May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504: Chapter 1504: I want my baby and you 204

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“I just said that I want you to open the insulated box for me. I want to eat the bird’s nest inside. ” Du Xi blinked and looked at Wen Xin, not understanding what was going on with Wen Xin.

“Oh, oh, I’ll open the box for you right away. ” Wen Xin reached out to take the insulated box on the table, but Nangong ye’s hand reached out first to pick up the insulated box. Her fingertips touched the back of the man’s hand, and she withdrew her hand as if she had been electrocuted.

Nangong ye opened the insulated box and poured a bowl of bird’s nest for Wen Xin. “feed her. ”

His tone was full of command, but he definitely wouldn’t do such a thing. He could help open the LID, but he wouldn’t feed a woman.

Wen Xin’s hand was stuffed with the bowl. It had to be said that Qin Sheng really put a lot of effort into stewing bird’s nest. She put two cups of bird’s nest in one cup.

The bird’s nest that was stewed until it was thick was like transparent porridge, emitting a strong smell of egg white.

This was the taste of all bird’s nests. After the bird’s nest was stewed, it would emit the smell of egg white. The soup of the bird’s nest also felt like egg white.

Wen Xin picked up a spoon and scooped up a spoonful of bird’s nest and fed it to Du Xi. The rich smell of egg white wafted into her nose.

Her appetite twitched. If she did not endure it quickly, she would have already vomited.

This child seemed to dislike the smell of eggs. Therefore, after she became pregnant, the smell of eggs would make her want to vomit.

However, Nangong ye was right beside her. She could not vomit. She was afraid that Nangong ye would suspect her.

Nangong ye watched du Xi eat the bird’s nest and frowned. He touched his nose with his hand. He disliked eating eggs the most, and the taste of this bird’s nest was still so strong.

“The food has been delivered. I’ll go out first. ” He turned around and walked out of the ward.

Du Rui followed him out to see Nangong ye off.

Wen Xin only felt a gasp of air. Nangong ye had finally left. She put down the bowl and ran into the bathroom, throwing up wildly.

She had no appetite to begin with, and it was as if her intestines were about to be thrown up.

Du Xi was shocked when she heard the sound of Wen Xin throwing up. “Wen Xin, what’s wrong? Should I call a doctor for you? ”

She reached out to press the emergency bell.

“No! ” Wen Xin hurriedly shouted.

She covered her mouth with a tissue and walked out of the bathroom. “No, you don’t have to call a doctor for me. ”

“But your gastritis is very serious. You have to see a doctor, ” Du Xi said.

“I’ve already seen a doctor. It’s just gastritis, so there’s no need to see it anymore. My gastritis is a little more serious. You rest well. My gastritis isn’t feeling well, so I’ll go home and take my medicine first. ” Wen Xin pulled out a reason and turned around to walk out of the ward She was afraid that she would be pulled by Du Xi to see a doctor.

“Wen Xin! Come back. The doctors here are good! They’re all the best doctors! ” Du Xi cried until her wound hurt, but she was unable to call Wen Xin back.

She looked at the tightly shut door gloomily. She did not understand why Wen Xin was suddenly afraid of seeing a doctor!

However, Wen Xin did have the problem of gastritis. Moreover, Wen Xin’s gastritis had happened more than once or twice. She also vomited every time, but this time it was especially serious.

Therefore, Du Xi did not doubt Wen Xin’s condition.

Wen Xin’s footsteps were hurried as she walked along the hospital corridor. Her stomach was still not feeling well. It seemed that her nose was especially sensitive after she became pregnant. Even the slightest smell could be magnified by her countless times.

Her appetite twitched again, because the lingering smell of egg white lingered in her nose.

She ran out of the hospital building, rushed to the trash can under a big tree, and retched loudly.

She only felt better after the sour and bitter gastric juice was vomited out by her.

She took out a tissue from her bag and wiped the corner of her lips. Suddenly, she saw the car behind her.

It turned out that she was standing here throwing up, blocking the car behind her from coming over.

She looked at the person in the car apologetically, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head, making her feel so cold that her limbs and bones were frozen!

The man’s gaze was fixed on her. He saw the pregnancy vomiting that she had carefully concealed.

Her heart was heaving violently, and her brain was about to explode. What was she going to do If she said that she had gastritis, would he suspect her? josei

Her heart was beating wildly, and she stood rooted to the ground as if she had been scared silly.

Just as she was struggling with what to do, she saw Nangong ye get out of the car and walk towards her.

All the blood in her body flowed against her heart, suffocating her.

“How long will you be stuck in the traffic lane? ” The man’s voice hit Wen Xin’s forehead.

It took Wen Xin half a minute to digest the meaning in Nangong Ye’s words. He was blaming her for blocking his car.

“I, I didn’t mean to block your car, ” she quickly explained.

“But you’re still blocking my car. You’re not unwilling to leave me and trying to attract my attention, are you? ” Nangong ye asked.

“No! I’M NOT! I moved aside. I just didn’t notice your car coming over! ” Du Xi was about to cry. She really didn’t know whether there was a car behind her or Nangong Ye’s car.

Nangong ye watched as the girl retreated to the edge of the tree. His tall figure turned around and returned to the car.

Actually, this wasn’t the only road out of the hospital. It was also the only road that was so narrow. However, when Wen Xin’s figure flashed in his peripheral vision, he couldn’t control himself and drove to this place.

He saw Wen Xin standing there vomiting. As someone who was obsessed with cleanliness, if he were to see someone else vomiting, he would have already turned around and driven to another road. He couldn’t stand dirty things the most, not to mention watching others vomit. It was simply disgusting to him.

And he just kept watching Wen Xin puking, as if he did not feel any disgust.

However, Wen Xin’s attitude towards him was like looking at a plague. His eyebrows sank to the lowest. He deliberately asked her if she was unwilling to leave him. He wanted to hear her say yes or hear her say that she wanted to stay by his side. Clearly, he was thinking too much.

He got into his car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

Wen Xin watched as the man’s car drove away from her and gradually disappeared from her sight. It was as if someone had drawn all of her strength from the back of her neck and made her squat weakly.

The scenes from earlier replayed in her mind. She had thought that he would suspect her of something, but she had really thought too much. He had only come to tell her because she was in his way.

Tears rolled down from her eyes, and her heart ached. She was pregnant with his child, and he did not know anything. He even asked her if she was unwilling to leave him.

Her pride made her unable to say that she did not want to leave him. She had never been a pestering woman, and she was definitely not a woman who knew that a man did not love her but still refused to leave.

Wen Xin had nothing. The only thing she had was dignity. She would not abandon her dignity to beg a man who did not love her.

She knew how heartless a man would be if he did not love her. It was just like when her father chased away her sick mother.

The shadow of her childhood had always shrouded her young heart. Until now, she could not let go of the heartbreak of watching her mother being chased away... ...

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