom. It seemed that Xiao Xueyan was really too normal. There were no suspicious traces at all.

Mou Ran, a scene flashed through his mind. He remembered that there was a pair of scissors on the floor of the bathroom. The scissors were right next to the toilet.

A fierce light flashed through his eyes. “SCISSORS! Scissors! GO AND GET THE SCISSORS! That is the evidence of Xiao Xueyan’s murder. ”

The police laughed until they were speechless. “Du Xi was killed by a dagger. You don’t think that she was killed by scissors, do you? ”

“I know that Du Xi was killed by a dagger. But don’t you find it strange? Why are there scissors in the bathroom? We usually don’t put scissors in the bathroom.

And even if we put them in the bathroom, they wouldn’t just drop them on the floor of the bathroom for no reason, right “So I’m sure there’s something wrong with the scissors! ” Bai Bo said fiercely.

As if what Bai Bo said made sense, the police captain nodded.

“Okay, let’s go get the scissors and investigate again. If we can’t find anything this time, you’ll be convicted of breaking into someone’s house and threatening their life, ” the captain said.

“Okay, I agree! ” Bai Bo said. The only person he could think of who hurt du Xi was Xiao Xueyan. In order to let Xiao Xueyan go, he could only let the police investigate again!

The police captain sent someone to Xiao Xueyan’s hotel room to get the scissors on the floor.

The hotel staff opened the room for the police, but the scissors that were originally on the floor had disappeared.

Moreover, the small police officer searched the entire room but could not find the scissors.

He could only call the captain to report.

Initially, the captain had only asked the small police officer to get the scissors to block Sikong Yi’s words. He did not think that there was anything wrong with the scissors.

However, if they left and the scissors were gone, then there would be a big problem!

It could only be said that there was really something wrong with the scissors, and Xiao Xueyan had a guilty conscience.

“LOOK FOR THE SCISSORS! After we left, other than Xiao Xueyan, no one else should have gone to her room. Find out where she is now? SEARCH THE HOTEL’S GARBAGE BIN! ” The police captain ordered his men.

“Yes! ” “I asked the hotel’s waiter, and it was true that only Xiao Xueyan was there, and she left the hotel alone. When she left, she only took her small handbag and didn’t bring anything else. Her small handbag couldn’t fit a pair of scissors, ” said the small policeman.

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