May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1799

Chapter 1799

Chapter 1799: Chapter 1799, this man belongs to me, 151

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

The Deacon was stunned. Just because His Majesty was unhappy, he didn’t give Anduojia the most favored nation treatment.

“But Your Majesty, this proposal has been considered by the DA Qing, and it has already been reported to you, ” he said timidly. Even if this proposal was completely fine, looking at the cold man, he still didn’t dare to speak out his opinion.

“GET LOST! ” Willam didn’t give the Deacon the chance to speak. He was the ruler of a country, but he was also a man, a man who loved his woman. If a man could be calm and at ease in the face of his woman wanting to cheat on another man.. Then he would not be a man.

When the Deacon heard Willam’s cold words, he was so scared that he ran out of the room. He was afraid that if he was one step late and he angered Willam again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He did not dare to delay and ran to the meeting hall. This was the place where the da Qing’s discussed matters.

The Da Qing’s in the meeting hall were all waiting for the Deacon to bring back the documents that had been approved.

The two ambassadors of Anduojia waited anxiously, as if this approval had taken too long.

“The two ambassadors do not need to be anxious. We have already discussed with the king about the most-favored-nation treatment for Anduojia. His Majesty has agreed. Today is just a formality, ” said Da Qing’s bazaar.

“It seems that this period of time is a little too long. Our country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still waiting for our reply, ” said Ambassador Ke Dun. They were also under pressure. Their country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been urging them In the end, they still could not get the approval, which made them seem as if they were useless.

“Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious. The Deacon should be back by now. ” Bazaar’s gaze looked out through the glass window of the room. The meeting hall was on the first floor. Through the window, he could see people passing by outside.

“AIYO! THE DEACON IS BACK! Hahaha, I can’t help but mutter, ” he said happily.

Ambassador Ke Dun hurriedly stood up to welcome the Deacon. “Deacon, where is His Majesty’s approval? “

The moment the Deacon entered the room, he saw Ke dun coming up to him. Hearing Ke Dun’s words, his face turned black. How was he going to tell Ke Dun?

“Deacon, where is the document? Did you forget to take it? ” Barzel looked at the Deacon who had nothing in his hands and asked.

The Deacon frowned. “How could I forget to take it? His Majesty didn’t approve the document at all. “

“Ah? ” Ke Dun was stunned. “Why didn’t he approve it? Minister Basil, what did you tell me? Didn’t you say that you had already consulted his majesty and that today was just a formality? “

Basil was also dumbfounded. “I did communicate with His Majesty, and he also said that he could give Anduojia the most-favored-nation treatment. “

“Hehe, and then his majesty approved it like this today? Did His Majesty go back on his words, or are you lying? ” Basil asked.

“How could I lie? Deacon, explain clearly. Why didn’t His Majesty approve the document? Did he say that there was a problem? ” Basil asked.

“His Majesty didn’t say there was a problem. He just said... ” the Deacon shut his mouth in embarrassment. It was so embarrassing.

“What did he say? Tell me quickly! ” Bazaar asked.

“His Majesty said, ‘get lost! ‘ And I got out. ” The Deacon said with a Pale face. It was really embarrassing!

“Did you provoke His Majesty? How did you serve His Majesty? ” Bazaar blamed the Deacon.

“How could I provoke His Majesty? I just went in to say the most-favored-nation treatment in Anduojia and was chased out by His Majesty. His Majesty also said that he wouldn’t give them the most-favored-nation treatment because he was unhappy today. ” The Deacon said.

Bazaar and the other da Qing looked at each other in disbelief.

Willam was a workaholic. Under his leadership, the Riesians became richer and stronger. Because of this, the entire country’s people were willing to restore the imperial system.

How could Willam say this?

“Isn’t Your Majesty being too childish? Just because he was unhappy, he didn’t give our country the most-favored-nation treatment? I want to report this to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ” Ke Dun said.

“Ke Dun, wait a moment. I’ll go and consult his majesty again, ” Bazaar said.

“I want to go too. I want to personally hear why his majesty did not give our country the MOST-FAVORED-NATION TREATMENT! ” Ke Dun said.

“Okay. You can follow me to the imperial study. ” Barzel raised his hand and gestured for Ke Dun to follow him.

The ambassador was allowed to meet His Majesty, but it was not necessary. The ambassador would not go to the imperial study to meet His Majesty.

Barzel brought Ke Dun to the imperial study. Just as they reached the door of the imperial study, they heard a rustling sound in the imperial study. josei

The two of them did not dare to enter. They both peeked through the crack in the door.

The door of the imperial study was not closed properly. There was a crack that allowed them to see what was going on inside.

The entire imperial study seemed to have been bombed. Everything was smashed to pieces. Willam, on the other hand, seemed to be in the martial arts arena. He was wantonly punching and kicking in the imperial study. Of course, Willam was only punching and kicking himself. There was no one else in the room other than him.

What was lost was the furniture and precious furnishings in the room.

Ke Dun looked through the crack in the door at the man who could easily break the coffee table. He took a deep breath.

Bazaar was also stunned on the spot. He had never seen such a furious Willam.

“Well, Ke Dun, didn’t you want to know why his majesty didn’t give your country the most-favored-nation treatment? Knock on the door and go in and ask. ” He was a little regretful that he came.

“Bazaar, didn’t you say that you would help me ask? HURRY UP AND ASK! ” Ke Dun indicated that he was not stupid.

“this... ” bazaar was trying to think of his own words to deal with Ke Dun when he was shocked by a loud sound.

The door of the imperial study fell toward them.

He pulled Ke Dun and hid behind it. The door fell right in front of him. The door almost fell off their noses.

After kicking the door away, Willam stepped on the door and walked out. “You dare to peep? “

He asked.

His voice was really not loud. It was never loud, but it was especially cold. In addition, he took off his shirt, and his muscles were perfectly bulging. It was terrifying to look at.

“WE ARE NOT PEEPING! Your Majesty, You misunderstood! ” Barzel quickly explained, “I brought Ambassador Ke Dun here because... because of the most-favored-nation treatment he received in Anduojia! “

“Well, if Your Majesty doesn’t approve it, then so be it. I, I will take my leave! ” The ambassador was afraid that he would die if he asked any more questions.

“Your Majesty, your new mobile phone! ” A guard ran over and saw the door in front of him fall to the ground. The imperial study was a mess, as if it had become a scene of a martial arts fight. He was so shocked that he could not speak. All the antiques and furniture in the room were destroyed.

Willam’s mobile phone was smashed by himself, and then he ordered them to get another one for him. He only walked away for a while.

Willam’s gaze landed on the phone in the guard’s hand. After a moment of hesitation, he reached out his hand and said, “give me your phone! “

He did not want to see Lian Lian’s reply, but he wanted to see her reply even more crazily.

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