May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1743

Chapter 1743

Chapter 1743: Chapter 1743, this man belongs to me, 96

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Oh, didn’t I bring a few new interns with me? Let them have a clinical practice, ” said the doctor.

Yi Feng frowned. “That’s not right. Fang Yuan’s attending physician isn’t you! Who Are you? ”

He stood up and walked towards the few people. He was afraid that they would hurt Fang Yuan.

However, what he did not expect was that this person did not walk towards Fang Yuan at all. Instead, he rushed towards him. The few people instantly surrounded him.

“Hehe, Yi Feng, do you think you can still escape? ” George took off his large mask and smiled at Yi Feng.

Of course, they were not doctors. They were Nangong Ye’s bodyguards and a few of his hacker friends.

“George! ” Yi Feng saw George blurting out George’s name.

George’s lips curved. “Not bad, you can even call out an old friend’s name! I thought you wouldn’t recognize an old friend anymore! ”

They were all hackers. Although they had not met in private, they were all good friends online. However, this kind of face-to-face approach was crueler than anything else.

Yi Feng pursed his lips into a straight line. Obviously, the name George that he blurted out had exposed himself.

“Who are you friends with? I’ve only seen you on the news about Nangong ye. I’ve seen you on the news before! ” He hurriedly denied.

“Hehe, it’s useless to say anything. Yi Feng, we have evidence to prove your identity! ” After saying that, George Ran Towards Yi Feng’s computer.

Yi Feng’s computer was on the coffee table. There must be a program on it that Yi Feng had not been able to shut down in time!

Yi Feng also noticed George’s intention. He turned around and rushed towards his computer.

When Yi Feng’s fingers were about to touch his computer keyboard, George took the first step and removed the USB port connecting the keyboard to the computer.

“Hehe, your keyboard is useless. ” George reached out to grab the computer.

Yi Feng reached out to grab George’s arm. The two of them struggled together.

The others rushed over. Those who held the computer held the computer and those who grabbed Yi Feng grabbed Yi Feng.

Everything happened too quickly. It was beyond Fang Yuan’s reaction. When she woke up from the shock, Yi Feng had already been caught. josei

“someone, someone! Save Yi Feng! Save Yi Feng! ” She shouted loudly.

“Fang Yuan, stop shouting. It’s no use shouting anymore. The few bodyguards at your door have long been taken care of by us! ” George said proudly while holding his computer.

“Who are you? I’m going to call the police to arrest you! ” Fang Yuan shouted angrily.

“You’re thinking of Police Shu Li at this time Why didn’t you think of it when you harmed Xiao Hui Don’t worry, we’ve long called the police Shu Li, and it’s an international special police Yi Feng, how do you think the police Shu Li will react when they see you? The God of hackers who has been wanted for so long!”George smiled as he looked at Yi Feng, who was pressed against the wall by a few bodyguards.

Yi Feng’s eyes flashed with a fierce light, “YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE! I don’t know what you’re talking about? You can’t assume that I’m the god of hackers just because I know that your name is George, right? ”

“What I have in my hands is evidence! ” George said as he held the computer. He had snatched the computer, so Yi Feng definitely did not have the time to delete the records on the computer. They could find out what Yi Feng had done!

This website was a website that Nangong ye had bought in order to capture Yi Feng. He had to admit that Nangong ye was really rich and willful. He could buy a website just to capture anyone.

The videos of Xiao Hui and Fang Yuan that were posted on the website, as well as the comments that scolded Fang Yuan, were all for the sake of luring Yi Feng to delete the posts.

Yi Feng would use an ID. If it was a tracking ID, they would never be able to track down Yi Feng’s computer.

Therefore, Nangong ye had set up this trap. When Yi Feng made his move, they would come directly to capture Yi Feng. This way, they would be caught red-handed!

The operation this time was too smooth. Not long after the news was released, they saw that someone was attacking the website. Nangong ye immediately sent them to capture him.

When Yi Feng heard George’s words, he sneered, “look at the computer. ”

His words came out easily. His tone was filled with disdain, as if he was not afraid of George’s words at all.

George looked at the computer in his hand and instantly widened his eyes in surprise. “What, what’s going on? QUICKLY STOP! ”

He ran to the table and plugged in the keyboard. He wanted to stop the programs that were rapidly flashing on the computer screen. He could understand these programs. These programs were destroying everything in the computer. If they were to be deleted in this way, they would not be able to recover!

A few of his hacker friends also ran over to help. However, no matter what commands they typed, they could not stop the process of the program.

Yi Feng laughed coldly. “It’s useless for you to type anything. As long as this computer is in a startup state and no one uses it for more than three minutes, it will automatically execute this program. ”

This was a program that he had set up for his own safety. When the computer was activated, he would not leave the computer. If he had something to do and left, he would turn off the computer. If he turned off the computer, he would not start this program. If he left for more than three minutes when he turned on the computer, it could only mean that something had happened to him. And the things in his computer had to be destroyed!

George gritted his teeth. All the evidence he had was gone!

His Gaze landed on Yi Feng’s face. “You’re so hateful! ”

“How can I play with you if I’m not ruthless? Now that your so-called evidence is gone, how are you going to prove that I’m the God of hackers? ” Yi Feng turned to look at the two bodyguards who were pressing down on his arms “Let go! I’m going to sue you for breaking into the ward and impersonating a doctor, attempting to threaten the lives of others! ”

The moment his computer was destroyed, he became confident. Without evidence, no one could say that he was shadowless!

Fang Yuan did not understand what they were saying, but she understood. With the computer destroyed, the so-called evidence was gone!

She walked towards Yi Feng. “Yi Feng, are you alright? ”

“I’m fine. Fang Yuan, take a photo. I want to sue them for intentionally hurting me! ” Yi Feng ordered Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan quickly took a photo with her phone. “JUST WAIT FOR JAIL! The evidence in my hands is definitely enough to send you to jail for a few years! ”

George and the hackers’faces turned completely black. They were clearly about to capture Yi Feng, but they could only watch helplessly as the evidence was destroyed. They were completely helpless!

At this moment, the computer had completed its programming and turned black immediately. Now, nothing could save this computer.

“What should we do? How are we going to explain this to young Master Nan Gong? ”

“However, this has exceeded our expectations. You can’t blame US, right? ”

“George, you should tell young master Nan Gong properly! ”

A few hackers said to George. When they thought of Nangong Ye, they were immediately shocked.

George’s face was also dark. “I’ll make a call and ask how it ends. ”

Just as he dialed the number, he could faintly hear the sound of Nangong Ye’s cell phone music.

As the music got closer and closer, the door opened and Nangong ye strode into the room.

“Nangong Ye! What right do you have to capture Yi Feng? LET HIM GO! ” Fang Yuan roared when she saw Nangong Ye.

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