May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1846

Chapter 1846

Chapter 1846: Chapter 1846, Gong Mou 46

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Yes. If the bet goes up, I’ll give you 30 million, ” Owen said.

Boss Sun looked at his raw stone and his eyes turned. “Okay! I’LL BET with you! “

He shouted to the people in the yard, “everyone, come and testify for us. I’ll bet with this little brother. If my raw stone goes up, he’ll give me 30 million! “

“Okay! We’ll all testify for you! “

“HURRY UP AND START! I’m so excited! “

“I can’t wait. Do you think this stone has a higher chance of going up or a higher chance of going down? “

The crowd began to discuss. Those who came here to play stone gambling all liked to gamble. Now, not only did they gamble on raw stones, but they also had an extra wager. The boss of the stone gambling workshop was gambling with the customers. Everyone was extremely excited.

“Hahaha, of course, it’s me who has a higher chance of rising. I have opened the stone gambling workshop for so many years, but I have never seen such a good raw stone! I guarantee that whoever buys this raw stone, WHO WILL BET ON RISING! ” Boss Sun said.

However, although boss Sun said so, if they really wanted to let these customers buy it, these people were still hesitant. After all, this youth was willing to spend thirty million to bet on it!

As soon as boss Sun’s words fell, the atmosphere immediately became cold. No one answered. His face turned black. He could only continue to talk to the lady who wanted to buy the raw stone.

“Madam, I can see that you know the goods. I guarantee that you will make money from this stone! ” He said quickly.

“But that little brother said that he will definitely gamble until he collapses! ” The lady also hesitated.

“He is not even an adult yet, and you just listen to him like that? This is his first time coming here to watch stone gambling! You can’t miss a chance to make a fortune because of a child’s nonsense, right? ” Boss Sun said.

The noblewoman nodded subconsciously. Boss Sun was right. This young man looked like he was only in his teens. How could he understand stone gambling? If she delayed her own fortune because of a child, it would really be a loss.

However, why didn’t the woman beside the young man care about her brother?

If boss Sun hadn’t gotten the woman to buy it, his heart was a little flustered. He couldn’t keep his raw stones in his hands “Madam, I mainly want to win his thirty million. How about this, I’ll give you five more raw stones? I guarantee you’ll win, and I can earn more! “

He pointed at the five small stones next to the big stones. Although they were small stones, they were only compared to the big stones. Any single one of them was as big as two blue balls.

The noble woman’s heart jumped decisively. The temptation was too great. Not only did she get the best stone with 80 million, but she could also get five more stones. Although the quality of the five stones was not as good as this big stone, she could just open some jade It was all for nothing! josei

Thinking of this, the noble woman nodded. “Okay, okay, I’ll take it. I’ll transfer the money to you now! “

She took out her phone and opened the bank APP to transfer the money to boss Sun.

When boss Sun received the money, he quickly gave the noblewoman a receipt. Just as he was about to call out to Owen, a man walked into his gambling den with an unlucky look.

“Boss Sun, you’re busy. I’ll come again when you’re free! ” The man said.

“Stop! Boss Yang, when are you going to pay me back the money you owe me? Let me tell you, you already owe me 20 million! ” Boss Sun quickly collected the debt.

“I know, I know. I came here today to discuss with you. My shop hasn’t opened recently and I haven’t earned any money. Otherwise, I will use half of the raw stones in my hand to pay off your debt! ” Boss Yang said.

“What did you say Half of the raw stones in your hand Are you kidding me That raw stone of yours hasn’t been sold for two years. It’s all the raw stones that others have picked out and no one wants. You gave me a pile of rotten stones and you want to pay off the debt of 20 million yuan Everyone, please give me an explanation. Is there anyone as deceitful as boss Yang?

His shop hasn’t had any business for two years. He borrowed 20 million yuan from me, but he didn’t give me the money. He even wanted to use those rotten stones that were picked by others to pay off the debt of 20 million yuan!”Boss Sun said loudly.

“AIYO, there hasn’t been any business for two years. Then how bad is the raw stone that no one wants it for only two years? “

“That’s right. It must be so bad that no one wants it! “

“I know who this boss Yang is. I also heard that there’s a gambling den on the stone gambling street that has a very bad business. It hasn’t had any business for two years and is about to go bankrupt. It’s called Ju Cui Fang! “

“Ju Cui Fang! I know. This shop’s business is very bad. It has never produced good jade. Its luck is especially bad. Everyone is hiding from Ju Cui Fang for fear of being affected by this shop’s bad luck! “

Boss Yang listened to everyone’s discussion and his face turned Pale. They were all right.

“My family’s business is not good, but my raw stones are not that bad. I have already compensated boss Sun at a 50% discount! ” He quickly explained.

The original price of half of the raw stones in his hand was 40 million. Moreover, it was the input price. He compensated boss Sun at a price of 20 million. He was really at a disadvantage. In the end, boss Sun said that he wanted to take advantage of boss Sun!

“Hehe, 50% off the price. If those stones of yours were broken by gambling, not to mention 50% off, 10% off would be giving you money for nothing! ” Boss Sun said with a cold snort.

Many people nodded and agreed with boss Sun’s point. If there was no jade in the stones, then it was the stones. They were not worth a cent!

Boss Yang’s face was pale. Boss Sun said that he only wanted to dig a hole in the ground. His dignity was all trampled on by boss Sun in the mud.

“I, I only have these raw stones in my hand. I really have no money. ” He had no choice but to say.

“You can use your raw stones to pay off my debt, but it can’t be half of the raw stones in your hands. You have to give me all the raw stones in your hands! ” Boss Sun said loudly.

Boss Yang was stunned. “This, this is too much of a loss for me. The price of my batch of raw stones is already 80 million! “

“If you don’t agree, then go to the usury to repay me. Anyway, you have to repay me today! ” Boss Sun said.

The sweat on boss Yang’s forehead was forced out by boss Sun. If he went to the usury, he would be doomed. Because no one knew when his raw stones could be sold, but the interest of the usury was always interest-bearing and interest-bearing If he borrowed it, he would never be able to pay it back.

He sighed helplessly. He was really being eaten by boss Sun!

“Forget it. I’ll give you all the raw stones in my hand! We’ll call it even! ” Although he was losing now, at least he could clear the debt.

Boss Sun’s face showed joy. He finally got boss Yang’s raw stones!

“You go to boss Yang’s shop and pull the raw stones over, and then write a note for him! ” He quickly ordered. As long as he got the raw stones, he could sell them and earn a lot.

Owen heard it clearly. He would not remember wrongly at Ju Cui Fang. He immediately said, “boss Sun, does our bet still count? “

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