May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511: Chapter 1511: I Want my baby and you 211

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Su Bei did not know how to fight at all. It could be said that he had never fought since he was young. He had always been a good and obedient student. Meng ran was beaten by his own staff, and he did not even know how to fight back.

“You dare to cheat us of our money? I’ll beat you to death! ” The man who beat Su Bei said as he beat Su Bei.


“I don’t have any money left to pay the rent! I HAVE TO PAY! ”

“Hurry up and pay, or we’ll call the police and arrest you, a liar! ”

“I’m not lying to you, I really don’t have any money! My mother is seriously ill, and I’ve already paid her hospital fees with my savings! Give me a few more days, and I’ll definitely raise your salary! ” Su Bei quickly explained.

“your mother needs money to stay in the hospital, don’t we need money to live? I can’t get my salary this month, so what are we going to eat and drink next month? ” A female employee retorted.

“That’s right, who doesn’t have something going on at home? My mother is also sick, and because I don’t have money, I can’t even go back to see her! You’re using our salary as a filial son, what are we going to do? ”

“Why don’t we just call the police? Sell his house and give us the money! ”

A few employees were discussing among themselves. Some picked up their phones and were about to call the police.

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute! President Su’s money is with me! ” A woman’s voice came from outside the door.

Everyone turned around and saw Wen Xin standing at the door of the office.

“President Su’s money is with you? ” Everyone looked at Wen Xin in confusion.

“Yes! President Su has been asking me to help raise everyone’s salary. I just got it. In order to withdraw cash for everyone, I waited until the bank opened and withdrew the cash.

“Look at the money in my bag. Not only will it be enough for your salary this month, but it will also be enough for next month. “The program we designed has already been sold, but the other company will only give us the full amount after two months of trial run. So, after the next month, we will be able to receive the first payment for the program, and we will also receive a commission every month.

“I believe that our company will become stronger and stronger. The money will continue to be distributed back to the company, don’t you think so? ”

Wen Xin said as she opened her purse to let everyone see the money inside.

The stack of banknotes looked to be around 300,000 yuan. Everyone fell silent. This was not only enough for their two months’salary, but it was also enough for three to four months’salary.

When everyone saw the money, they felt reassured. No one dared to cause trouble again.

The employee who hit the person also lowered his head. “President Su, I, I was too excited. My family just happened to need money, so I was a little anxious. You’re a big man, so don’t hold a grudge against me. I apologize to you! ” josei

“We, we also want to apologize to President Su. ”

“that, President Su won’t fire US, right? ”

The employee who was afraid of not getting the money just now was now afraid of being fired.

Subei’s company was a newly established company that did not have the strength and abundant funds. Therefore, he only recruited fresh graduates. Only these college students who were hard to find jobs would come to work for a small company like him.

“No! I understand everyone’s difficulties because I’m also in a hurry to use money. I understand everyone’s feelings of being in a hurry to use money. This is the money we received this month. It’s just that the other party wants to give us a cut of the commission for two months.

“Moreover, we only sold the program to a few companies last month, and this month we sold it to more than a dozen companies. I believe we’ll be able to get even more money this month.

“As for how much we can get next month, it depends on everyone’s efforts now “The more programs we design, the more programs we sell, the more money we’ll have. I hope that everyone can continue to work hard and design more programs! ” Su Bei took out the distribution form that a few companies had sent him and showed everyone the numbers on it.

This collection program was convenient for shopping malls and some groups to charge fees. Every month, they could take a certain amount of commission from the sales revenue of these shopping malls.

Of course, there were many companies that used this kind of program, so naturally, the companies could get more programs back.

“President Su is talking to a company about developing a game software. If the whole project is successful, can you imagine how much money a game can earn? ” Wen Xin said.

“We believe that President Su’s company will become bigger and stronger! We will do a good job! ”

“Yes! We will do our best. President Su, don’t worry! ”

A few employees expressed their opinions.

“then I will be paid. Where are the people in the Finance Room? Hurry up and pay everyone! ” Wen Xin said.

The accountant and cashier in the finance room took the money and brought everyone to the finance room to receive their salaries.

Only Wen Xin and Su Bei were left in the office.

Wen Xin walked toward Su Bei and reached out to touch the wound on his face “Are you injured Let me take you to the hospital to see your injury “It’s all my fault. I thought of taking out cash for everyone so that everyone would feel more at ease. I also wanted everyone to see that the company has so much money so that everyone can work at ease. I didn’t think that they would be so excited to do something like hitting people. “If I had known earlier, I would have transferred the money to them. ”

She said gloomily that she would have to wait for the bank to open before she could withdraw the cash, which was why she was late.

Su Bei hugged Wen Xin in front of him. “thank you! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You didn’t do anything wrong. They can only work at ease when they see the money with their own eyes. Otherwise, they would have left after receiving their salaries. ”

He hugged the girl tightly. Without this girl, he did not know how he would survive today.

It was not that he had not thought of selling his house, but he had already taken out a mortgage on his house. He would not be able to get any money even if he sold his house.

Wen Xin was being hugged tightly by the man. She pushed his shoulder with her hand. “Umm, you’re hugging me too tightly. ”

Only then did Su Bei realize that he had used too much force. It was as if he was trying to insert the woman into his body.

“I’m sorry, I used too much force. Oh right, where did you get the money? Did you borrow it? ”

“No, the money belongs to my mother. She’s not in a hurry to use it, so you don’t have to worry about the time limit to repay the money. You can use it for now. When the company turns over, you can return it to me.

“Some of the money will be used to pay your salary, and the rest will be used to pay for your mother’s surgery fees. Your mother’s illness can not be delayed. I can see that her body is already swollen, ” Wen Xin said.

Fang Li’s condition had already reached a critical stage. If she did not have the surgery, she would really die!

“Yes. After the salary is paid, I will use the money to pay for the surgery fees. Wen Xin, thank you! I, I don’t even know how I should thank you! ” Su Bei said.

“No need to thank me. I believe that you will succeed! Moreover, my mother has also experienced the pain of waiting for the money to be used for the surgery. I can understand your feelings. I will bring you to the hospital to see a doctor. It just so happens that I will also visit my friend Du Xi, ” Wen Xin said.

“Okay, let’s go to the hospital. I will go and drive. ” Su Bei’s expression turned awkward after he said that. “Well, wait for me for a while. I will take a few hundred yuan to get gas first. My car ran out of gas yesterday. ”

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