May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1806

Chapter 1806

Chapter 1806: Chapter 1806, Gong Mou 6

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian paused for a moment. How was she going to tell her younger brother that their father had an illegitimate child? “Ye Xinghun, actually... “

She stammered.

Nangong ye was getting impatient. “Sis, what exactly are you trying to say? “

“I’m just trying to say that Ye Xinghun is actually our brother. ” Lian Lian said.

Nangong Ye’s nerves couldn’t take it anymore. He was stunned for a few seconds. “You’re saying that Ye Xinghun is our brother and that he’s father’s illegitimate child? “

“that should be the case. Theoretically and genetically speaking, yes. ” Lian Lian replied. josei

“Are you sure? ” Nangong ye asked again.

Although he had asked his father about this earlier, even he himself didn’t believe that his father would have an illegitimate child outside. Everyone in this world knew how much Gong Mochen loved Qin Sheng. Gong Mochen had pampered his wife for more than twenty years He had pampered his wife to the heavens. Qin Sheng was the envy and jealousy of all the women in the world. It was also a goal that all the women in the world could only dream of.

This was because one might have the same wealth as Qin Sheng, but one would never be able to meet a second Gong Mochen. It was impossible to have such a love in this world.

“when I was in the rainforest, I stole a sample of Ye Xinghun. I got someone to take his sample and mine for a DNA test, ” Lian Lian said.

“What was the result? ” Even though Nangong Ye had already guessed the answer, he still instinctively rejected the answer and asked his sister.

“The result is that Ye Xinghun is my brother. Naturally, he is also your brother. If you ask me, do we still have a brother? Then this person is Ye Xinghun, ” Lian Lian said.

Nangong ye paused for a long time, not saying a single word. It was as if he had found the father of Fang Yuan’s aborted child. However, if this news were to spread, he would be able to clear his name. However, he would have to sacrifice his father’s innocence.

And he did not need to think to know how Qin Sheng would react.

Lian Lian did not hear her brother’s voice for a long time. She had already guessed Nangong Ye’s dilemma. He did not say it for a long time because he was also struggling with this problem.

“Have you thought about how to deal with this matter? ” Her fingers pinched the space between her brows. In any case, she could not think of anything. One was her brother, the other was her father, and there was also her family. What exactly was she going to destroy?

“D * Mn, d * MN it. Our Father has really gotten us a brother. ” Nangong Ye’s mind was filled with countless thoughts. If it wasn’t for his father, he would have really beaten Gong Mochen up.

“However, although in theory, Ye Xinghun might be the father of Fang Yuan’s child, I don’t think that the possibility is high. This is because Ye Xinghun and Fang Yuan have never interacted. Even if you suspect him, there’s no evidence, ” Lian Lian said.

Even if she wanted to shift the blame, she had to do it reasonably. It had been a long time since Ye Xinghun had returned to the country, and Fang Yuan had never left the country either. Then how did the two of them have a child?

“I’ll look into this matter. Take care of yourself. I’ll hang up first, ” Nangong Ye said

“little brother, after we’re done talking about you, it’s time to talk about me. Where’s the thing I want? ” Lian Lian asked.

“got it. I’ll give it to you first thing tomorrow morning, ” Nangong Ye said.

“that’s great. LITTLE BROTHER IS GREAT! ” Lian Lian Hung up the phone after saying that.

Nangong ye pressed his temples with his fingers. This was his biological sister. He had been framed and said that Fang Yuan’s child was his. Lian Lian did not even comfort his injured heart.

As expected, he ordered delivery.

He dialed a number and instructed his subordinate, “check Fang Yuan’s entry and exit records from four months ago, as well as Ye Xinghun’s entry and exit records. “

“Yes, sir. ” Nangong Ye’s subordinate accepted the order.

Just as he hung up, another call entered his cell phone. He answered the call.

“President, there are many reporters surrounding our company, all of them are asking if Fang Yuan’s child is yours. Also, all the major media outlets are reporting Fang Yuan’s video. How should we reply? ” Nangong Ye’s subordinate asked.

Nangong Ye’s gaze was cold, like an enraged beast. “You don’t have to reply. I’ll reply. “

He hung up the phone and took the elevator to the first floor. Through the glass door, he could see groups of reporters.

He strode out of his company’s door.

When the reporters saw Nangong ye walk out, they swarmed toward Nangong ye.

“President Nangong, tell me the results of the test report. “

“President Nangong, Fang Yuan said that the child is yours. What is your response to this? “

“President Nangong, is Fang Yuan’s child yours? Please answer directly! “

The reporters asked loudly.

Nangong Ye’s bodyguards ran out of the company and formed a human wall, creating a path for Nangong ye.

Nangong Ye’s gaze swept across the crowd. “You want to know the results of the test? “

“Yes. President Nangong, please tell us! ” The reporters said.

“The test results are 99.5% , but the relationship between father and son is 99.99% , ” nangong yuan said word by word.

An uproar broke out in the crowd.

“What does this mean? “

“It means that they are not father and son! “

“But if they are not father and son, why are their genes so close? “

“right? Why? “

The reporters asked loudly.

Nangong ye pursed his lips into a line. “I want to know the reason more. If I know who is trying to harm me and blame me, I will make sure that he will never be able to get up for the rest of his life. “

He said angrily, his body emitting an indescribable anger.

The reporters did not dare to speak anymore. This kind of overbearing anger and intimidation was too strong. They were afraid that they would say something wrong and anger this CEO.

Angering Nangong ye wasn’t something fun. If things went wrong, even the website might be blocked.

The wisest choice now was to stop when things were good.

As Nangong Ye’s tall figure sat in his car, the reporters posted the video of the interview online. In an instant, this cold case became a hot topic. People started to guess whether the child was Nangong Ye’s or not.

In the Royal Palace of Switzerland, Ye Xinghun looked at the video on his phone. When he saw Nangong Ye’s rage, the corners of his lips curled up into a sinister smile.

He wanted to make him unable to get up from the ground for the rest of his life He wanted to destroy Gong Mochen’s reputation and cause Gong Mochen’s wife and family to be separated.

He did not help Fang Yuan for no reason. This was a plan to kill two birds with one stone. He wanted to give Fang Yuan a child and make Fang Yuan shift the blame onto Nangong ye. If Nangong ye did not want to take the blame, he had to say that he was Gong Mochen’s illegitimate child.

If Nangong ye wanted to protect Gong Mochen, he had to acknowledge Fang Yuan’s child.

The smile on her lips grew deeper and colder. What should Nangong Ye do?

He and his mother had been forced to stay in the rainforest for so many years. Now, it was time for them to hold their heads high.

It seemed that his gene extraction technology had succeeded.

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