May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1605

Chapter 1605

Chapter 1605: Chapter 1605: I want my baby and you 305

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Du Xi’s eyes were fixated on Sikong Yi’s face. Although this man was currently in an extremely angry state, she could tell that Sikong Yi was having an intense reaction right now. It was definitely not a sign of depression.. If Making Sikong Yi angry could cure Sikong Yi’s depression, she did not mind making Sikong Yi angry!

Sikong Yi only felt a fishy sweetness in his throat. “You want to make me so angry that I’ll marry Bai Bo peacefully? Dream on! I’m not so easily angered to death! I want to live well and snatch you back from Bai Bo’s side! ”

Initially, he was so depressed that he only wanted to shut himself in his own world. However, now that he was completely stimulated, his fighting spirit was high. He was so angry that he wanted to revive and snatch the little woman back.

Du Xi snorted coldly. Her eyes flashed with disdain. “You still want to chase me back? Dream on! I’ve already decided to marry Bai Bo, so there’s no hope for you! Moreover, you’re still lying on the hospital bed. What ability do you have to compete with Bai Bo? ”

It seemed that her stimulation therapy was quite effective. She continued to provoke Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi took out his cell phone and called his pharmacy. He asked the people in the pharmacy to send him medicine to treat heart disease and fractures.

The people in the pharmacy immediately prescribed medicine for him according to his instructions.

He pressed on his cell phone and shook it at Du Xi. “See, my medicine will be here soon. When I use the medicine that I made myself, I’ll be able to get off the ground in less than a week! ”

A fracture needed at least a month to recover, and three months to recuperate. His medicine could allow him to get off the ground in a week and completely recover in a month.

The corners of Du Xi’s lips curved. “Even if you recover, you might not be able to woo me. If you lose, do you still want to drink? If that’s the case, you might as well not get better. That way, the next time you drink too much and get into a car accident, you won’t have to ask the doctor to save you. ”

Her mouth was vicious as she spoke, as if she was certain that the person who lost would be Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi’s heart twitched violently. “I WON’T BE THAT WEAK! I’ll make you cry and beg me to take you! ”

He had absolute confidence in himself. He could make du Xi Fall in love once, and he could make her fall in love with him again. He knew very well that the reason why du Xi left him was because he treated du Xi too poorly and broke du Xi’s heart.

He had thought things through in this car accident. The Person He loved was Du Xi. It was no longer the love that he had for Lian Lian Lian Lian when he was young. He wanted to use all his love to hold du Xi in his hands and Pamper her well!

Du Xi rolled her eyes at Sikong Yi. “think about it this way. If you can hold onto this belief for your whole life, then I’ll be able to let Auntie Chuxia and Auntie Qin Sheng down. ”

“I still want to hold onto this belief for my whole life? I want to F * Cking Hug you! ” Sikong Yi roared. He was so angry that he sat up on the bed by himself.

“Jian Jian, you can’t get up! Your bone is broken! ” Chuxia shouted as she ran into the monitoring room When she was changing into her sterile clothes, she heard Sikong Yi and DU XI arguing. She did not expect that Sikong Yi would actually want to sit up when she was changing clothes. This really could not be done. The bone was only reconnected yesterday. If she moved it now, the bone would shift.. If it was not done properly, the bone would grow crooked. If it was serious, it would have to be smashed open again to reconnect the bone.

“Mom, I’m fine. I know my own injuries, ” Sikong Yi said.

He was a pharmacist and had learned martial arts since he was young. He knew how to treat injuries caused by falling and injuries. Now that he wanted to get back the wretched girl, he would not injure himself.

All of his strength was supported by his other good arm, and the strength did not affect his broken ribs.

“You still dare to say that you know what you’ve done to yourself? ” Chu Xia complained about her son and turned to look at Du Xi “Du Xi, I know that Jian Jian has done a lot of things to let you down. He’s already injured to this extent. Can you not anger him anymore? I didn’t ask you to serve him like this. Can you just talk to him for a while and make him happy? ”

This was a rare complaint from Chuxia. She was really afraid that her son would be angered to death.

“I think you can rest assured and hand Jian Jian over to du Xi. Didn’t you say that you didn’t sleep at night? I’ll accompany you home to rest. ” Qin Sheng walked behind Chuxia and placed the food box on the table.

“Du Xi, we bought breakfast for you. Lunch has already been booked at the restaurant. They will send it over. Chuxia and I will leave first. ” Qin Sheng held Chuxia’s hand and dragged her away.

“Why are you dragging me? I’m worried. I want to stay here and watch. Otherwise, I don’t Know How du Xi Will Anger Jian Jian! ” Chuxia was a hundred times worried about her son.

Qin Sheng dragged chuxia out of the ICU. “Come with me first. When I’m done talking to you, I won’t drag you back if you want to come back. ”

Chuxia could only follow Qin Sheng out of the ICU and went to the elevator in the corridor.

“What do you want to talk to me about? ” Chuxia asked.

“Don’t you think Jian Jian has changed? ” Qin Sheng asked?

“I think Jian Jian is going to die of anger, ” Chuxia said immediately.

“Yes, what did he look like yesterday? ” Qin Sheng asked.

“yesterday, yesterday, he didn’t say a word to me. The doctor also said that he was depressed, ” Chuxia answered. If Sikong Yi hadn’t not said a word to them, she wouldn’t have been so scared that she asked Qin Sheng to find du Xi. josei

“Yeah, you see the change in Jian Jian now, right? Jian Jian didn’t speak yesterday, and now he’s quarreling with Du Xi. He’s no longer depressed, but communicating with Du Xi, ” Qin Sheng said.

“But, but du Xi is angry at my son! ” Chuxia said.

“It doesn’t matter if she’s Qi Jian Jian or not, Jian Jian is fine! The medicine is still bitter. Just because the medicine is bitter, you don’t want to take the medicine? ” Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia frowned. “What kind of bad Karma is this between the two of them? They fight whenever they meet, but they leave. THEY WANT TO DIE! ”

“Any kind of bad Karma is good. Anyway, as long as Jian Jian is no longer negative and can be actively treated, it’s fine. “. What do you think Do we still need to scold him in the ward Let du Xi Take Care of Sikong Yi. Even if it’s a quarrel, it’s fine. As long as Jian Jian has the faith to live, it’s fine,”Qin Sheng said.

“I got it. I’m going home to sleep. I don’t care about them anymore! ” Chuxia was finally relieved.

Qin Sheng brought Chuxia back to her home to rest. She had already ordered the maid to make tonic soup for Chuxia and give her a good tonic.

In the Ward, Du Xi opened the food box, and the aroma of the food filled the air.

“It smells so good. I’ve eaten. ” Du Xi was really hungry. She came too early and didn’t eat breakfast.

She took out the mushroom cream soup and a tuna sandwich and ate them in large mouthfuls.

Sikong Yi gritted his teeth. Who was the patient here?

“I HAVEN’T EATEN YET! ” He shouted angrily.

Du Xi glanced at the man. “Why did I hear that you don’t eat? You’d better not eat. The sandwich and cream soup are too delicious. I want to eat them all! ”

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