May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839: Chapter 1839, Gong Mou 39

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian could say that this was a nightmare. When she woke up, her whole body was covered in a layer of cold sweat. She looked at the sunlight coming in through the gaps of the curtains. A new day had begun.

She got up to wash up and walked into the dining hall. Without any suspense, the dining hall had already prepared a rich breakfast.

She had to say that Owen was really meticulous in taking care of him and helped her think of everything.

“Lian Lian, I asked the kitchen in the dining hall to make tonic soup for you. ” Owen placed a cup of swallow’s nest in front of Lian Lian. “I heard that drinking this baby’s skin will be very good. “

Although he knew that Yun Xi’s skin was very good and it didn’t matter if she didn’t drink it, he just wanted to give the best thing in the world to Yun Xi.

“thank you, ” Lian Lian thanked him politely and picked up a spoon to drink the bird’s nest.

The indicator light on her phone kept flashing. It was a notification that her phone had been hacked.

Someone was looking for Lian Lian’s location through the signal on the phone.

In another hotel not far away from the hotel, Tu Lu was sitting in a conference room. He slammed his hand on the table and questioned the bodyguards in front of him “How do you do things? I’ve been here for so long, but you still can’t find Lian Lian’s location. I might as well have a dog. A dog can even watch my house. “

The few bodyguards were scolded until their faces turned Ashen.

“Your Highness, we’re already trying to locate Miss Lian Lian Lian’s location. “

“Her phone is protected by a program. If we want to locate her location through her phone signal, we have to first attack the protection program. “

“Don’t be anxious. The hacker we hired is already doing this job. “

A few bodyguards replied.

“How can I not be anxious? I just want to kill a woman. If even trash like you can’t do it, how are you going to help me take over the kingdom in the future? ” Tu Lu questioned.

He couldn’t wait any longer. Could he wait until Lian Lian gave birth to a baby boy and inherited the throne of the Middle East before he killed Lian Lian?

If that was the case, killing Lian Lian wouldn’t be of much help to him.

The empress dowager could rely on this grandson to continue to control the entire Middle East country. He couldn’t become the master of that country.

He had to kill both Lian Lian and her mother before Lian Lian gave birth.

“master, don’t worry. We will definitely help you seize the Middle East. You will definitely be the future king of the Middle East. “

“Long Live His Majesty! “

“Long Live His Majesty! “

A few guards coaxed Tu Lu. They were afraid that Tu Lu would kill them.

Lian Lian’s phone was indeed not easy to attack. The Protection Program on her phone was very powerful.

At this moment, another guard ran in. “Your Highness, we have found Lian Lian’s location. She is at the hotel next to us! According to the signal source, she should be at the highest level of the hotel. “

Tu Lu was stunned. “What did you say? She’s next to my hotel? “

“It’s at the hotel next to us. You can see it from here, ” the guard said.

Tu Lu stood up and walked towards the window. Through the glass, he could see the hotel not far from him. He was so angry that he clenched his fists. He had arrived here a long time ago and had been looking for Lian Lian’s address. However, he did not know that Lian Lian was actually next to him.

“Bastard, she’s actually hiding there. Go and catch her. Go and catch her immediately. If you can’t catch her alive, kill her for me! “

He roared angrily. He felt that he had been played by Lian Lian. Initially, he had wanted to capture her alive, but now that the situation was urgent, he changed his mind. Killing Lian Lian was not a bad idea. He could eliminate any future trouble.

His captain of bodyguards immediately brought his men and ran out of the room. This time, they were saved. If they could not catch Lian Tulu, they would definitely kill them.

Willam’s phone suddenly rang. He picked up the call.

“What’s the matter? ” He asked.

A hurried voice came from the phone, “Your Majesty, something has happened. The Protection Program on Lian Lian’s phone has been attacked. I’m afraid that someone has already found out Lian Lian’s location. “ josei

Willam’s lips twitched. “How do you do things? Didn’t you say that the protection program you set up is the best protection program? It definitely won’t be hacked. No one will be able to find LIAN LIAN’S LOCATION! “

“Well, Your Majesty, the program I set up is indeed very powerful. I embedded this program into Ms. Lian Lian’s phone program. That’s why no one has been able to track her signal and find her location in the past two months, ” George said.

He absolutely believed in his own ability. With the protection program he had designed, it could really be said to be indestructible. Otherwise, someone would have already found Lian Lian’s location through Lian Lian’s phone signal.

However, no powerful protection program could withstand the daily destruction of others. He was not the only hacker in the world. Even if someone was weaker than him, if they attacked his program continuously every day.. This program would eventually be attacked.

His program had already been designed very carefully, and he had also designed an alarm device. As long as the program was successfully attacked, there would be an alarm program, and he would be able to receive the alarm signal He knew that his program had been attacked.

It was only after he received the alarm program that he came to inform Willam.

“I don’t want two months, I want a lifetime. ” After saying that, Willam hung up George’s phone.

He didn’t have the time to waste on George. Even if he wanted to beat George to death, he had to ensure Lian Lian’s safety first.

He immediately made another call and had the guards go to Lian Lian’s hotel to protect Lian Lian’s safety.

After Lian Lian finished her breakfast, she went for a walk with Owen in the garden on the top floor.

They stayed in the presidential suite. There was a huge garden on the top floor. There were all kinds of plants growing there. There was a small bridge and running water. There was also a pond and fish. Every day, after Lian Lian had her meal, she would take a walk in the garden with Owen.

In the hotel, a man dressed in black went straight to the top floor. The presidential suite on the top floor was separated from the outside world by a large door. One had to pass through this door to enter the corridor with the presidential suite.

For Safety, Owen had the hotel security guard guard in front of this door.

“Who are you people? ” The security guards immediately stopped the intruders when they noticed them.

However, before the security guards could finish their sentence, the men in black used their silenced pistols and shot the security guards to death one by one.

In their eyes, these security guards were no different from house dogs. They did not have any attack power at all.

The bullets hit the lock of the door and destroyed the entire door with a single strike. The men in black kicked the door open and ran into the corridor, heading straight for Lian Lian’s presidential suite.

At this moment, another group of men in black also barged into the hotel and ran into the corridor where the presidential suite was located.

Tu Lu’s bodyguard was stunned when he saw the men in black barging in. He asked, “who are you? “

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