May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554: Chapter 1554: I Want my child and you 254

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

This thought flashed through Bai Bo’s mind. It was as if his brain had been struck by lightning, cutting off all thoughts.

His heart throbbed with pain. There was only one reason for du Xi to take the birth control pill, and that was because Du Xi had sex with Sikong Yi.

In any case, he was not the one who had sex with DU XI. If du Xi was pregnant, that person could only be Sikong Yi!

His lips were pursed into a straight line. He could clearly feel his heart throbbing with pain, hitting his ribs. If he had to choose again, he would really doubt whether he still had the courage to walk into the pharmacy and check what Drug Du Xi had taken.

He thought that he would rather not know anything. He had never cared about Du Xi’s past, because that was before they met. He had had many girlfriends before, so he had no right to demand anything from Du Xi.

However, when they had both decided to get married, Du Xi had rolled around with Sikong Yi.

An unspeakable hatred swept across his heart. He hated Sikong Yi for Stealing du Xi from him, and he hated Du Xi for lying to him!

He turned around and walked out of the pharmacy.

The waiter in the pharmacy watched the man walk out the door with a smile on her lips. Her palms were clenched tightly as she walked into the changing room at the back of the pharmacy.

There were surveillance cameras in the pharmacy, so she couldn’t tell Bai Bo Ming. She was afraid that the boss would catch her taking money.

She ran into the changing room and counted the money in her hands. When she counted the amount, she was so happy that she couldn’t close her mouth. Just like that, she earned 500 yuan!

Du Xi returned to her own home. She walked into her own room. After taking the birth control pills, she felt at ease. From now on, she could be with Bai Bo wholeheartedly.

She packed her luggage and prepared to go to Bai Bo’s house tomorrow.

In the rainforest, Lian Lian finally waited for the pilot to return.

The pilot returned to the witch tribe’s village and found Lian Lian. “Miss Lian, I’ve got the things you wanted. ”

He found a hospital and paid a large sum of money to have the doctors in the hospital do the tests. There was definitely money to be made. The doctor did the tests on him overnight. When he got the results, he flew back to show Lian Lian.

Lian Lian opened the sealed file bag and took out the things she wanted. A few pieces of paper were enough for Lian Lian to read for a year because no one could understand the terminology on them.

However, she could understand the final results of the test report. The blood relationship between them was 90% .

This number was enough to prove that the two of them were siblings. Moreover, the results of the test showed that only the maternal genes were different in their genes.

Her eyes closed in pain. Ye Xinghun was really her half-brother Her father had betrayed her mommy!

She closed her hands, and the paper in her hands became wrinkled.

“Young Miss, do you still need me to do anything? ” The pilot asked. josei

“There’s no need. You can go and rest! ” Lian Lian replied. She didn’t need the pilot to do anything else. Right now, she only needed to wait for Willam’s poison to be neutralized before she could leave this place and return to her mother’s house.

However, how was she going to explain this to her mother when she returned?

She knew how deep her mother’s feelings for her father were. Clearly, her words could cause an earthquake at home!

She walked out of her wooden house to see if Willam’s condition had improved.

In the wooden house, Willam was tied to the bed. Ye Xinghun stood beside Willam and poured medicine into Willam’s body. However, the medicine was spat out by Willam.

“Willam, don’t you want it anymore? This is a medicine that I and a few elders have meticulously researched. It can control the poison in your body. ” Ye Xinghun said.

Willam’s eyes glared fiercely at Ye Xinghun. These few days, he hadn’t eaten or drank anything. For some unknown reason, his mind had become clearer. It was as though the poison had been starved to the point that he had no strength left.

He thought that maybe Lian Lian was right. They might be able to starve the poison to death. However, Ye Xinghun had suddenly come over to feed him the poison. He wasn’t stupid enough to drink ye Xinghun’s medicine.

Ye Xinghun had always wanted to use the Gu poison to control him. How could Ye Xinghun possibly help him dispel the GU poison?

He was certain that Ye Xinghun’s poison was definitely another type of poison!

He forced himself to spit out the poison that Ye Xinghun had poured into his mouth. He didn’t want to drink the poison. He wanted to starve the GU poison to death. He wanted to bring Lian Lian away from this place!

However, he wasn’t able to say a single word now. Ye Xinghun had even used a medicine pouring device to pour the poison into his throat. He could only force himself to spit it out. It was very difficult to spit it out by relying solely on the strength of his throat.

“What’s wrong with Willam? ” Lian Lian hurriedly asked when she heard Ye Xinghun’s words the moment she entered the wooden house.

Ye Xinghun turned his head to glance at Lian Lian. He spread out his hands in a helpless manner, “you asked me to detoxify him. However, the medicine that I concocted with great difficulty with a few pharaohs has all been spat out by him. ”

Lian Lian hurriedly walked over to Willam’s side, only to see that his neck and face were covered in brown medicine.

She hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe Willam’s face and neck. “Why are you vomiting? These are all medicine that Ye Xinghun concocted with great difficulty. Do you still want to recover from your illness? “?

“Willam, I don’t want to see you go crazy. I also want to see you willing to harm yourself in order to protect me. “Just listen to Ye Xinghun’s words and drink the medicine! ”

Her gaze was fixated on Willam’s eyes. From his blue pupils, she could tell that Willam’s condition today was much better than the day he went crazy and tried to bite her. His eyes were clear, and he didn’t look like he had gone crazy.

She believed that Willam should be able to understand what she was saying.

Willam could feel the little woman’s hand, helping him to clean up the medicine on his body. His hands were clenched into a straight line. It was a pity that he couldn’t speak. Otherwise, he would be able to tell her the truth!

“It’s useless to talk to him like this. He doesn’t have his own thoughts at the moment, so he can’t understand what you’re saying. It’s better for you to get up. I’m afraid that when he goes crazy, he might bite you again! ” Ye Xinghun stretched out his hand to help Lian Lian Up.

“No, I think his condition is a little better than that day. Did you give him some medicine these two days? ” Lian Lian asked.

Ye Xinghun was startled “The medicine was concocted today. Two days ago, I didn’t have any medicine for him to take. His craziness is contagious, so he will have a short period of consciousness. However, no one knows if he will go crazy again in the next instant. You’re pregnant, so it’s better for you to be careful. ”

“I know, I will be careful. I will take advantage of the fact that he is in good condition now. I will say a few more words to him and try to persuade him. ”LiannLiann turned her head to look atWillamm who was on the bed.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to say something, she suddenly saw Willam’s fingers move a few times.

His hands were placed on the bed with the back of his hand facing up. His curled fingers only had one finger raised up a few times, as if he was kicking someone away. Meanwhile, his eyes were fixed on Lian Lian’s pupils.

His movements were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was lying motionless as usual.

Lian Lian’s eyes narrowed. She did not think that this action was done by Willam unintentionally. When he looked at her just now, he was so solemn. She felt that Willam definitely had something to say to her.

But what did that kicking action mean?

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