May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1560

Chapter 1560

Chapter 1560: Chapter 1560 I want baby and you 260

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“I, I’m fine. ” Bai Bo opened his mouth but didn’t say anything.

All the questions he wanted to ask Du Xi were kept in his stomach. He knew very well that some things were Pandora’s box. Once it was opened, no one could clean it up.

“You still say you’re fine I can see that you don’t look well Don’t tell me you don’t want to eat egg tarts I remember that you said that when I’m discharged from the hospital, you would buy this house’s egg tarts for me to eat. You said that this House’s egg tarts are the best egg tarts you’ve ever eaten.”Du Xi’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Bai Bo She didn’t know why, but her heart was very flustered today. She kept feeling that Bai Bo’s mood wasn’t right.

“Yes, this family’s is the best. I love to eat. Thank you for buying me breakfast. I’m sorry for letting you stand there for two hours, ” Bai Bo said.

“Why are you so polite? You’ve done so much for me. I just bought you a breakfast. It’s nothing. From now on, I’ll be responsible for buying breakfast at home! ” Du Xi said loudly.

She thought that she wouldn’t be able to do anything and wouldn’t be of much help to Mrs. Bai. However, buying breakfast wasn’t difficult for her.

That was all she could do.

Bai Bo pursed his lips into a straight line. “This will be very tiring. Do you really intend to do this? ”

“Yes? Why not? I have already decided to marry you. Naturally, I have to pay for you. ” Du Xi raised her head and looked at Bai Bo.

“Du Xi, a lifetime is very long. Whether you decide to stay here for a lifetime, I hope that you will consider it carefully. ” Bai Bo asked.

“Of course I have considered it carefully. I have even brought my luggage here. ” Du Xi said in surprise.

Her eyes were fixed on the man’s face. She didn’t understand why he would ask her this. josei

Bai Bo glanced at his luggage. “Just think it through. Don’t regret it. I’m not your sanctuary. If you’re unhappy, come hide here with me. ”

Du Xi’s heart twitched. “What, what did you say? ”

Unease swept over her. Just when she decided to spend the rest of her life with Bai Bo, Bai Bo said this.

“You know what I said. Du Xi, do you love me? Have you ever loved me? In your eyes, I might just be someone you think is suitable for marriage, ” Bai Bo said aggressively.

Du Xi’s lips trembled. She couldn’t say that she loved him, but she had already decided that she wanted to be with Bai Bo.

However, the girl’s silence made Bai Bo’s heart turn cold. There was no doubt that he was right, so du Xi didn’t refute him!

He forced a smile. “Can’t you say that you love me? Du Xi, I love you. Do you love me? ”

His Gaze landed on Du Xi’s face, trying to find the answer in her eyes.

Du Xi took a deep breath. She didn’t know if her brain was deprived of oxygen, but her mind was blank.

“I got it. ” She pulled the suitcase and walked toward the door.

“Hey! Du Xi, where are you going? ” Mrs. Bai came out of the kitchen to ask Du Xi to eat, but she saw du Xi pulling the suitcase and leaving.

“Auntie, I, I have something to do. I’m leaving first! ” Du Xi made up a reason.

“You bought breakfast, but we don’t eat breakfast together. What else do you have to do? You still want to take the suitcase with you? Did Bai Bo say something that made you angry? ” Mrs. Bai immediately saw the problem

“No, Auntie, he didn’t make me angry. I wanted to visit my friend. She’s in the hospital. ” Du Xi didn’t know how to tell Mrs. Bai After all, Mrs. Bai had always been good to her and loved her like a daughter. To be honest, even her own mother wasn’t this good!

“You don’t need to bring your luggage to see your friend, right? Why are you dragging your luggage? You don’t have to lie for Bai Bo! If he says anything that makes you angry, you tell me! I’ll help you beat him up! ” Mrs. Bai said.

“No, Bai Bo is very good. He’s a very good person. He’s a good man. ” Du Xi cried as she spoke. Bai Bo was a good man. She was the one who had never been good enough for Bai Bo!

“Alright, since he didn’t make you angry, let’s go eat. “I’ve prepared a nutritious porridge for you. There are Goji Berries, yams, and Ginseng in it. Ginseng is very sweet. I know you don’t like to suffer, so I didn’t put American Ginseng in it for you. ” Mrs. Bai said as she pulled Du Xi’s luggage As if afraid that the box would run away, she held it tightly in her hand.

Du Xi glanced at Bai Bo. She was waiting for him to speak. If he wanted her to leave, he should explain it to Mrs. Bai. She didn’t know what to say so as not to hurt Mrs. Bai’s heart.

However, the man just stood there without saying a word.

She hesitated for a moment. “Auntie, I have a gift for my friend in the box, so I want to bring the box. ”

She could only come up with this reason.

“I’ll find a small shopping cart for you. It’s more convenient than this. You go to the restaurant to eat, and I’ll help you unpack your luggage. ” Mrs. Bai Pushed du Xi with her hand, asking her to eat.

“Du Xi! Come and eat. The Porridge won’t taste good if it gets cold later! ” Bai Bo’s father saw that no one came to eat for a long time, so he walked out and called for help.

“You take du Xi to eat, and I’LL GO UNPACK MY LUGGAGE! ” Mrs. Bai looked at her husband as if she had seen a rescuer.

“okay, okay, you go unpack your luggage. Du Xi, come quickly. Uncle has fried two poached eggs for you. It’s your favorite, medium-rare. ” Bai Bo’s father walked over and called for Du Xi.

Du Xi was about to cry. Bai Bo’s wife was really very good, very good. She thought that she would never meet such a good in-laws in her life!

“thank you, uncle. ” She thanked him politely. She had only casually mentioned that she liked to eat medium-rare fried eggs, and Bai Bo’s father had remembered it.

She thought that no matter what happened between her and Bai Bo, at least she would have to eat with her uncle and aunt for this meal.

She followed Bai Bo’s father into the restaurant.

Madam Bai watched as Du Xi walked into the restaurant, and then opened her mouth to speak to her son “What did you do to provoke Du Xi? She is the daughter of the eldest daughter, can’t you let her go a little? Moreover, Du Xi’s character is already very good. She is the most temperamental eldest daughter that I have ever seen. What are you trying to do? ” Madam Bai reprimanded her son.

Bai Bo’s brows furrowed into a knot. “Mom, you don’t understand! It’s definitely not my fault that I can’t be together with her! ”

He had always liked Du Xi, but du Xi did not like him!

“How is it not your fault Du Xi stood there for two hours to buy breakfast for you. What do you want her to do Not to mention a young miss, even if it’s an ordinary family’s daughter, would they stand there for two hours to buy breakfast for their lover?”Mrs. Bai Questioned her son.

Bai Bo’s heart was tired from listening to her. If du Xi really treated him as her lover, then there would be no problems between them!

“Mom, I want to break up with Du Xi. ” It was because he loved Du Xi that he couldn’t stand du Xi treating him as a spare tire!

Madam Bai looked at her son in astonishment. “What did you say? ”

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