May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527: Chapter 1527 I want my baby and you

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Su Bei’s entire body was cold. He really wanted to marry Wen Xin and have children. He thought that he would never find a better girl to marry than Wen Xin.

Moreover, Wen Xin was like his lucky goddess. Ever since she came, all the problems in his company had been solved, and even the sales of his company had been settled.

However, even if he loved Wen Xin and wanted to marry Wen Xin, he was not so generous that he could easily accept Wen Xin and other men’s children.

The cold air enveloped Su Bei and Wen Xin. The two of them did not know how to continue this topic!

The dead silence made Wen Xin suffocate. She was most afraid of facing this feeling. She was looked down upon and despised by others for being dirty.

She did not need to think to know how Su Bei would think of her. She really did not blame Su Bei for thinking this way. She knew that normal people would mind that their loved ones had had children with others.

After all, Love was selfish. If it was love, one would want everything. If one day, your partner did not mind that you had a relationship with anyone, then he would definitely not love you.

“senior, I’m leaving. Take care of Auntie and you. ” Wen Xin broke the deadlock. She could see the hurt in Su Bei’s eyes.

She walked past Su Bei, as if she had become a sinner and hurt a good man who loved her purely.

Su Bei watched the woman walk past him. When the woman’s figure disappeared from his peripheral vision, he grabbed Wen Xin’s arm.

“Don’t go! Wen Xin, please don’t go! ” He shouted.

His voice was very loud and even scared himself. Human emotions were often faster than rationality. His rationality had not made a decision yet, but his emotions had subconsciously made a decision. He could not let Wen Xin leave, and he would not let Wen Xin leave either.

Wen Xin raised her head and looked at the man. “Su Bei, I’m not good enough for you. Don’t be burdened. ”

“No! You’re not not good enough for me. What happened between you and Ouyang Mo was before me. Those things can’t be blamed on you. Besides, you didn’t know that you were pregnant.

I was indeed stunned by the news just now. To be honest, I couldn’t accept Ouyang Mo’s child for a moment, but I also knew that I couldn’t bear to let you go!

Does Ouyang Mo know about the existence of the Child Have you told him?”Su Bei asked.

“He didn’t know about the child’s existence, and I didn’t want to tell him. Also, he’s missing. No one knows where he is. Someone said that he’s dead, ” Wen Xin said.

Su Bei took a deep breath. “That means that he won’t be able to come back, and no one will know that this child is Ouyang Mo’s child? ”

Wen Xin nodded. “Yes. ”

“Wen Xin, will you marry me? I want to be the father of the child. If I marry you, the child will be my child. My mother thinks that the child is mine, so let her think so. If we don’t tell her, she won’t know that the child is Ouyang Mo’s, ” Su Bei said.

Wen Xin’s eyes widened in shock. “You want to lie to your mother? ”

“It’s not really lying, right? If we get married, your child will be mine to begin with. Don’t you think so? I’m willing to be in charge of both you and your child. Besides, how are you going to raise the Child by yourself? How are you going to tell him why he doesn’t have a father?

I think that we are the most suitable for each other. I’m willing to love you and the baby, and the baby can be born into this world in a proper manner.

My mother also wants to have a grandson. After the child is born, she will definitely love the child very much. You can rest assured about this.”Su Bei had planned everything in a minute.

Wen Xin’s gaze lowered. She could ignore everything, but there was one thing that Su Bei had said to the bottom of her heart, which was whether or not the child could be born in this world.

She did not want the child to bear the name of an illegitimate child. She could ignore this kind of humiliation, but the child was too young. She was also afraid that it would affect the child.

The woman’s silence was undoubtedly an acknowledgment of the man’s suggestion. Su Bei’s hand held Wen Xin’s hand tightly. “You also think what I said is right, right? Wen Xin, just promise me! We will definitely be happy together. ”

Wen Xin pursed her lips. “Let me think about it. Also, I want to tell my mother. I don’t know her opinion yet. ”

“Yes, you’re right. You should discuss it with your mother. I was too anxious. You should go home and discuss it with Auntie. No, I should visit her and tell her about marrying you, ” Su Bei said.

“There’s no need for that. I want to talk to my mother first. If she agrees, I will tell you. Then, you can come to my house, ” Wen Xin said.

Her heart was in a mess. She did not know how to reply to Su Bei. She could only use her mother as an excuse to stall for time. She wanted to go home and think it through before telling Su Bei the answer.

“Okay, I’ll send you home. Tell me when you and Auntie have discussed it, ” Su Bei said.

“No need. It’s very convenient for me to take the bus from here. You don’t have to send me. You can stay and take care of Auntie. Today is the first day after the surgery. She needs someone to take care of her. ”

“This... ” Su Bei was in a bit of a dilemma. He was supposed to stay by his mother’s side during the surgery, but he had not been there for a day to discuss the contract. It was clearly unfilial of him to leave now.

“But I’m worried about you taking the bus by yourself, ” he said hesitantly. He was worried about his mother and Wen Xin going home by herself.

“Just listen to me. You stay and take care of Auntie. I can leave by myself! ” Wen Xin said.

She had never been a pretentious girl. She had always done things that she could do by herself.

Su Bei thought for a moment and said, “how about this? I’ll call a taxi for you. ” josei

He held Wen Xin’s hand and walked into the elevator.

There was never a shortage of taxis at the entrance of the hospital. It was just that the taxi fees here were higher than those on the streets.

They did not calculate the price according to the table. Instead, they negotiated the price verbally.

Su Bei knew the rules of these taxis. However, even though they were expensive, he still chose to let Wen Xin take the taxi here. This was because the cars here were all long-term live cars. Although it was a scam, it was safe. There would not be any accidents if he took the taxi here.

He negotiated the price with the driver and paid the driver. Only then did he let Wen Xin take the taxi and instructed Wen Xin to call him when she got home. Of course, he did not forget to remember the license plate number of the taxi.

Wen Xin and Su Bei waved goodbye.

“Your boyfriend cares about you a lot! You’ve found the right boyfriend! ” The middle-aged driver teased Wen Xin.

Wen Xin’s face turned red. “He treats me very well. ”

“I can tell I’ve never seen a guy who’s so meticulous when it comes to getting a taxi for a girl A man only cares about the woman he cares about. He doesn’t care about any birthdays, but he remembers to be attentive to other women at important moments. That kind of man doesn’t even care if you’re dead or alive. Why would he care about you getting a taxi That kind of man can not be married. This boy is very good. I have high hopes for him!”The taxi driver said.

Wen Xin’s lips curled up. “I know he’s very good, really very good... ”

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