May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1676

Chapter 1676

Chapter 1676: Chapter 1676. This man belongs to me

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Xin Ba blinked his eyes at the woman in front of him. His small hand touched the smooth skin on the woman’s face. “You’re willing to play with me. That’s great! Let’s pinky swear. You have to be my good friend. ”

Lian Lian stretched out her hand and pinky-swore with Xin Ba. “We’re all good friends. Don’t change for a Hundred Years! ”

Her eyes were watery. Looking at the darling in her arms, she could not bear to let go.

“Arinda, bring Xin Ba to his room to play. I have something to say to Lian Lian, ” Xi SI instructed.

Arinda walked to Xin BA’s side and said, “Xin Ba, Auntie will bring you to play, okay? ”

Xin Ba looked at his aunt and then looked at Lian Lian. “WILL SISTER LEAVE? ”

He asked worriedly.

“No. If I want to leave, I will say goodbye to you, ” Lian Lian said.

“Okay, then I will go play with Auntie first. Grandfather, you can’t be fierce to my friend! ” Xin Ba instructed his grandfather.

“okay. Don’t worry and go. I promise you will see her alive, ” Xi Si said.

He was speechless and could only lament about his nature. Xin Ba had only just met Lian Lian and was already so close to her. Was this the legendary mother and son, Lian Lian?

Dai Yuyan watched as Arinda took Xin Ba away and signaled for the maids to leave and close the door.

She had a feeling that Xi si must have brought Lian Lian here for something important to say.

Xi Si saw that there was no one else in the room and said, “you said you have something to say to me? ”

Lian Lian nodded. “I want to take Xin Ba away. He is my son. ”

Dai Yuyan pressed her hand on her heart. She did not expect to hear such an explosive story. “Xin BA is your son? Isn’t he Chu Chu’s son? ”

“He is not Chu Chu’s son. In order to protect me, Willam allowed Chu Chu to be Xin BA’s mother. I am Xin BA’s biological mother, ” Lian Lian said.

Dai Yuyan’s heart twitched. However, this was out of her expectations and within reason. Willam had liked Lian Lian since he was young and had always kept Lian Lian by his side.

“So you are my daughter-in-law! Good Child, take a seat first. Is the baby in your stomach also Willam’s? ” She looked at Lian Lian’s bulging stomach. How could one grandson be enough Of course, the more the better. It was best to have seven or eight children to keep XIN BA company.

“What are you thinking about? You just hugged a grandson and now you want to hug another one? Lian Lian is GAIA’s Queen. Haven’t you seen the news? ” Xi Si reminded his woman.

Lian Lian understood what Xi SI meant. It meant that the baby in her stomach was GAIA’s and not Willam’s.

She did not argue about this. She was afraid that if she said that the baby was Willam’s, Xi Si would not let her go.

Dai Yuyan’s eyes flashed with disappointment. “No matter whose it is, it’s good that you’re happy! Your mother and I are good friends. I hope you can be happy. ”

“thank you, aunt Yuyan. I will work hard to make myself happy. My happiness now is to hope that Simba can be with me, ” Lian Lian said.

“That’s impossible. My grandson can only be in Switzerland, ” Xi SI said.

“Then are you willing to let Willam confer me the title of Queen? ” Lian Lian asked.

“OF COURSE NOT! The Queen of my country of Switzerland can be anyone, even Chu Chu, but it can’t be you! ” Xi Si said.

Lian Lian’s lips curved into a faint smile “So, you can only let me take Xin Ba away. If Xin BA were here, Willam would definitely let me be his queen. And if I take Xin Ba away, he would hate me, and would no longer have the intention to confer me the title of Queen. ”

Although she and Willam had made a plan, the plan had the plot of her being the Queen. She was still the queen of Gaia, she could not be Willam’s Queen, and she did not like being a queen. josei

Thinking of the risks her child would encounter in the future, she would rather take Xin Ba away.

Xi Si sneered, “Do you think he can do whatever he wants? You can forget about being the queen of Riel for the rest of your life. Lian Lian, the enmity between our two families will not end just because you gave birth to a grandson for me!

“Xin BA is my grandson in my palace. I can make him the king. As long as he leaves my palace, he will be my enemy “I can kill him with my own hands!

“I will never forget who overthrew my dynasty “even if your father dies, he will not be able to make up for the losses that I have suffered for so many years “The feud between our two families will not end just like that! ”

He spewed out his words. For so many years, he had spent his time in prison. Although he could occasionally see Dai Yuyan, he did not have a normal life after all. More than ten years of time was gone just like that, and his country was gone too.. If his son had not worked hard and established a dynasty, he would have lost the throne of the king forever How could he let Gong Mochen go so easily?

Lian Lian’s brows sank “If you must treat our Nan Gong family as your enemy, our Nan Gong family will also accept the challenge. Xin Ba is my son. I want to take him away and live a normal life. I don’t want him to be schemed against by others in the palace every day and be trained by YOU TO BE A WAR MANIAC! ”

“So what if he’s a war maniac? This world is a world where the survival of the fittest. My grandson wants to be the strongest man! ” Xi Si said.

“being strong doesn’t mean you have to use force. I only want my child to live like a commoner’s child. That’s enough! ” Lian Lian said.

“I also want Xin Ba to participate in the court battle. Xi Si, I think... ” Dai Yuyan was interrupted by Xi Si before she could finish her sentence.

“Shut up! A WOMAN’S BENEVOLENCE! What do you know? ” Xi Si roared angrily. His eyes looked at Lian Lian. “You can leave if you want to, but you can only leave by yourself! Since XIN BA is my grandson, you have to accept his fate! ” Xi Si said.

“What if I don’t agree? I can wait for Willam to return and see how he conferred me the title of Queen! As long as he says the words to confer me the title, it will mean war between the two countries! ” Lian Lian said.

The reason why she agreed to be Willam’s queen was to use this point to force Xi Si. Xi Si would not agree to Riel fighting against the Middle East for her!

Xi Si’s eyes narrowed as he was threatened by Lian Lian.

“You have guts to threaten me? ” He questioned.

“His Majesty has guts too. He can start a war between two countries for the sake of a child! I wonder if it’s really worth it for you to do this? ” Lian Lian retorted.

Xi Si fell silent. To start a war between two countries for the sake of a child and to confer Lian Lian the title of Queen was definitely not worth it. He would not let Willam Confer Lian Lian Lian the title of Queen!

Dai Yuyan held Xi SI’s hand and said, “let Lian Lian Take Xin Ba away. The child belongs to Willam. No matter where Xin Ba is, his blood runs in our family. If he wants to come back when he grows up, let him come back and inherit the throne. ”

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