May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497: Chapter 1497 I want baby and you 197

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Sikong Yi’s eyes turned cold. He looked at the police officer. “I’ll go back with you. I want to know the truth! ”

Xiao Xueyan’s heart was about to jump out of her throat. Without Sikong Yi’s protection, she would be dead for sure!

“Brother Yi, do you doubt me? Tell me! ” She grabbed Sikong Yi’s arm and refused to let go. She could only bet that she looked like Xiao Ziyan. She could use Sikong Yi’s guilt towards Xiao Ziyan to save her life.

However, the man’s cold voice made her feel uncertain. josei

“I only believe in the truth! Get up, we’ll go to the police station together, ” Sikong Yi said.

Xiao Xueyan bit her lips hard. At that moment, the coldness from the man’s body made her feel uncomfortable. A thought flashed through her mind, and she wanted to escape.

If the truth was dug out by the police, she was afraid that when the time came, not only would Bai Bo not spare her, but even Sikong Yi would not spare her!

Her gaze swept past the police and Sikong Yi before she gave up the idea of escaping. With this kind of situation, she could not even run away. She could only follow the police obediently, her mind full of excuses.

Sikong Yi watched as Xiao Xueyan was taken away. He looked at Lian Lian and said, “help me keep an eye on du Xi. ”

Lian Lian was his cousin and the first girl he liked. However, because they were cousins, he could only hold back his tender feelings and treat Lian Lian as his own sister.

“Don’t worry, cousin. I will take good care of Du Xi. ” Lian Lian nodded. No one wanted Sikong Yi to be happy more than she did. However, Sikong Yi’s love life did not seem to be going smoothly.

“okay. ” Sikong Yi nodded and followed the police out of the room.

Since du Xi was injured, he had been taking care of Du Xi. He did not have the energy to care about the murderer. He knew that Du Rui and the police would go to catch the murderer. Compared to catching the murderer, he was most worried about Du Xi’s life.

If there was really something wrong with Du Xi’s life, then what was the use of catching the murderer?

Fortunately, Du Xi’s condition was very stable during these few hours. It was just a few hours after the surgery, which was also the most dangerous few hours.

After these few hours, half of du Xi would come back to life. Now, it was du Xi’s stable period. There was still a critical period after ten hours after her surgery. If du Xi managed to survive then, her life would basically be saved.

So now he could ask Lian Lian to help take care of Du Xi. He would go to the police station to investigate the truth and catch the person who killed Lian Lian.

Du Rui also followed the police to the police station to investigate the murderer of Du Xi.

In the police station’s interrogation room, Xiao Xueyan was sitting on a chair. Her hands were handcuffed and she looked around nervously.

Beside her were Du Rui, Sikong Yi, and Bai Bo. In front of her was the police, and behind her was the wall of the room. Even if she had wings, she would not be able to fly out of this room.

On the police interrogation table, there was a pair of scissors and some test results.

“Do you know this pair of scissors? ” The police captain asked.

“I, I don’t know it, ” Xiao Xueyan hurriedly denied.

She would rather die than admit that this pair of scissors was hers. As long as she admitted it, she would really die!

The police officer snorted. “It’s fine even if you don’t admit it. We have the test results, which can prove that your fingerprints are on the scissors. So, whether you admit it or not, you can still confirm that the scissors are yours. ”

He took out a test report and showed it to Xiao Xueyan.

The test results were clearly written on the test report. The police officer found a fingerprint that matched Xiao Xueyan’s fingerprints.

Xiao Xueyan pursed her lips into a straight line. “So what if it’s my scissors? Du Xi was killed by a dagger. The scissors are not a dagger. ”

The scissors were not a dagger. Moreover, she had already thrown the dagger at the bottom of the cliff. The thing that was thrown there could not be found at all. Without the murder weapon, the police could not determine her guilt!

“The murder weapon that killed Du Xi was a dagger. However, we found traces of Du Xi’s blood on the scissors, ” said the police officer.

“How is that possible? Du Xi is lying in the hospital. The scissors are at my house. How is it possible that there are traces of her blood on my scissors? ” Xiao Xueyan choked.

“Xiao Xueyan! You still don’t want to admit it? Do you need me to tell the truth? ” Bai Bo shouted angrily.

“Bai Bo, you have already framed me once. Do you still want to frame me? ” Du Xi cried loudly as if she had been wronged.

“stop pretending to be innocent. Do you think crying will win sympathy Dream on Since you’re not going to tell me, I’ll help you tell the truth The person who killed Du Xi used a knife to cut du Xi’s artery. The blood flow in the artery was very fast and carried blood pressure. Therefore, once the artery was cut, the blood would spurt out. In other words, Du Xi’s blood would definitely be sprayed on the body of the person who killed Du Xi This is also the reason why I barged into your room to look for clothes with blood on them,”Bai Bo said.

“But there’s no blood on my clothes! ” Xiao Xueyan immediately refuted.

Everyone saw that the clothes Bai Bo was looking for didn’t have a drop of blood on it.

“Yes, the clothes I found didn’t have blood on it. Everyone saw it, so they thought that I framed you! There was indeed no blood on the clothes, because the clothes you were wearing didn’t kill Du Xi at all!

This is why I asked the police to look for scissors No one would casually throw scissors next to the toilet. That place was also not a place to put scissors. Your scissors were next to the toilet, which meant that you used scissors next to the toilet.

Why were you using scissors there Where did your bloody clothes go Xiao Xueyan, do you still want me to tell you?”Bai Bo’s hand slapped the table.

Xiao Xueyan’s face was extremely Pale. She really did not dare to listen anymore. The truth was immediately revealed by Bai Bo!

“You’re talking nonsense! I don’t know, I don’t know! ” She shook her head desperately and denied.

Bai Bo’s hand clenched into a fist. “You used scissors to cut the clothes and flushed the clothes down the toilet! ”

If this was not the police station, he would have rushed over to kill Xiao Xueyan!

“YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE! NO EVIDENCE! ” Xiao Xueyan couldn’t refute. However, she knew one thing very well. Bai Bo had guessed the truth, but Bai Bo had no evidence.

She had already cut the bloody clothes into pieces and washed them away. Where was Bai Bo going to find evidence?

The police took out a lab report and a plastic bag. Inside the bag was a small piece of cloth “You know this cloth, right? It’s a piece of your clothes. I asked someone to remove the toilet bowl and found a piece of broken cloth from the elbow of the sewer pipe. The cloth was tested and there was du Xi’s blood on it. The fiber on the cloth was the same as the fiber on your scissors.

“there is also a video recording of the hotel. It can be confirmed that you left the hotel wearing this dress. “When you came back, you didn’t use the main door of the hotel. You came in through the small door of the staff, even if you wrapped yourself in the newspaper. “But your clothes didn’t change. “It’s still the same dress. “where the newspaper is blocking, there is blood, right? ”

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