May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620: Chapter 1620 I want baby and you 320

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Mom! Why did you hit me? ” Yan Wei covered her face with her hand and looked at her mother. There was not much surprise in her eyes. She had been used to being hit by her mother since she was young.

Yan Miao could beat her up for nothing, just because she was in a bad mood.

Yan Miao’s face was stiff and cold. Her eyes fiercely hit Yan Wei’s face. “You still dare to ask me why I hit you? Yan Wei, you’re lying to me! You didn’t have a stomachache just now!

You were just pretending to have a stomachache. You wanted us to fall for it and send you to the hospital so you could call the police and arrest us Bastard Yan Wei, do you still have any conscience?”

Yan Wei pulled at her face that was hurting from the slap. She didn’t understand how her mother could be so heartless “You lied to me first You lied to me to pay off your debt. In fact, you wanted to kidnap me YOU’RE MY BIOLOGICAL MOTHER Even if I wasn’t the child of Du can that you wanted, I was still your child. How could you treat your own daughter this way “helping outsiders to kidnap me? ”

She shouted angrily. Her mother was too much. Her heart was extremely cold. She really regretted it. She still wanted Yan Miao to pay off her gambling debt, but Yan Miao had plotted to kidnap her!

Yan Miao’s expression turned ugly. “So you knew that I wanted to kidnap you! So you pretended to have a stomachache! You wanted to escape? ”

“My own mother harmed me. Do you think I’m stupid enough to be harmed? I’m not F * Cking stupid. I’m your daughter. The child in my stomach is your grandson. Won’t your conscience hurt? ” Yan Wei questioned.

“Why would I have a conscience? Don’t forget, because of you, I was kicked out of the House and became the laughingstock of everyone. Until now, because of you, I was captured by Mu Zeyu and du Rui’s people. Yan Wei, all of this is because of you!

I just want some money. You, your husband, and Du Rui treat me like this You don’t even treat me like your own mother!”Yan Miao shouted.

“A little money How much is a little money Even if you are still the young Madam of the DU family, Du can wouldn’t give you so much money You are the one who is insatiably greedy and harmed yourself If it was just a little money, would you go through so much effort to kidnap me Tell me, how much do you want?”Yan Wei asked.

“Hehe, I am insatiably greedy? I gave birth to Mu Duo’s only child for nothing, shouldn’t I ask him for some reward? If you are my daughter, you should help me get it, and not make me go through so much effort to get it! ” Yan Miao shouted.

Yan Wei’s heart stopped. This was Yan Miao’s theory, “tell me, how much do you want? ”

“GIVE ME 600 million! I’ll let you go! ” Yan Miao said.

Yan Wei was shocked. She didn’t expect Yan Miao to ask for 600 million. “This is almost one-third of my father’s property. YOU’RE SO RUTHLESS! ”

“Only one-third? Then I want less. I WANT HALF OF HIS PROPERTY! ” Yan Miao snorted coldly.

“Half? What right do you have? What did you do to want half of my father’s property? ” Yan Wei roared angrily.

600 million. She didn’t know how her father would come up with so much money. No matter how rich a person was, they wouldn’t deposit so much cash in the bank. It was all investment to earn more money.

For example, real estate, companies, or whatever projects they ran. Their family had the most jewelry, but jewelry was not money. If they wanted to quickly turn jewelry into money, they had to sell it at a low price. If that was the case, their family would lose more than one-third.

“because I gave birth to his only child! ” Hehe, I did not expect that the person I met by chance was Mu duo. I even gave birth to his only child. I am really grateful to him for his wild days when he was young. He made himself into a cripple. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be worth this money,”Yan Miao said.

As she spoke, she walked out of the room to discuss with brother Qiang about blackmailing Mu duo.

“Brother Qiang, did you call Mu duo? Did he agree to the price? ” She asked.

“I haven’t called him yet. Let him be anxious first. My people are keeping an eye on Mu duo and Mu Zeyu near the hotel. When they’re looking for people everywhere, give Mu duo a call, ” brother Qiang said.

The corner of Yan Miao’s lips twitched. “Why do you want me to make a call? Can’t you just find someone to call? ”

Her heart tightened. Some things were easier said than done. How was she going to tell Mu duo all this? Most importantly, this would expose that she was the one who kidnapped Yan Wei!

“Hehe, you two haven’t talked for a long time. I can give you a chance to talk! The two of you can discuss how your daughter wants to live? ” Brother Qiang said with a cold smile.

“You, you’re so ruthless. You Want Mu duo to hate me to death! ” Yan Miao said.

“What’s there to be afraid of The key is that you can get the money. You want 20% of the profits, but you only tricked Yan Wei into my car. It’s not worth this price If you don’t want to do it, you can leave now. When I get the money, I can give you 50 million,”said brother Qiang.

Yan Miao’s lips pursed into a straight line. It was clear that brother Qiang did not want to give her 20% and wanted to keep the money for himself. As long as she left, where would she find brother Qiang to ask for money?

She was sure that when the time came, brother Qiang would make it so that she would never be able to find him!

Moreover, Yan Wei already knew that she was involved in the kidnapping. Even if she left now, Mu duo and Mu Zeyu would not let her off. She had no way out.

“Alright, I promise you. I’ll ask Mu duo for money later. ” She braced herself and agreed.

Brother Qiang’s phone rang with music. It was a call from his subordinates.

“Brother Qiang, we saw mu Zeyu looking for someone. He’s looking everywhere! ” Brother Qiang’s subordinates reported.

“Hehehe, he discovered that Yan Wei is missing so quickly? We’re not in a hurry. Just wait a while more! ” Brother Qiang said.

Near the hotel, Mu Zeyu brought his men to look for Yan Wei everywhere. Yan Wei’s cell phone was turned off, and there was no signal on her phone card. It was as if Yan Wei had vanished into thin air.

Du Rui also brought his men to the hotel. He did not manage to track down Yan Miao. He wanted to tell Yan Wei to be careful.

Mu Zeyu suddenly saw du Rui running over. He took a few steps forward and grabbed du Rui’s collar. “where’s Yan Wei? ”

Du Rui was stunned. “Yan Wei? You’re asking me about Yan Wei? ”

“Nonsense! Yan Wei is missing. If I don’t ask you, who would I ask? You’re the only one who stays by Yan Wei’s side every day! Where did you hide Yan Wei? ” Mu Zeyu roared angrily. josei

“I didn’t hide Yan Wei! I’m here to find her! Why would I hide her? ” Du Rui asked Mu Zeyu back.

“You think I don’t know what you’re thinking? You’ve never given up on Yan Wei and can’t wait to chase her back! Du Rui, hand over Yan Wei! Otherwise, I won’t let you off! ” Mu Zeyu roared angrily.

He threw a punch at du Rui’s face, wanting to kill his love rival at any moment!

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