May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1817

Chapter 1817

Chapter 1817: Chapter 1817, Gong Mou 17

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Sikong Yi’s lips twitched. “Why should I inform you? Is there something wrong with my brain? To tell you the truth, I don’t want you to be with my cousin. You can’t give her the happiness she wants. “

“In this world, only I can give her happiness, and she can only be mine! ” Willam said in a huff.

“Hehe, you’ve been with her for so many years. Which Day has she been happy Tell me yourself She doesn’t like the palace and only likes a leisurely life. Have you given her a day like this “Your Life only has the country and the throne, so you want to force her to face these things that don’t belong to her with you? ” Sikong Yi said.

Willam’s eyes sank. “after I get rid of the rebels, she can live as she pleases in the Palace. She can also have the leisure life she wants in the palace. “

“You got rid of the rebels “Hehe, one is your brother, and the other is your father. Can you get rid of them “You want to kill them Don’t forget, your father almost killed Lian Lian If it weren’t for Lian Lian Being Smart and fast, I wouldn’t even dare to imagine what kind of situation she would be in right now,”Sikong Yi said.

“She is my woman. Naturally, she has the ability to surpass others. My father can’t kill her. She has the ability to protect herself, ” Willam said.

“What the F * Ck Are you talking about Lian Lian has the ability to protect herself, so you’re going to let her encounter danger time and time again You’re going to test her ability to protect herself Are you still human Let me tell you, as long as I am alive, I will not let you two be together Unless I die.”Sikong Yi roared.

Thinking about how Lian Lian escaped from Xi Si’s control, he still had lingering fear in his heart. He would not let such a thing happen again.

And the best way was to make Lian Lian stay away from Willam.

“Are you forcing me to kill you? ” Willam’s lips curved into a cold smile.

Sikong Yi’s arm rested on Willam’s table as he bent down to look at Willam “You can try. If I die, no one will be able to remove the poison from your body. And you are destined to die. If I can use my life to exchange for Lian Lian’s life’s safety, I don’t mind using my life to exchange for it! “

He said in a huff. What he could not stand the most was seeing Lian Lian suffer. That feeling was worse than the pain he was experiencing.

Willam’s hand clenched into a fist. “If you have the guts, keep saying that. Without you, I won’t die! “

“Don’t think that you will be fine just because you eat bitter melons for your whole life? ” Any living creature has a process of adapting to the outside world. When the poison in your body adapts to the bitter melons and begins to accept them, it will be the time when the poison in your body explodes. Your Life will end at that moment,”Sikong Yi said in a huff.

Willam’s eyes narrowed into slits. “thank you for reminding me. From now on, you will be under my full surveillance. Don’t even think about leaving the palace. Even if I die, I will not let you off! “

He said coldly. Seeing Sikong Yi’s protective look, it was as if a monster was about to rush out and tear Sikong Yi apart. josei

Even though he knew that Sikong Yi was Lian Lian’s cousin, it was impossible for Sikong Yi and Lian Lian to be together. He still could not tolerate how good Sikong Yi was to Lian Lian.

His possession of Lian Lian was an exclusive, predatory, and unrelenting possession of love that would never let go.

Even if he was surrounded by thorns, he would rather endure the pain of being stabbed than let Lian Lian leave his side.

“Not bad, give me 24-hour protection! Then wouldn’t I be the safest person in the world? ” Sikong Yi said without a care in the world, deliberately putting on a look of enjoyment to provoke Willam.

“GET LOST! ” Willam uttered one word. His finger pressed on the phone’s call button, and the guard outside the study room walked in.

“Your Majesty, what orders do you have? ” The guard asked.

“Send People to Protect Sikong Yi 24 hours a day. Do not let him leave your sight. Do not get injured, do not die, ” Willam instructed.

“Yes! ” The guard accepted the order.

The corners of Sikong Yi’s lips were still curled into a cold smile. He turned around and walked towards the door of the study. When he reached the door of the study, he stopped “Willam, you bastard. If Lian Lian had not been thinking about your body, I would not have come back to treat you. “

He walked out of the room without looking at Willam again.

The Guard followed Sikong Yi out of the room and closed the study door.

Willam pressed his hand on his heart and said in a gentle voice in the dead silence of the room, “So, you still love me, right? So, you don’t want me to die, right?

As for me, how could I put you in danger I’ve always felt that you’re in the palace, but I think that might be the best way for me to keep you.”

His voice was hoarse. He had superhuman telepathy and he could feel that Lian Lian was in the palace. That was why he went to Xi SI’s courtyard every day to find a telepathic connection between himself and Lian Lian.

And there was one thing he was sure of. Before Lian Lian gave birth to their child, XI SI would not touch Lian Lian. He knew how much Xi Si cared about his child. No matter how much Xi Si disliked Lian Lian, he would not harm the child in Lian Lian’s belly.

So, before Lian Lian gave birth, she was safe.

But if he saved Lian Lian Rashly, Lian Lian would definitely tell him that he wanted to leave the palace. He did not know how to reject Lian Lian. He could not bear to see her sad He didn’t want to cut their already fragile relationship again because of this.

Xi Si had become his best tool. He wanted to use XI SI’s hand to keep Lian Lian so that their relationship wouldn’t deteriorate.

He took a deep breath, but everything was broken by Lian Lian’s escape. He took out his phone and logged into Fei Nimeng’s account, sending a message to Lian Lian.

“Even though I’ve thought about it a thousand times, I still love you. When you smile, I see you in your prime; when you cry, I’ll draw a prison for you! “

Lian Lian’s cell phone rang with a notification. She glanced at Mo Fei’s message and a pile of black thread was drawn on her forehead. What was Mo Fei playing again Since when did Mo Fei start taking the artistic route again?

She replied, ‘have you finished drawing the circle? For the sake of the world, don’t come out anymore. ‘

Willam’s lips twitched... ...

Sikong Yi sent a message to Lian Lian, informing her that he had already arrived at the Royal Palace of Switzerland.

He casually put his cell phone into his pocket and walked towards a small courtyard in the palace.

Ye Xinghun looked at Sikong Yi with surprise as he walked into his small building.

“Aiyo, what a rare guest! Didn’t you leave? Why are you back again? ” Ye Xinghun Leisurely Sat on the SOFA and asked.

The corners of Sikong Yi’s lips curled into a straight line as he narrowed his eyes and walked towards Ye Xinghun. “Do you want to know? I’ll tell you. “

As he spoke, he walked to Ye Xinghun’s side and threw a heavy punch towards Ye Xinghun. “GO TO HELL! “

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