May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1848

Chapter 1848

Chapter 1848: Chapter 1848, Gong Mou 48

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

The corners of Owen’s lips curled up. “It’s an old product that hasn’t been sold in two years. We’re going to make a big profit this time! “

His voice wasn’t loud either. He had only said it in Lian Lian’s ear. There were surveillance cameras here, so it wouldn’t be good if boss Sun heard it.

Lian Lian looked at the youth beside her in surprise. “You said you’re going to make a big profit? How did you see it? “

“It’s definitely going to be a big profit. There will be an emperor’s green! ” Owen whispered.

Lian Lian’s eyes flashed. How could there be an emperor’s green from boss Yang’s raw stones that hadn’t been sold in two years?

Why did it sound like it was not real The key was that Owen had never seen boss Yang’s raw stones!

Boss Sun had asked his men to pull boss Yang’s raw stones, but boss Sun’s men had not returned yet How did this youth see that boss Yang’s raw stones could have an emperor’s green?

“You, you haven’t even seen the raw stones yet! ” Lian Lian said.

“I know how to calculate! ” Owen could not explain how he knew.

He knew that boss Yang’s raw stones would have an emperor’s green from his past life’s memories.

In his past life, this news in Myanmar was very big.

Because everything happened in boss Sun’s shop, boss Sun sold the raw stone to a noblewoman for 80 million yuan. As a result, the noblewoman gambled herself to death, and the noblewoman’s husband did not allow the noblewoman to gamble on the stone. After the noblewoman gambled herself to death, she was caught by her husband Her husband asked for a divorce, and she knelt down to beg her husband. In the end, her husband refused to forgive her, and she threatened to die. However, she did not expect that the real thing would come true, and she was killed.

Meanwhile, boss Sun obtained the original stone used to pay off the debt from boss Yang and obtained a top-grade imperial jade. As boss Yang could not accept this blow, he also jumped off the building and committed suicide.

Two people died in boss Sun’s shop in a day. This news quickly became the hot news on major news websites in various countries.

He accidentally saw this news on his own country’s news website. Although the news was not detailed, nor did it say why the noblewoman gambled so badly, or what the original stone had obtained, but.. It was true that boss Yang had produced a top-grade emperor green from the raw stone used to pay off his debts, so he came here with his memory, intending to buy boss Yang’s raw stone. josei

Who knew that before he went to find boss Yang, boss Yang came to boss Sun’s shop on his own and even used the raw stone to pay off his debts.

At that time, he had wanted to buy it, but in that situation, if he said to buy it, boss Sun would definitely not agree to him buying boss Yang’s raw stone. Boss Sun was a famous local snake here and often did things like buying and selling by force. If he said that he wanted to buy boss Yang’s raw stone, he was sure that boss Sun would not let him go, and would not let him buy boss Yang’s raw stone.

He could only use the method of gambling with boss Sun to get boss Yang’s raw stones.

Lian Lian was also speechless. She really had no way to question this explanation. Last time, Owen had calculated that the slot machine would give a big prize of ten million, but in the end, Owen had really hit the nail on the head. This time, Owen’s words should also be accurate, right?

“Alright, you’re awesome. Let’s hurry up and make a bet so that boss Sun can sign it. ” She made a bet. She could see that boss Sun’s character was not good, so she could not let boss Sun have the chance to go back on his word.

Thinking of the Imperial Jade, her heart was inexplicably excited. She had worn countless jewelry, but she had never played gambling with stones. She had not personally seen the valuable imperial jade come out of the stone.

She took the bet and walked in front of boss Sun. “Boss Sun, please sign it. The BET is done. “

Boss Sun’s eyebrows were knitted together. He was unwilling to sign it, but in front of so many people, he could only bite the bullet and sign it.

He picked up the pen and calculated in his heart. Boss Yang’s batch of raw stones was worth 20 million. If he lost, he would lose 20 million, but if he won, it would be 30 million. Moreover, how could he let himself lose?

The corner of his lips was suffused with a smile that was difficult for outsiders to check. He was sure to win!

Thinking of this, he took the pen and signed his name.

Owen also walked over and signed his name. The bet between the two parties was officially established.

Boss Sun’s bodyguard drove the flat-plate trailer back to boss Sun’s gambling den.

Everyone looked at the two flat-plate cars that came. The car was full of more than 30 raw stones. Some were big and some were small. The big ones were bigger than boss Sun’s biggest raw stone, and the small ones were about the size of a football.

However, the quality of these stones did not look good. It was probably because no one had looked at them for a long time. Each stone was covered with a layer of soil.

Lian Lian looked at those not-so-good raw stones and her eyebrows sank. These raw stones were really not that good Could this produce an emperor’s green?

The crowd also began to discuss.

“If there is no frame, there is no harm. In this comparison, boss Sun’s raw stones are better! “

“Yeah, no matter how you look at it, I feel that boss Sun’s raw stones can produce an emperor’s green! “

“It seems that boss Sun will definitely win! “

Boss Sun listened to everyone’s discussion and laughed brightly. “I said it right! I said that these stones are rotten stones. I let boss Yang use these stones to pay off his debts. I really pity him! In the end, I was even misunderstood by everyone that I bullied him! “

“This stone is not that good. I feel that boss Sun has suffered a loss! “

“I also feel that boss Yang’s raw stones are not worth 20 million! “

“This kind of stone, take it to cushion the foundation! It can only be said to be a stone! “

People discussed.

Boss Yang’s face was all pale. “My stone is the raw stone from the gray card field. IT WON’T BE BAD! “

The raw stones from Myanmar came from the eight fields. The best was the raw stone from the hpakant field, followed by the raw stone from the gray card field.

The Raw stone from the gray card field had a special characteristic. It was either very good or very bad. Actually, it was more exciting to play with the raw stone from the gray card field because it was either a surprise or a scare. The gambling was stronger.

“The raw stone from the gray card field? I think boss Yang bought the raw stone with the worst gray card, right? “

“No wonder boss Yang’s business has been bad. Boss Yang’s eyesight is too bad! “

“Sigh, I think boss Sun can only admit his bad luck! “

People began to sympathize with boss Sun now.

Boss Sun put on an aggrieved look. “everyone knows that I’m aggrieved, right? I’M REALLY MERCIFUL! In the end, the dog Bites Lu Dongbin and doesn’t recognize the kindness of the people. Some people even think that I took advantage of him! “

“How heartless! Boss Sun, you’re obviously helping boss Yang! “

“Boss Yang’s character is too bad! “

Boss Yang listened to everyone’s discussion and wished that he could find a hole to hide in. He had never cheated people, but in the end, he was called that!

Lian Lian walked to boss Yang’s side and lowered her voice, “when someone doesn’t respect you, what do you do? “

Boss Yang looked at Lian Lian in surprise, “I, what do I do? “

Lian Lian smiled innocently, “when someone doesn’t respect you, you have to respect him. If he still doesn’t respect you, what do you do? “

She continued.

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