May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1716

Chapter 1716

Chapter 1716: Chapter 1716 this man belongs to me. 69

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian’s eyes curved into a smile like a flower. She had to praise the efficiency of the guards. They were simply cooperating with her!

She pushed the fountain towards the entrance of the secret passage. With the help of a few wheels, she was barely able to push the fountain a little.

She only pushed it a few times before she discovered the problem. The weight of the Fountain was far beyond her imagination. She had used up all the strength in her arms.

And she did not dare to use any more strength. She was afraid that if she used too much strength, she would hurt her baby!

She stopped and looked at the fountain in front of her gloomily. The saddest thing in this world was that you were here and the exit was there, but you could not pick up the key to open the door!

She cursed. She looked at the small fountain. How could it be so heavy?

Her eyes swept across the room, and her mind was racing to think of a solution.

However, she was the only one in the room. It was fated that no one would help her. And there was no archimedes’legendary Crowbar here. She did not have a crowbar or a fulcrum. She could not pick up the MARBLE BALL ON THE FOUNTAIN!

She had stood for too long and was tired of standing. She Sat on the Sofa and bit her fingertip. Where on Earth could she get a crowbar?

She could not say that she needed an iron bar to dance on the Pole, right?

Her hand touched her stomach. Hehe. If it was before she was pregnant, this reason could be believed, but she could not think about it now. She had never seen a pregnant woman dance on the pole. Even if there was a pregnant woman dancing, Xi Si would not allow her to do such a dangerous thing! josei

She knocked her head with her fingers and took a deep breath. How was she going to get herself out of this secret room?

She swore that she had never used so many brains in her life. She only felt that all her brain cells were about to die. Even in the rainforest, she had never used her brain in this way. And she had used all her brain cells, yet she still could not think of a solution!

She hung her little head in despair. Her gaze landed on the marble floor. The light from the crystal lamp refracted the light on the marble floor, and her eyes flashed for a moment.

In the next moment, her eyes flashed for a moment. She had finally thought of a solution!

HAHAHA Lian Lian could not help but laugh out loud. Her eyes narrowed into slits. Xi Si wanted to trap her. Hehe, she would have FUN WITH XI SI!

She had thought of a solution. She stretched her body and got up to return to the bedroom. She wanted to have a good beauty sleep to nourish her spirit and strength. She still had physical work to do tomorrow!

Ever since she was pregnant, her sleep had been even better. She fell asleep as soon as she laid on the bed.


In the villa of the Nan Gong family, Xiao Hui saw the news on her phone. She had been troubled by her own news. She had not stepped out of her room for the past two days. If Qin Sheng had not asked a reliable maid to take care of her and bring her food.. She would have starved herself to death in her room.

But what was the situation now When Fang Yuan was in England, she had actually lived such a debauched life. Even she had read all of Fang Yuan’s news out of curiosity, not to mention the reactions of the people.

After reading the news, she could not help but walk out of her room. She wanted to ask Nangong ye about the situation. Because the screen was filled with Fang Yuan’s news now, she could not find her own news. She wanted to ask if her news had been clarified?

“AIYO! The young miss who has not left the house for the past two days has finally left the house! ” A woman’s sharp voice came from across Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui looked up and saw her colleagues, Sun Ying and Xiao Hua. It was these two women who had spread her news in the kitchen a few days ago, causing everyone to misunderstand her as a mistress, a scheming woman!

“I, I came out to look for young master. I want to ask, ” she hurriedly explained. However, before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Sun Ying.

“TSK Tsk, it’s only been a while since I last saw young master, and you can’t help yourself? It’s not that easy to act cool, right? It’s only been two days, and you can’t continue acting? ” Sun Ying said with a cold smile.

“No, I’M NOT ACTING! I’ve seen that my news is gone. I want to ask young master, has my news been explained clearly? ” Xiao Hui said.

“How can your news be gone? It’s just that Fang Yuan’s news is too popular, so I can’t find any news about you! ” Sun Ying said.

“Sigh, who are these people around young master? A scheming maid wants to rise to the top every day, and a Miss Fang. Now, she’s pretending to be quite a lady. I didn’t expect that when she went abroad to study, she was actually that kind of person, ” Xiao Hua said.

“That’s right. Young master has also been bewitched by these two evildoers. To think that he was deceived so miserably by them! ” Sun Ying said in frustration.

She thought that she was better looking than Xiao Hui and cleaner than Fang Yuan. It was a pity that young master did not even look at her!

“Two trash! Bah! TOO DISGUSTING! ” Xiao Hua added. She did not think that she was inferior!

Xiao Hui’s face turned pale. “I’m not a scheming woman. I didn’t do anything to get promoted. It’s all Miss Fang’s lies! ”

“It’s a pity that you have no evidence to say that Miss Fang was speaking, but Miss Fang does have evidence to prove that you’re lying! The evidence is already there, so what right do you have to be unreasonable! Only the young master is a good person and would believe you! ” Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and said.

“I’m a good person, but I can’t listen anymore! How can our family have such vicious maids? GET THEM OUT OF HERE! SETTLE THEIR WAGES! ” Nangong Ye’s cold voice shot out.

Only then did the three women see Nangong ye walking over!

Sun Ying and Xiao Hua were so frightened that their legs went weak. The two of them nearly fell to the ground.

“Young Master! We don’t have any bad intentions. We just feel that young master isn’t worth it! Young master is such a good person, but he was actually deceived by Xiao Hui! ” Sun Ying quickly said.

“Who told you that Xiao Hui lied to me? Who told you that she was lying? ” Nangong Ye’s eyes were so cold that it was as if there was a cold current sweeping through Alaska. Every word that came out of the cold current made people feel a chill in their hearts.

Sun Ying’s entire body was trembling. “I, I just saw it on the news! Anyway, there’s NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE! ”

“What a good line! This young master will let you have your fill of smoke today! ” Nangong ye glared fiercely at Xiao Hui “Why are you still standing there? Didn’t you hear what I said? Chase them out! I’ll confiscate all their wages. I want my lawyer to sue them for slander! ”

Xiao Hui was stunned by the man’s roar. So he wanted her to chase them out?

“that, that, why don’t you give them another chance? ” She couldn’t bear to chase sun ying and Xiao Hua away immediately. They had been colleagues for several years. Although they had never gotten along, she knew that their lives were not good They both had sick parents at home. If they were fired, their lives would be in a desperate situation.

Nangong ye was so angry that his throat tasted sweet. He had given Xiao Hui a slap on the face. That darn girl actually dared to argue with him?

“Do you dare to disobey me? Do you believe that I will throw you out on the street and leave you alone? ” He roared angrily.

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