May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522


Chapter 1522: Chapter 1522: I Want my child and you

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Nangong Mochen’s eyes were unfocused as he looked at the woman in front of him, as if he was looking at her but also not looking at her.

Ye Wei’s hand touched the man’s face. There was no warmth on his cold face, and her voice came from the corner of her lips, “are you in pain? Is it painful to let you live like this? Or do you really want to sleep forever and never wake up.

“which one can make you happier? I’m sorry, I’ve been using you to deceive myself. Actually, sometimes, I don’t know if I love Gong Mochen or the current you? ”

She knew that everything her son said was right. She wanted to let go of the so-called feelings that she had been fixated on for so many years. However, at this moment, she was at a loss. She really didn’t know if she was in love with Gong Mochen.. Or with this Nangong Mochen who had accompanied her for so many years.

And how should she deal with Nangong Mochen in order to make him feel better?

Her heart ached as she lost her way. It was a pity that Nangong Mochen didn’t know how to speak. If not, she would have followed his instructions no matter what he said. She would have given him the ending that he wanted the most.

Ye Xinghun returned to his room. The four girls stood there helplessly, not daring to look at him.

His brows were tightly knitted together. He stretched out his hand and pulled one of the girls over, tossing her onto the bed and pressing her onto the bed.

He was a normal man, he knew what he had to do. He didn’t have much time left. Thinking about the four girls, he truly felt that he didn’t have enough time!

The other girls in the room were so embarrassed that they were about to burrow into the ground.

The creaking sounds of the wooden bed could be heard coming from the wooden house.

The rainforest was completely dark. The pilot and bodyguard found firewood and lit the fire.

There were many wild beasts in the rainforest. Without a fire, they would be torn apart by the wild beasts for supper.

“Miss, are you hungry? Eat some compressed biscuits and fruits. ” The bodyguard took out the compressed biscuits in his backpack and the wild fruits he had picked in the rainforest.

Their military backpacks had poison testing papers in them. They could test if they were poisonous by dripping some fruit juice on the test paper.

The pile of wild fruits had been tested and confirmed to be not poisonous. The bodyguard had also personally tasted the taste before giving it to Lian Lian.

Outside the palace, Lian Lian did not allow them to call her queen. She only allowed them to call her ‘lady’ .

Lian Lian took the fruits and looked at them. “these are wild grapes and harvest fruits. I didn’t expect there to be these delicious things here! ”

She took a harvest fruit and threw it into her mouth. These were wild and not artificially cultivated, so the taste was not that sweet. They were all sour and sweet.

But this taste was exactly what she liked.

She touched her stomach, ate the wild fruit and compressed biscuits, and looked at the starry sky of the rainforest. The stars here were brighter than the stars in other places.

The pilot lit a incense. This incense could disperse all the mosquitoes and ensure that Lian Lian would not be bitten. He also set up a tent by the lake for Lian Lian to sleep in.

There was a small water filter in his backpack, which could filter any water into drinkable water. He had just fetched a bucket of water from the lake and poured it into the water filter bit by bit.

Only by storing enough water could they not die of thirst in the rainforest.

It sounded like a joke. There was no shortage of rivers, lakes, and water sources in the rainforest. However, this kind of water animal could be drunk, but humans could not. There were large amounts of parasites and bacteria in it. If humans drank it, their stomachs would pull them to death.

Lian Lian Sat on a large rock, eating as she looked at the thin vine in her hand. Suddenly, the thin vine in her hand moved, as if it was pulled by something in the water.

“Hurry up and pull the basket! ” She said hurriedly.

The bodyguard beside her lifted the basket.

“There’s fish! There’s fish! There are so many fish! ” The bodyguard exclaimed.

Lian Lian smiled smugly, “of course, the earthworms I dug are fat and big, so the fish will definitely like them. Go clean up the fish and we’ll roast them! How can eating only biscuits be nutritious? ”

It had to be said that even the basket was made of vines. This kind of basket was strong and had many holes. If it was lifted from the water, the water would leak out very quickly, so the fish would not be able to escape.

The bodyguard put the fish into the bucket and slaughtered it. Just as he was about to throw the fish’s internal organs into the lake, he was stopped by Lian Lian.

“You can’t throw it into the lake. The smell of blood will attract wild beasts! There’s a plastic storage bag here. Put it in the bag and bury it underground, ” Lian Lian instructed.

The occasional smell of blood would not attract large wild beasts. However, the internal organs of a few large fish were not rare. If it was thrown into the lake, it would definitely attract the wild beasts in the lake.

Of course, it could not be casually thrown onto the ground. There were more wild beasts on the ground. Throwing it casually would be courting death.

The safest way was to seal it in a bag and bury it in the ground. This way, no wild beasts would be able to smell the smell of blood.

“Yes! ” The bodyguard accepted the order and followed Lian Lian’s instructions to dispose of the fish’s internal organs. Then, he inserted the fish into a tree branch and placed it on the fire to roast.

Very soon, the aroma of grilled fish filled the air. The freshest fish didn’t need any extra seasoning. A little salt was enough.

The salt was sprinkled on the fish. The fish was roasted to the point that it was dripping with oil. No one had come here all year round, so the fish were all fat and big.

When the bodyguard saw that the fish was done, he picked up a fish and handed it to Lian Lian. “Miss Lian, eat the fish. ”

Lian Lian took a bite of the grilled fish. “It’s delicious, you guys eat it too! It’s too fragrant. ”

She summoned the pilot and the bodyguard to eat the fish together.

She didn’t know if it was because she was too hungry, or because the fish here was too fresh, but she ate it very well.

“Did you guys notice that there’s no sound? There’s a muffled sound of something hitting something, ” she said.

It was really strange. The whining sound that made them chase them all the time was gone. Instead, there was a muffled sound of something hitting something that was always around them.

If it wasn’t because it was too dark, she would have gone over to see what it was.

“That’s right. What hit the wood? Or did the wood hit something? ” The bodyguard said.

“Let’s eat first. We’ll go over and take a look at it when the sky is bright! ” Lian Lian said.

It was too dark. No matter what the sound was, she couldn’t go. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous.

Just as they were talking, a heart-wrenching wail suddenly came from not far away. This kind of sound spread especially far in the night.

After a while, a mix of running sounds and wailing sounds came from afar and rushed towards Lian Lian.

Lian Lian was stunned to see a figure rushing into the lake and diving into the lake like the wind.

Obviously, the appearance of this figure attracted the wild beasts in the lake. Lian Lian was horrified to see a crocodile open its mouth and bite that figure.

“BE CAREFUL! ” It was too dark and she could not tell who that person was. She could only tell that it was a figure. All she could do was to warn him to be careful.

However, the next moment, her eyes widened in horror... ...

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